Day: 6/17/2009 |
- Walking tour and welcome reception |
| Two walking tours will be organised in the afternoon. Registration will run from 1600 - 2000 on the Arts/Science Concourse and we will also have a welcome reception in the College Bar from 1930 - 2200.
Information on the walking tours can be found under PET 09 tours on the PET 09 website. |
Day: 6/18/2009 |
Thursday 18th June
0900 - 1030 |
| Development and Segregation | | |
| Natalia Zugravu : Session Chairman |
| Natacha Raffin (Paris School of Economics, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne) |
| When poor environmental health threatens economic development |
| Why is there segregation within the french social housing complex?
some non-monetary spatial sorting mechanisms |
| Natalia Zugravu (Centre d''Economie de la Sorbonne) |
| Trade and sustainable development: should "transition countries" open their markets to environmental goods? |
| Experiments with sequential public good games | | |
| Marc Willinger : Session Chairman |
| Amrish Patel (University of Kent) |
| Edward Cartwright (University of Kent) |
| Mark van Vugt (University of Kent) |
| Free-rider anonymity in a sequential public good game |
| Fernanda Rivas (University of Granada) |
| The dos and don''ts of leadership in sequential public goods experiments |
| Charles Figuières (LAMETA, INRA) |
| David Masclet (CREM, Faculté de Sciences Economiques) |
| Marc Willinger (LAMETA, University of Montpellier) |
| Leadership, reciprocity and moral motivation :
experimental evidence from a sequential
public good game
| Political Economy of Public Pensions | | |
| vincenzo galasso : Session Chairman |
| Georges Casamatta (Toulouse School of Economics) |
| Voting on parametric reforms of the pay-as-you-go pension system |
| Michael Kaganovich (Indiana University) |
| Volker Meier (Ifo Institute for Economic Research) |
| Social security systems, human capital, and growth in a small open economy
| vincenzo galasso (IGIER, Universit Bocconi and CEPR) |
| Marcello D'Amato (Università di Salerno, csef) |
| Political intergenerational risk sharing |
| Coalition and Network Theory | | |
| Vincent Vannetelbosch : Session Chairman |
| Ana Mauleon (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain) |
| Jose J Sempere-Monerris (Department of Economic Analysis and ERI-CES, University of Valencia) |
| Vincent J Vannetelbosch (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain) |
| Contractually stable coalition structures with externalities |
| Jean François Caulier (FUSL) |
| Network games associated with value functions |
| Vincent Vannetelbosch (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain) |
| Gilles Grandjean (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain) |
| Ana Mauleon (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain) |
| Connections among farsighted agents |
| Alain Trannoy : Session Chairman |
| Dirk Van de gaer (SHERPPA, Ghent University) |
| A comparison of optimal tax policies when compensation and responsibility matter |
| Bruno Van der Linden (IRES, Université Catholique de Louvain) |
| Optimal income taxation with endogenous participation and
search unemployment |
| Dominique Henriet (Ecole Centrale Marseille and GREQAM-IDEP) |
| Patrick Pintus (Université de la Méditerranée and GREQAM-IDEP) |
| Alain Trannoy (EHESS and GREQAM-IDEP) |
| Is the optimal tax linear with income risk? |
| Anne Villamil : Session Chairman |
| Daniela Puzzello (University of Illinois) |
| Ricardo de O. Cavalcanti (Fundacao Getulio Vargas) |
| Stationarity without degeneracy in a model of commodity money |
| Volodymyr Lugovskyy (Department of Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) |
| Daniela Puzzello (Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) |
| Steven Tucker (Department of Economics, University of Canterbury, NZ) |
| An experimental study of bubble formation in asset markets using the tâtonnement pricing mechanism |
| Anne Villamil (University of Manchester and University of Illinois) |
| Marcelo Arbex (University of Windsor) |
| The friedman rule with tax enforcement |
| A Macro Evidence of Sporting Culture |
| Benedicte Rouland (University of Le Mans (GAINS-TEPP)) |
| Arnaud Cheron (Univerity of Le Mans (GAINS-TEPP), EDHEC) |
| Inefficient equilibrium unemployment
with unobservable heterogeneity of workers |
| Franck MALHERBET (THEMA - Université de Cergy-Pontoise) |
| Olivier Charlot (LEAD - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane) |
| Education, job destruction and the welfare gains from employment
protection in search economies |
| Ernesto Savaglio (DMQTE- University of Pescara and DEP - University of Siena) |
| stefano vannucci (university of siena) |
| On multidimensional inequality in partitions of multisets |
| Stephane Zuber (CORE - Universite Catholique de Louvain) |
| Antoine Bommier (Toulouse School of Economics (CNRS, GREMAQ)) |
| The pareto principle of optimal inequality |
| Christoffer Sonne-Schmidt (University of Copenhagen) |
| Finn Tarp (University of Copenhagen) |
| Lars Peter Østerdal (University of Copenhagen) |
| Ordinal comparison of multidimensional deprivation: theory and application |
| Amrita Dhillon : Session Chairman |
| Sumudu Kankanamge (Paris School of Economics) |
| Thomas Weitzenblum (Université de Franche-Comté, CRESE, PSE, CEPREMAP) |
| Countercyclical aspects of public debt |
| Xin Long (University of Rome "Tor Vergata") |
| Alessandra Pelloni (University of Rome "Tor Vergata") |
| Robert Waldmann (University of Rome "Tor Vergata") |
| Capital income taxation and welfare in a growth model |
| Amrita Dhillon (University of Warwick) |
| Leader reputation and default in sovereign debt |
1100 - 1230 |
| Contests and Appropriation | | |
| Mordechai Elazar Schwarz : Session Chairman |
| RICHARD CORNES (ANU and University of Nottingham) |
| ROGER HARTLEY (University of Manchester) |
| YUJI TAMURA (Australian National University) |
| Production and appropriation with many players |
| Subhadip Chakrabarti (Queens University, Belfast) |
| Robert Gilles (Queen''s University Management School) |
| Emiliya Lazarova (Queen''s University Management School) |
| Partial cooperation in symmetric games |
| Mordechai Elazar Schwarz (The Open University of Israel) |
| If you can''t beat them – join them. a cooperative game theoretical approach to rent seeking contests |
| Education Finance Across the Stages of Schooling | | |
| Itzhak Zilcha : Session Chairman |
| William Blankenau (Kansas State Univ. & Univ. Carlos III de Madrid) |
| Casey Abington (Kansas State University) |
| Government education expenditures in early and late childhood |
| Ioana C Schiopu (Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC)) |
| Directed technology adoption and human capital formation in developing economies |
| Itzhak Zilcha (Tel Aviv University) |
| Bernhard Eckwert (Bielefeld University) |
| Improvement in information and private investment in education |
| Jennifer F. Reinganum : Session Chairman |
| Lewis A. Kornhauser (New York University School of Law) |
| Charles M. Cameron (Princeton University) |
| Modeling collegial courts (3): judicial objectives, opinion content, voting and adjudication equilibria |
| Claude Fluet (Université du Québec à Montréal) |
| Bruno Deffains (Université Paris X-Nanterre) |
| Legal liability when injurers have moral and reputational concerns |
| Andrew Daughety (Department of Economics, Vanderbilt University) |
| Jennifer Reinganum (Vanderbilt University) |
| Privacy, publicity, and choice |
| Oya Pinar Ardic (Bogazici University) |
| Pollution, abatement, and sustainable growth: a schumpeterian approach |
| C. Emre Alper (Bogazici University) |
| Oya Pinar Ardic (Bogazici University) |
| Refik Erzan (Bogazici University) |
| Ozan Hatipoglu (Bogazici University) |
| Environmental concerns structural change and economic growth |
| Begum Ozkaynak (Bogazici University) |
| Fikret Adaman (Bogazici University) |
| Unal Zenginobuz (Bogazici University) |
| The environmental impact of household consumption: evidence from turkey |
| Network Dynamics and Incomplete Information | | |
| Frank Page : Session Chairman |
| Sharing information in web communities |
| Jacomo Corbo (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania) |
| The effects of quality and price on adoption dynamics of competing technologies |
| Frank Page (Indiana University) |
| Myrna Wooders (Vanderbilt University) |
| Endogenous network dynamics |
| Tuvana Pastine : Session Chairman |
| Allard van der Made (University of Groningen) |
| Endogenous group formation and lobbying |
| Christopher Cotton (University of Miami) |
| Should we tax or cap political contributions? a lobbying model with policy favors and access |
| Ivan Pastine (University College Dublin) |
| Tuvana Pastine (National University of Ireland Maynooth) |
| Politician preferences, law-abiding lobbyists and caps on political lobbying |
| Concepcion Larrea (UPV_EHU) |
| Deriving nash equilibria as the supercore for a relational system |
| Vasil'ev Valery (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch) |
| Rene van den Brink (Department of Econometrics and Tinbergen Institute, Free University Amsterdam) |
| Gerard van der Laan (Department of Econometrics and Tinbergen Institute, Free University Amsterdam) |
| The restricted core for totally positive games with ordered players |
| Hanjoon M Jung (Lahore University of Management Sciences) |
| Complete Sequential Equilibrium and Its Alternative |
| Institutions and Sustainability | | |
| Noël Bonneuil (Ined-Ehess) |
| Sustainability at stake in the pension fund |
| Fabien Ngendakuriyo (Catholic University of Louvain) |
| Institutions quality and growth |
| Promoting clean technologies under imperfect competition |
| Social Security and Discrimination | | |
| Morgane LAOUENAN : Session Chairman |
| Devis Geron (Department of Economics - University of Padova) |
| Social security incidence under uncertainty - assessing italian reforms |
| Yosr Abid Fourati (NUI Galway) |
| Cathal O'Donoghue (Rural Economy Research Centre) |
| Aggregating individuals'' preferences for reforming the irish state pension system using a median voter model |
| What keeps the blacks from being handymen? an investigation using french and us data |
| Youngsub Chun : Session Chairman |
| Vincent R Merlin (CNRS and University of Caen) |
| Laurent Vidu (Universite de Caen) |
| Jean-Louis Rouet (Universite d''Oreleans) |
| Dominique Lepelley (CERESUR, University of la Reunion) |
| Majority efficient representation of the citizens in a federal union |
| Bernardo Moreno (Universidad de Malaga) |
| Individual versus group strategy-proofness. when do they coincide? |
| Youngsub Chun (Seoul National University) |
| Rene van den Brink (Department of Econometrics and Tinbergen Institute, Free University Amsterdam) |
| Balanced contributions, balanced cost reduction, and the minimal transfer rule for queueing problems |
1345 - 1515 |
| Marie Louise Leroux (FNRS-FRS and CORE) |
| Pierre Pestieau (Université de Liège, CREPP, CORE, PSE, CEPR) |
| Maria Racionero (School of Economics, Australian National University) |
| Voting on pensions: sex and marriage. |
| Silvia Platoni (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) |
| Dynamic incentives and private savings: a comparison |
| Helmuth Cremer (Toulouse School of Economics) |
| Firouz Gahvari (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) |
| Pierre Pestieay (University of Liege and CORE) |
| Fertility, human capital accumulation, and the pension system |
| Joerg Franke : Session Chairman |
| Ana Paula Martins (UNiversidade Católica Portuguesa) |
| Calls and couples: communication, connections, joint – consumption and transfer prices |
| Luca Paolo Merlino Mr. (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) |
| Andrea Galeotti (University of Essex) |
| Endogenous job contact networks |
| Jörg Franke (TU Dortmund) |
| Tahir Öztürk (U. Autònoma de Barcelona) |
| Issues in Environmental Economics | | |
| Paul O'Sullivan : Session Chairman |
| Carmen Arguedas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) |
| Sandra Rousseau (Center of Economic Studies, K.U. Leuven) |
| Learning about compliance under asymmetric information |
| Eftichios S Sartzetakis (University of Macedonia) |
| Anastasios Xepapadeas (Athens University of Economics and Business) |
| Emmanuel Petrakis (University of Crete) |
| The role of information provision as a policy instrument to supplement environmental taxes: empowering consumers to choose optimally |
| Paul O'Sullivan (National University of Ireland, Maynooth) |
| Process r&d and pollution abatement innovation: subsidies or joint ventures? |
| Maija Halonen-Akatwijuka Dr: Session Chairman |
| Selim Jürgen Ergun (Universidad de Granada) |
| Income redistribution and public good provision in a diverse society |
| Pierre Boyer (Toulouse School of Economics) |
| Government organization and public goods provision |
| Maija Halonen-Akatwijuka Dr (University of Bristol) |
| Evagelos Pafilis (University of Bristol) |
| Reputation and ownership of public goods |
| Julien Albertini : Session Chairman |
| Florent Fremigacci (CREST, EPEE) |
| Xavier Fairise (EPEE, University of Evry) |
| Julien Albertini (EPEE, University of Evry) |
| Screening on the job: should temporary jobs be subsidized? |
| Magali Recoules (Paris School of Economics and University of Paris 1) |
| How can gender discrimination explain fertility behaviors and family-friendly policies ? |
| Julien Albertini (EPEE, University of Evry) |
| Xavier Fairise (EPEE, University of Evry) |
| Optimal unemployment benefits financing scheme, search frictions and real wage rigidities |
| Paulo Monteiro : Session Chairman |
| Kosmas Marinakis (Wake Forest University) |
| Theofanis Tsoulouhas (North Carolina State University) |
| Tournaments and liquidity constraints for the agents |
| Jan Heufer (TU Dortmund University and Ruhr Graduate School in Economics) |
| Stochastic revealed preference and rationalizability |
| Paulo K. Monteiro (EPGE, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil) |
| A class of convex preferences without concave representation |
| Richard Cornes (Australian National University) |
| Emilson C. D. Silva (Georgia Institute of Technology) |
| Emiliya Lazarova (Queen''s University Belfast) |
| Dinko Dimitrov (Munich University) |
| Myrna Wooders (Vanderbilt University) |
| Tone Arnold (University of Hohenheim) |
| Dynamic club formation with coalitional deviations |
| Bertrand Wigniolle : Session Chairman |
| Gunes Kamber (PSE, University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne) |
| Stephen Millard (Bank of England) |
| Understanding the monetary transmission mechanism in the united kingdom: the role of nominal and real rigidities |
| Masako Ikefuji (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei) |
| Kazuo Mino (Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University) |
| Internal vs. external habit formation in a growing economy with overlapping generations |
| Claire Loupias (EPEE Université d''Evry) |
| Bertrand Wigniolle (CES University of Paris I) |
| Population, land and growth |
| Behavioral Economics and Welfare | | |
| michael Pickhardt. : Session Chairman |
| Panu Poutvaara (University of Helsinki) |
| Martin Junge (CEBR, Copenhagen Business School) |
| Self-selection and earnings of emigrants from a welfare state |
| A Macro Evidence of Sporting Culture |
| Gerd Meinhold (University of Chemnitz) |
| Michael Pickhardt (University of Muenster) |
| Road pricing and access burden avoidance:
evidence from an experiment with braess''''s paradox
1530 - 1700 |
| Welfare Aspects of International Trade and Investment | | |
| Ngo Van long : Session Chairman |
| Ngo Long (McGill University) |
| Frank Staehler (University of Otago) |
| Should the good and the selfish be taxed differently? |
| Ngo Van Long (McGill University) |
| Antoine Soubeyran (GREQAM, Université de la Méditerranée) |
| Raphaël Soubeyran (INRA-MOISA) |
| The pace of technology transfer in anticipation of joint venture breakup |
| Olaf Muenster (University of Passau) |
| Does economic integration eliminate a government''s ability of independent income redistribution? |
| Markets with restricted participation | | |
| Jean-Marc Bonnisseau : Session Chairman |
| Zaier AOUANI (University of Kansas) |
| Bernard CORNET (Paris School of Economics and University of Kansas) |
| Existence of financial equilibria with restricted participation |
| andrea loi (university of cagliari) |
| stefano matta (university of cagliari) |
| A note on the structural stability of the equilibrium manifold |
| Jean-Marc BONNISSEAU (Paris School of Economics and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) |
| Orntangar NGUENAMADJI (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) |
| Discrete walrasian exchange process |
| Allocation and Social Conflict | | |
| James Jordan : Session Chairman |
| James Jordan (The Pennsylvania State University) |
| The legitimacy of nations |
| Colin Rowat (University of Birmingham) |
| An exchange economy with pillage |
| Massimo Morelli (Columbia University) |
| Dominic Rohner (University of York) |
| Natural resource distribution and multiple forms of civil war |
| Francesco Sobbrio : Session Chairman |
| Tommaso Gabrieli (City University London and Catholic University Milan) |
| Different societal beliefs and redistributive policies: the trade-off effect of information |
| Jan Klingelhöfer (Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University) |
| The swing voter and electoral competition |
| Francesco Sobbrio (IMT Lucca) |
| A citizens-editors model of news media |
| Andrea Finicelli : Session Chairman |
| Megan M Khoshyaran (ETC Economics Traffic Clinic) |
| The coming of age of capitalism |
| Stefano Galavotti (Department of Decision Mathematics, University of Florence) |
| Nozomu Muto (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University) |
| Daisuke Oyama (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University, and Paris School of Economics) |
| On efficient partnership dissolution under ex post individual rationality |
| Andrea Finicelli (Bank of Italy) |
| Endogenous information and credibility of beliefs in a global coordination game of regime switch |
| Sina Risse : Session Chairman |
| Stefan Dodds (Carleton University) |
| Redistributive taxation with heterogenous relative consumption concerns |
| Munetomo Ando (Advanced Research Institute for the Sciences and Humanities, Nihon University) |
| The benefit of low expectations |
| Sina Risse (Technische Universität Dortmund) |
| Rent-seeking contests of heterogeneous players
with interdependent preferences |
| Karen Pittel : Session Chairman |
| cécile bazart (LAMETA Université montpellier 1) |
| marc willinger (lameta Université Montpellier) |
| Tax evasion: presumpton of guilt presumption of innocence |
| Martin Gregor (Charles University in Prague) |
| Lenka Stastna (Charles University in Prague) |
| Mobile criminals, immobile crime: the efficiency of decentralized crime deterrence |
| Karen Pittel (ETH Zurich) |
| Dirk T.G. Rübbelke (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo (CICERO)) |
| Decision processes of a suicide bomber - integrating economics and psychology |
| mathieu martin : Session Chairman |
| Valentino Larcinese (London School of Economics and Political Science) |
| Leonzio Rizzo (University of Ferrara) |
| Cecilia Testa (Royal Holloway College) |
| Do small states get more federal monies? myth and reality about the
us senate malapportionment |
| Stephane Rossignol (Universite de Versailles) |
| Fabian Gouret (University Paris Est) |
| Guillaume Hollard (Paris School of Economics) |
| An empirical analysis of valence in electoral competition |
| mathieu martin (THEMA University of Cergy Pontoise) |
| fabrice barthelemy (THEMA University of cergy pontoise) |
| Ashley Piggins (National University of Ireland, Galway) |
| U.s. presidential elections and the referendum paradox |
| Massimo D'Antoni (Dipartimento di Economia Politica, Università di Siena) |
| Ennio Bilancini (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia) |
| Pensions and intergenerational risk-sharing when relative consumption matters |
| Cagri Kumru (University of New South Wales) |
| Chung Tran (University of New South Wales) |
| Temptation and social security in dynastic framework |
| Joachim Thøgersen (University of Agder) |
| Human capital, public pensions and endogenous growth |
| Environmental Economics 1 | | |
| Ian MacKenzie : Session Chairman |
| Mouez FODHA (University of Paris 1, CES and PSE) |
| Alain AYONG LE KAMA (University of Lille 1) |
| Optimal nuclear waste burial policy under uncertainty |
| NGUYEN Huong Hue (Inra Aliss) |
| Food safety and nutritional quality – the public intervention |
| Nick Hanley (University of Stirling) |
| Ian MacKenzie (ETH Zurich) |
| How should regulators respond to rent-seeking over tradable pollution permits? |
1715 - 1800 |
| Plenary Session 1 | | O"Flaherty Lecture Theatre |
| Hubert Kempf (Paris School of Economics, Universite Paris-1) |
| Bargaining over public goods provision |
Day: 6/19/2009 |
Friday 19th June
0900 - 1030 |
| Income Inequality and Redistribution | | |
| Filippo Gregorini (Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca) |
| Political geography and income inequalities |
| Tim Lohse (Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB)) |
| Peter F. Lutz (Leibniz University Hannover) |
| Redistributional consequences of early
childhood intervention |
| Tommaso Gabrieli (City University London and Catholic University Milan) |
| Inequality, intergenerational mobility and redistributive policies under endogenous information |
| Dennis Mueller : Session Chairman |
| Mario Ferrero (University of Eastern Piedmont) |
| The rise and fall of theocracy: theory and some evidence |
| Vani K Borooah Professor (University of Ulster) |
| Sriya Iyer (University of Cambridge) |
| Religion, literacy, contraceptive usage, and the female-to-male ratio in india |
| Dennis C. Mueller (University of Vienna) |
| Democracy, rationality and morality |
| Matching (schools and science) | | |
| Patrick Legros : Session Chairman |
| Antonio Miralles (Boston University) |
| School choice: the case for the boston mechanism |
| Andrea Canidio (Boston Univerity) |
| Absorptive capacity and the production of science. |
| Patrick Legros (Free University of Brussels) |
| Thomas Gall (university of Bonn and Boston University) |
| Andrew Newman (Boston University) |
| Mismatch, rematch, and investment |
| rabah amir : Session Chairman |
| Rabah Amir (University of Arizona) |
| Christine Halmenschlager (Ermes, University of Paris II, Paris) |
| R&d-induced industry polarization and shakeouts |
| GREGOIRE ROTA GRAZIOSI (CERDI, Université d''Auvergne.) |
| Tax competition revisited: an endogenous timing game. |
| Rabah Amir (University of Arizona) |
| Malgorzata Knauff (Warsaw School of Economics) |
| Strategic complementarities and substitutes in r&d duopoly |
| Jaime Luque (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) |
| Where to live? wages, community composition and public goods |
| Marta Faias (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) |
| Alberto Pinto (Universidade do Minho) |
| Juan Brida (Free University of Bolzano) |
| Maria Defesa (Universidad de Alcal) |
| Equilibrium in a tourism model with different
types |
| Munirul Nabin Nabin Dr (Deakin Business School, Deakin University) |
| Pasquale Sgro (Deakin Business School, Deakin University) |
| Illegal migration, technology adoption and welfare analysis |
| Jacomo Corbo : Session Chairman |
| Domenico Delli Gatti (Università Cattolica) |
| Mauro Gallegati (Università Politecnica delle Marche) |
| Bruce Greenwald (Columbia University) |
| Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University) |
| Alberto Russo (Università Politecnica delle Marche) |
| Financially constrained fluctuations in an evolving network economy |
| Ruggiero Cavallo (University of Pennsylvania) |
| Jacomo Corbo (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania) |
| Minimizing the probability of individual rationality or budget-balance violations in efficient mechanisms |
| Gara M Afonso (Federal Reserve Bank of New York) |
| Hyun Song Shin (Princeton University) |
| Systemic risk and liquidity in payment systems |
| Giovanni Prarolo : Session Chairman |
| Julia Cage (Harvard University) |
| Asymmetric information, rent extraction and aid efficiency |
| Mathias Hungerbühler (University of Namur) |
| Gani Aldashev (University of Namur) |
| Credit markets and employment protection: towards a new political economy of labor market reform |
| Giorgio Bellettini (University of Bologna, CESIfo) |
| Carlotta Berti Ceroni (University of Bologna) |
| Giovanni Prarolo (University of Bologna) |
| Political persistence, connections and economic growth |
| Craig Brett : Session Chairman |
| Spencer Bastani (Department of Economics, Uppsala University) |
| Sören Blomquist (Department of Economics, Uppsala University) |
| Luca Micheletto (Faculty of Law, University of Milan) |
| Public provision of private goods in a nonlinear income taxation
model with heterogeneity in needs |
| Alan Krause (University of York) |
| Optimal nonlinear income taxation with learning-by-doing |
| Craig Brett (Department of Economics, Mount Allison University) |
| John Weymark (Vanderbilt University) |
| Comparative statics of optimal nonlinear income taxation in the presence of a publicly provided input |
| Mark R. Johnson : Session Chairman |
| Michael Peters Peters (UBC) |
| Equilibrium rejection of a mechanism |
| Gizatulina Alia (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods) |
| Hellwig Martin (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods) |
| Details behind belief hierarchies matter |
| Mark R Johnson (A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University) |
| A multidimensional, incentive-compatible mechanism for contract specification and award |
| Victor Hiller : Session Chairman |
| Atsue Mizushima (Kyoto University) |
| Kouki Sugawara (Osaka University) |
| Koichi Futagami (Osaka University) |
| Perverse effects of a ban on child labour in an overlapping generations model |
| Thomas Baudin (Paris School of Economics - University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) |
| A role for cultural transmission in fertility transitions |
| Victor Hiller (University of Paris I - Paris School of Economics) |
| Gender inequality, endogenous cultural norms and economic development |
1100 - 1230 |
| Industrial Organization 1 | | |
| Robert Driskill : Session Chairman |
| Carmen Beviá (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) |
| Luis C. Corchon (Universidad Carlos III) |
| Oligopolistic equilibrium and bankruptcy |
| Wouter Vergote (CEREC, FUSL and CORE, UCL) |
| Marco Marinucci (CoRE-Université Catholique de Louvain) |
| Endogenous network formation and optimal efforts in an r&d race |
| Robert Driskill (Vanderbilt University) |
| Monopoly and oligopoly supply of a good with dynamic network externalities. |
| Wolfgang Leininger : Session Chairman |
| Sergey Kuniavsky (Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel) |
| Rann Smorodinsky (Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel) |
| Equilibrium and potential in coalitional congestion games - extended abstract |
| Dritan Osmani (PhD student, Msc. Dritan Osmani, Max Planck Research School on Earth System Mode) |
| Evolution in time of farsightedly stable coalitions |
| Wolfgang Leininger (Dortmund University (TU)) |
| Evolutionarily stable preferences in contests |
| Tax Competition and Decentralization | | |
| Ronald B. Davies : Session Chairman |
| Pascale Duran-Vigneron (University of Paris 10 - Nanterre) |
| When transparency goes against efficiency: fiscal equalization in a context of firm and household mobility
| Takero Doi (Keio University) |
| Toshihiro Ihori (University of Tokyo) |
| Fiscal decentralization and intergovernmental debt management |
| Ron Davies (University College Dublin) |
| Tax competition in an expanding european union |
| Rowena Pecchenino : Session Chairman |
| Rowena Pecchenino (NUI Maynooth) |
| Defining and redefining self |
| Miriam Teschl (Robinson College, University of Cambridge) |
| Ritxar Arlegi (Public University of Navarre) |
| Identity and consistent preference change |
| Fabio Mariani (Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) |
| The economic value of virtue |
| Marcus Berliant : Session Chairman |
| Liqun Liu (Texas A&M University) |
| William Neilson (University of Tennessee) |
| High scores but low skills |
| Ivan Pastine (University College Dublin) |
| Tuvana Pastine (National University of Ireland Maynooth) |
| Student incentives and student diversity in college admissions |
| Alex Anas (University of California - Riverside) |
| Marcus Berliant (Washington University in St. Louis) |
| Helmuth Cremer : Session Chairman |
| Brent R Hickman (University of Iowa Department of Economics) |
| Effort, achievement gaps and affirmative action: a new look at college admissions |
| Thomas Lange (University of Konstanz and ifo Institute Munich) |
| Return migration of foreign students and the choice of non-resident tuition fees |
| Helmuth Cremer (Toulouse School of Economics) |
| Philippe De Donder (University of Toulouse) |
| Pierre Pestieau (CREPP Université de Liège, CORE) |
| Education and social mobility |
| International Economics 1 | | |
| Niels Johannesen (University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics) |
| Optimal fiscal barriers to international economic integration in the presence of tax havens |
| Julia Cage (Harvard University) |
| Laurent Simula (National University of Singapore) |
| Using multidimensional poverty measures to allocate aid optimally |
| Lingling Zhang (University of Rhode Island) |
| A model of endogenous trading-bloc formation |
| Fabienne Llense : Session Chairman |
| Annalisa Luporini (University of Florence) |
| Paolo Balduzzi (Catholic University of Milan) |
| Clara Graziano (University of Udine) |
| A model of voting in boards of directors |
| Christophe Bravard (CRUESET, Jean Monnet University) |
| Pascal Billand (CRUESET, Jean Monnet University) |
| Subhadip Chakrabarti (Queens University, Belfast) |
| Sudipta Sarangi (Louisiana State University) |
| Fabienne Llense (University of Paris 1 (CES) and Ecole Polytechnique) |
| Incidence of fiscal and legal environment on golden parachutes provision and ceos'' turnover. |
| Richard McLean : Session Chairman |
| Szilvia Papai (Concordia University) |
| Uniquely core stable coalition structures |
| Anne van den Nouweland (University of Oregon) |
| An axiomatization of the euclidean compromise solution |
| Axiomatic foundations for compromise theory |
1345 - 1515 |
| Leonor Modesto : Session Chairman |
| Stefano Bosi (EQUIPPE, University of Lille 1) |
| Ragot Lionel (EQUIPPE, University of Lille 1) |
| Time, bifurcations and economic applications |
| Teresa Lloyd-Braga (FCEE-Universidade Católica Portuguesa) |
| Social security benefits of workers and indeterminacy |
| Leonor Modesto (FCEE-Universidade Católica Portuguesa) |
| Frederic Dufourt (University of Strasbourg) |
| Teresa Lloyd-Braga (FCEE-Universidade Católica Portuguesa) |
| Expected inflation, sunspots equilibria and persistent unemployment fluctuations |
| Matching (sorting talents) | | |
| Patrick Legros : Session Chairman |
| Chris Bidner (University of New South Wales) |
| Pre-match investments with search and imperfectly transferable utility |
| Thomas Gall (University of Bonn and Boston University) |
| Jan Eeckhout (UPF Barcelona and UPenn) |
| Diverse organizations and the competition for talent |
| Political Economy and Law | | |
| Fabio Fiorillo (Department of Economics, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona) |
| Local government: a model on interests representation and accountability |
| Brian C. Rowe (University of Michigan) |
| Discretion and ulterior motives in traffic stops: the detection of other crimes and the revenue from tickets |
| Pinghan Liang (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) |
| Exit and voice: an economic theory of consumer complaint management |
| Alexander Karaivanov : Session Chairman |
| Julio Dávila (CORE, U. cath. de Louvain - Paris School of Economics, CNRS) |
| The taxation of saving returns in overlapping generations economies with stochastic asset bubbles
| Alessandra Casarico (Bocconi University) |
| Alessandro Sommacal (University of Verona) |
| Labor income taxation, human capital and growth: the role of child
care |
| Alexander Karaivanov (Simon Fraser University) |
| Fernando Martin (Simon Fraser University) |
| Dynamic optimal insurance and lack of commitment |
| John P. Conley : Session Chairman |
| Jonathan Rosborough (University of Western Ontario) |
| A theory of congregational giving |
| Al Slivinski (University of Western Ontario) |
| Models of charitable donations with private
information |
| John P. Conley (Vanderbilt University) |
| Fan-chin Kung (City University of Hong Kong) |
| Private benefits, warm glow and reputation in the free and open source software production model
| Joosung Lee : Session Chairman |
| Georgios Katsenos (Leibniz Universität Hannover) |
| Long-term conflict: how to signal a winner? |
| Joosung Lee (Seoul National University) |
| Youngsub Chun (Seoul National University) |
| Sequential contributions rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems |
| Brijesh Pinto (University of Southern California) |
| Strongly stable matchings with cyclic preferences |
| Marie-Pierre Dargnies : Session Chairman |
| Camille Cornand (CNRS - BETA) |
| Measuring agents'' overreaction to public information in games with strategic complementarities
| Miguel Sánchez Villalba (University of Alicante) |
| Tax evasion as a global game (tegg) in the laboratory |
| Marie-Pierre Dargnies (Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1) |
| Does team competition eliminate the gender
gap in entry in competitive environments? |
| Gerald Pech : Session Chairman |
| Florian Buck (Center for Economic Studies, Schackstr. 4, 80539 Munich) |
| Darko Jus (Center for Economic Studies, Schackstr. 4, 80539 Munich) |
| Liability regimes, competition and the subprime crisis |
| David Bartolini (Polytechnic University of Marche) |
| Separation of regulatory powers when contracts are incomplete |
| Gerald Pech (American University in Bulgaria) |
| Bernhard Neumaerker (University of Freiburg i.Br.) |
| Penalties in the theory of equilibrium tax evasion: solving king john''s problem |
1530 - 1700 |
| Hongyan Yang (Universität Konstanz) |
| Bas Jacobs (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Tinbergen Institute, and CESifo) |
| Optimal second-best income taxation with borrowing constraints |
| A Macro Evidence of Sporting Culture |
| Catarina Reis (Universidade Catolica Poruguesa) |
| Social discounting and incentive compatible fiscal policy |
| Hideo Konishi : Session Chairman |
| Nicolas Querou (Queen''s University Belfast) |
| Joint contributions for multiple public goods and endogenous decision rights |
| Rongili Biswas (POLIS, university of Eastern Piedmont) |
| Nicolas Gravel (Université de la Méditerranée, IDEP-GREQAM) |
| Rémy Oddou (University of the Mediterranean, IDEP-GREQAM) |
| The segregative properties of endogenous jurisdictions formation with a welfarist central government |
| Hideo Konishi (Boston College) |
| Market for clubs with congestible facilities: nonlinear-pricing equilibria with entreprenerial managers |
| Topics in Economic Theory 1 | | |
| Jean-pierre Drugeon : Session Chairman |
| Yunfang Hu (Tohoku University) |
| Kazuo Mino (Osaka University) |
| Financial integration and aggregate stability |
| Thai Ha Huy (PhD Student) |
| Cones and conditions for existence of equilibrium in economies with short selling. |
| Jean-Pierre Drugeon (Centre d''''Economie de la Sorbonne / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) |
| On "sectoral supply functions" and some other dimensions of the roles for consumptions and leisure arbitrages in the stability properties of a competitive equilibrium with heterogeneous goods. |
| Political Economy of Education Funding | | |
| Gerhard Glomm : Session Chairman |
| Dan Anderberg (Royal Holloway University of London) |
| Post-compulsory education: participation and politics |
| Michele Bernasconi (Università di Venezia) |
| Paola Profeta (Università Bocconi) |
| Public education and redistribution when talents are mismatched |
| Peter Bearse (University of North Carolina-Greensboro) |
| Buly Cardak (La Trobe University) |
| Gerhard Glomm (Indiana University) |
| B. Ravikumar (University of Iowa) |
| Majority voting and means tested vouchers |
| Emmanuel Thibault (Toulouse School of Economics) |
| Arianna Degan (UQAM, Montreal.) |
| Dynastic accumulation of wealth. |
| Buly Cardak Dr (La Trobe University) |
| Chris Ryan (RSSS, Australian National University) |
| Vance Martin (University of Melbourne) |
| Ability and intergenerational earnings mobility |
| Luciano Fanti (University of Pisa) |
| Luca Gori (University of Pisa) |
| PAYG pensions and economic cycles |
| Conchita D'ambrosio : Session Chairman |
| Alessandra MICHELANGELI (University of Milan-Bicocca) |
| Eugenio PELUSO (University of Verona) |
| Alain TRANNOY (EHESS Greqam Idep) |
| Indirect robust inference on poverty and wealth |
| Gardes François (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) |
| Measuring persistent poverty |
| Conchita D'Ambrosio (Universita'''' di Milano-Bicocca and DIW Berlin) |
| Walter Bossert (University of Montreal) |
| Measuring economic insecurity |
| Welfare Analysis and Labor | | |
| Yusuke Kinai : Session Chairman |
| Radhika Lahiri (Queensland University of Technology) |
| Elizabeth Richardson (Queensland University of Technology) |
| Inequality, health, and endogenous time preference: a political economy perspective |
| Manachaya Uruyos (Chulalongkorn University) |
| Parichamon Chaiyawat (Export Import Bank of Thailand) |
| Could government intervention decrease shirking side effects? |
| Yusuke Kinai (Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University) |
| Social security and the retirement decision: revisited |
| Mark Phoon : Session Chairman |
| Vilen Lipatov (Hannover University) |
| Corporate tax evasion: the case for specialists |
| Alain Trannoy (EHESS, GREQAM-IDEP, Marseille) |
| Gwenola Trotin (GREQAM-IDEP, Marseille) |
| Do high tax and tax evasion go along? |
| Radhika Lahiri (Queensland University of Technology) |
| Mark Phoon (Queensland University of Technology) |
| On inequality, tax evasion and progressive taxes |
| Mary Silles : Session Chairman |
| Clémence Berson (Centre Economie de la Sorbonne - Université Paris1) |
| Is there more discrimination in the public sector than in the private sector ?
the case of second generation migrants in france |
| Mathieu Goudard (GREQAM, Aix-Marseille Universités) |
| Jean François Giret (IREDU - Céreq, université de Bourgogne) |
| Schooling effects and earnings of french university graduates : school quality matters, but choice of disciplines matters more
| Mary Silles (Department of Economics, NUI Galway) |
| The causal effect of education on health:
evidence from the united kingdom
1715 - 1800 |
| Ehud Kalai (Northwestern University) |
| Adam Tauman Kalai (Microsoft Research) |
| Bargaining in Strategic Games with Private Information |
Day: 6/20/2009 |
Saturday 20th June
0900 - 1030 |
| Luigi Siciliani Dr (Department of Economics) |
| Michael Kuhn Dr (Vienna Institute of Demography) |
| Upcoding and optimal auditing in health care |
| Gregory Ponthiere (ENS - PSE) |
| Marie-Louise Leroux (CORE) |
| Utilitarianism and differential longevity: a remedy? |
| Jean Mercier Ythier (Université de Metz) |
| Bruno Deffains (Université de Paris Ouest) |
| Optimal production of transplant care services |
| Rajiv Sethi : Session Chairman |
| Johannes Horner (Yale University) |
| Massimo Morelli (Columbia University) |
| Francesco Squintani (University of Essex) |
| International peace mediation |
| Rajiv Sethi (Barnard College, Columbia University) |
| Tanja C. Greiner (University of Munich) |
| Bad news is better - how media coverage distorts policy decisions |
| Taxation and Macroeconomics | | |
| Stephen J Turnovsky : Session Chairman |
| Volker Meier (Ifo Institute, University of Munich) |
| Matthias Wrede (Philipps-Universität Marburg) |
| Reducing the excess burden of subsidizing the stork: joint taxation,
individual taxation, and family tax splitting |
| Serpil Tekin (University of Washington) |
| Stephen J Turnovsky (University of Washington) |
| The distributional consequences of foreign transfers: Do they reduce or exacerbate inequality |
| Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa (Greqam) |
| Stephen Turnovsky (University of Washington) |
| Taxation and income distribution dynamics in a neoclassical growth model |
| Sergio Currarini : Session Chairman |
| Fabrizio Panebianco (Advanced School of Economics, Ca'' Foscari University, Venice) |
| `driving while black'': a theory for interethnic integration and evolution of prejudice |
| elena fumagalli (university ca foscari of Venice) |
| laura fumagalli (ISER, university of Essex) |
| Like oil and water or chocolate and peanut butter?
ethnic composition and social participation of young people
in england |
| Sergio Currarini (University of Venice) |
| Fernando Vega Redondo (European University Institute) |
| Francesco Squintani : Session Chairman |
| Francisco Martinez Mora (University of Leicester) |
| M. Socorro Puy (Universidad de Málaga) |
| Off-the-optimum preferences and the size of government in two candidate equilibria |
| Ross David Hickey Mr. (University of British Columbia) |
| Intergovernmental transfers and re-election concerned politicians |
| Dan Bernhardt (University of Illinois) |
| John Duggan (University of Rochester) |
| Francesco Squintani (University of Essex) |
| A vindication of responsible parties |
| Aude Pommeret-Lelièvre : Session Chairman |
| Magnus Hoffmann (University of Magdeburg, Dep. of Economics, Chair of Public Economics) |
| Vilen Lipatov (University of Hannover) |
| Do i want it all? a simple model of satiation in contests |
| Denes Palvolgyi (Maastricht University) |
| Hans Peters (Maastricht University) |
| Dries Vermeulen (Maastricht University) |
| "existence of nash-equilibrium in heterogeneous claim games" |
| Aude Pommeret (Universite de Savoie and HEC Lausanne) |
| Anne Epaulard (French Ministry of Finance) |
| Bankruptcy law and firms'' behavior. |
| Edward Cartwright : Session Chairman |
| Yukio Koriyama (Ecole Polytechnique) |
| Freedom to not join: a voluntary participation game of a discrete public good |
| Sebastian Kube (Max Planck Institute, Bonn) |
| Andreas Nicklisch (Max Planck Institute, Bonn) |
| Andreas Glöckner (Max Planck Institute, Bonn) |
| Not observable, but still effective? hidden and open social sanctions in public-goods experiments |
| Edward Cartwright (University of Kent) |
| Amrish Patel (University of Kent) |
| An upper limit on contributions to a public good increases total contributions to the public good |
| Environmental Economics 2 | | |
| Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline (University Paris 1) |
| Mouez FODHA (University of Paris 1, CES and PSE) |
| Environmental tax and the distribution of income with heterogeneous workers |
| Fabien Prieur (University of Savoie) |
| Thierry Bréchet (CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain) |
| Is education good for growth and the environment? |
| Akira Yakita (Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba) |
| Hisayuki Yamauchi (University of Tsukuba) |
| Environmental awareness and environmental r&d spillovers in differentiated duopoly |
| Kaname Miyagishima (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University) |
| Education and distributive justice with educational externality |
| Natacha Gilson (Louvain School of Management, FUCaM) |
| Fernando Ruiz (Louvain School of Management, FUCaM) |
| Higher education and firms: on the interaction between research and regional policies |
| Robert Fenge (University of Munich) |
| Gabrielle Demange (Paris School of Economics) |
| Vertical differentiation in the quality of higher education when students are mobile |
1100 - 1230 |
| The Economics of Body Parts | | |
| Rod Garratt : Session Chairman |
| International sharing of stem cells |
| Mario Macis (University of Michigan) |
| Nicola Lacetera (Case Western Reserve University) |
| Robert Slonim (University of Sidney) |
| Will There Be Blood? Incentives and Substitution Effects in Pro-Social Behavior |
| Ted Bergstrom (University of California at Santa Barbara) |
| Incentives of stem cell donors |
| Topics in Economic Theory 2 | | |
| Nicholas Yannelis : Session Chairman |
| Craig S Webb Mr (University of Manchester) |
| Horst Zank Professor (University of Manchester) |
| Incentive compatible measurement of individual preferences |
| Jerome Keisler (University of Wisconsin, Madison) |
| Yeneng Sun (National University of Singapore) |
| Why saturated probability spaces are necessary |
| Nicholas Yannelis (University of Manchester and University of Illinois) |
| The role of ambiguity aversion in asymmetric information equilibrium theory |
| Networks and Financial Stability | | |
| Emanuela Sciubba : Session Chairman |
| Fabio Castiglionesi (Tilburg University) |
| Noemí Navarro (Universidad de Málaga) |
| Optimal fragile financial networks |
| Philippe Jehiel (PSE and UCL) |
| Social learning with coarse inference |
| Daniela Di Cagno (LUISS Guido Carli Rome) |
| Emanuela Sciubba (Birkbeck College London) |
| Trust, trustworthiness and social networks: playing a trust game when networks are formed in the lab |
| Andrew F. Daughety : Session Chairman |
| Rosa Ferrer (Vanderbilt University) |
| The effect of lawyers career concerns on litigation |
| Dominique Demougin (European Business School) |
| Producers intrinsic motivation and class action |
| Andrew F. Daughety (Vanderbilt University) |
| Jennifer F. Reinganum (Vanderbilt University) |
| A dynamic model of class action formation |
| General Equilibrium Theory | | |
| Emanuela Randon : Session Chairman |
| Nizar Allouch (Queen Mary, University of London) |
| A core-equilibrium
convergence in an economy with public goods |
| Jacco Thijssen (Trinity College Dublin) |
| Irreversible Decisions under Ex-Post Ambiguity |
| Emanuela Randon (University of Bologna-Department of Economics) |
| Peter Simmons (Dept of Economics and Related Studies, University of York) |
| Efficient allocations, equilibria and stability in scarf''s economy |
| Environmental Economics 3 | | |
| Conjunctive use of groundwater and rainwater: supplement irrigation and implications for the resource |
| Darko Jus (Center for Economic Studies, University of Munich) |
| Markus Zimmer (Ifo Institute for Economic Research, University of Munich) |
| How much greener is really green? - carbon taxation design and resource extraction |
| Thomas Eichner (University of Bielefeld) |
| Rüdiger Pethig (University of Siegen) |
| Carbon leakage, the green paradox and perfect future markets |
| Luca Corazzini : Session Chairman |
| Andrei Bremzen (New Economic School) |
| Irina Kirysheva (CEFIR at New Economic School) |
| Anton Suvorov (New Economic School) |
| Group merger as a way to achieve efficient coordination
in weak-link games
| Elena Molis (Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis) |
| Robert Veszteg (Universidad Carlos III) |
| How (rational) agents are when they look for a partner: experimental results |
| Luca Corazzini (University of Padova) |
| Michel Andre Marechal (University of Zürich, Switzerland) |
| Sebastian Kube (Max Planck Institute, Bonn) |
| Antonio Nicolò (University of Padua) |
| Towards behavioral public choice, guilt aversion and accountability in the lab |
| Guy Lalanne : Session Chairman |
| Fernando JARAMILLO (Universidad de Rosario Bogota) |
| Hubert KEMPF (Banque de France and Paris School of Economics) |
| Fabien MOIZEAU (Université de Rennes 1, CREM) |
| Risk and the endogenous formation of risk-sharing coalitions. |
| Tomoya Ida (Oita University) |
| Mats Wilhelmsson (Royal Institute of Technology) |
| An empirical test of migration and fiscal externality: the swedish case |
| Guy Lalanne (INSEE-CREST) |
| Ines Buono (Bank of Italy) |
| The effect of the uruguay round multilateral tariff reduction on the intensive and extensive margins of trade |
| Jorge Alcalde-Unzu (University of the Basque Country) |
| sebastien courtin (CREM, Universite Caen) |
| Boniface mbih (CREM, Universite Caen) |
| How often do sequential positional rules violate the reinforcement axiom? |
| Arnaud Dellis (Université Laval) |
| Splitting, squeezing and diluting: polarization and endogenous candidacy |
| Yang Chen (Nanyang Technological University) |
| Hong Wei Huang (Nanyang Technological University) |
| Rethinking tax competition based on the endogenous equilibrium |
| Matthias Wrede (Philipps-Universität Marburg) |
| Agglomeration, tax competition, and fiscal equalization |
| Caterina Liesegang (University of Magdeburg) |
| Marco Runkel (University of Magdeburg) |
| Corporate income taxation of multinationals and
fiscal equalization |
1345 - 1515 |
| Industrial Organization 2 | | |
| rabah amir : Session Chairman |
| Giuseppe De Feo (University of Strathclyde) |
| Rabah Amir (University of Arizona) |
| Endogenous timing in a mixed duopoly |
| Yulia Pavlova (University of Jyväskylä, Mathematical Information Technology department) |
| Credibility of players commitment to international environmental agreements |
| Rabah Amir (University of Arizona) |
| Natalia Lazzati (University of Arizona) |
| Network effects, market structure and industry performance |
| David de la Croix : Session Chairman |
| Alessandra Casarico (Bocconi University) |
| Oded Stark (University of Bonn) |
| Carlo Devillanova (Bocconi University) |
| Silke Uebelmesser (University of Munich) |
| What policies emerge when both the sending and the receiving countries can set migration policies? |
| Giovanni Facchini (Erasmus University Rotterdam) |
| Anna Maria Mayda (Georgetown University) |
| Do interest groups affect us immigration policy? |
| David De La Croix (université catholique de Louvain) |
| Frederic Docquier (Université catholique de Louvain) |
| An international treaty to break the immigration deadlock |
| Mark Walker : Session Chairman |
| Paul Healy (The Ohio State University) |
| Laurent Mathevet (University of Texas at Austin) |
| Designing stable mechanisms for economic environments |
| Matt Van Essen (U of Arizona) |
| Natalia Lazzati (U of Arizona) |
| Mark Walker (U of Arizona) |
| An experimental comparison of three lindahl mechanisms |
| Matt Van Essen (University of Arizona) |
| A simple supermodular mechanism that implements lindahl allocations |
| adriano rampini (Duke - Fuqua School of Business) |
| A mirrleesian theory of ramsey taxation |
| Laszlo Goerke (University of Tuebingen) |
| Commodity tax structure under uncertainty in a perfectly competitive market |
| Stéphane Gauthier (ENSAE and CREST) |
| Separability and public finance |
| Paolo Pin : Session Chairman |
| Barbieri Stefano (Department of Economics - Tulane University) |
| David Malueg (Department of Economics - University of California, Riverside) |
| Threshold uncertainty in the private-information subscription game |
| Licun Xue (McGill University) |
| Lingling Zhang (University of Rhode Island) |
| Growth heterogeneity and international environmental agreements |
| Paolo Pin (Dipartimento di Economia Politica - Università di Siena) |
| Optimal equilibria of the best shot game |
| Christophe Starzec : Session Chairman |
| Keshab Bhattarai Dr. (University of Hull) |
| Carlo Perroni (University of Warwick) |
| Redistributive taxation and long-run income inequality |
| Riccarda Longaretti (University of Milan - Bicocca) |
| Floriana Cerniglia (University of Milan - Bicocca) |
| Federalism, education-related public good and growth when agents are heterogeneous |
| Francois Gardes (University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne) |
| Christophe Starzec (CNRS, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne) |
| Polish households'' behavior in the regular and informal economies |
| Minea Alexandru (University of Auvergne) |
| Patrick Villieu (University of Orleans) |
| Can inflation targeting promote institutional quality in developing countries? |
| Audrey Desbonnet (department of economics, university of vienna) |
| Thomas Weitzenblum (University of Franche-Comté, CRESE and PSE-CEPREMAP) |
| Public debt, steady state and transitional dynamics |
| Gareth D Myles (University of Exeter and Institute for Fiscal Studies) |
| Nigar Hashimzade (University of Reading) |
| Growth and public infrastructure |
| Karine Marazyan : Session Chairman |
| Luciano Greco (University of Padova) |
| Devis Geron (University of Padova) |
| Intra-generational impacts of social security: the case of italy |
| Rosaria Vega Pansini (University of Pavia) |
| Multiplier decomposition, poverty and inequality in income distribution in a sam framework:
the vietnamese case
| Karine Marazyan (University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne) |
| Effects of foster-children supply on biological children education demand. some evidence from cameroon |
| Serge Kolm : Session Chairman |
| Watcharapong Ratisukpimol (University of Colorado at Boulder) |
| Combating maritime piracy: unsecured trade and the optimal provision of the public good |
| Laure Athias (IDHEAP/University of Lausanne) |
| Political accountability, incentives, and contractual design of public private partnerships |
| The theory of rules and the moral provision of public goods |
1530 - 1700 |
| Networks and the Diffusion of Information and Behavior | | |
| Markus Mobius : Session Chairman |
| Yann Bramoulle (Laval University) |
| Brian Rogers (MEDS, Northwestern University) |
| Diversity and popularity in social networks |
| A Macro Evidence of Sporting Culture |
| Markus Mobius (Harvard University) |
| Tracing Social Learning in a Real-World Social Network |
| Chris Ellis : Session Chairman |
| Amedeo Piolatto (Universidad de Alicante - D. de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico) |
| Electoral systems and the distortion of voters'' preferences |
| Christopher Ellis (University of Oregon) |
| John Fender (University of Birmingham) |
| Gradual franchise extensions and growth |
| Joyce C. Loh (Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder) |
| Economic conditions for democratization |
| Empirical and Environmental Economics | | |
| Mélanie Heugues : Session Chairman |
| Olivier Beaumais (Care, University of Rouen, France) |
| Gildas Appéré (University of Brest) |
| Recreational shellfish harvesting and health risks: a pseudo-panel approach combining revealed and stated preference data with correction for on-site sampling |
| T. Q. Trang DO (PhD. candidate , CES - University of Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne) |
| How firms with different characteristics experience barriers to growth: an empirical analysis of micro and small firms in vietnam |
| International environmental cooperation:a new eye on the greenhouse gases emissions'' control
| International Economics 2 | | |
| Tu-Anh Nguyen (University Paris 1, CNRS) |
| Cuong Le Van (CNRS, University of Paris 1, CES) |
| Manh-Hung Nguyen (Thema, Cergy Pontoise University) |
| Thai-Bao Luong (National Economics University) |
| New technology, human capital and growth for developing country |
| Calin Arcalean (ESADE - Ramon Llull University) |
| Dynamic fiscal competition and economic integration |
| Dirk Schindler (University of Konstanz) |
| Guttorm Schjelderup (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Finance) |
| Multinationals, minority ownership and tax-efficient financing structures |
| Vincent Vannetelbosch : Session Chairman |
| Gilles Grandjean (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain) |
| Ana Mauleon (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain) |
| Vincent J Vannetelbosch (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain) |
| Strongly rational sets for normal-form games |
| Gonzalo Olcina (University of Valencia, ERI-CES) |
| Vicente Calabuig (University of Valencia, ERI-CES) |
| Trust and punishment in the market. |
| Pierre Dehez (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain) |
| Daniela Tellone (CEREC, Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis) |
| Data games
sharing public goods with exclusion |
| Ashley Piggins : Session Chairman |
| Aristide VALEU (CREM UMR CNRS 6211 Université de Caen) |
| Boniface MBIH (CREM UMR CNRS 6211 Université de Caen) |
| Louis-Aimé Fono (Université de Douala) |
| Some further on logrolling in committees |
| Kari Saukkonen (University of Turku) |
| Continuity of infinite state set arrovian social welfare functions |
| Ashley Piggins (National University of Ireland, Galway) |
| Juan Perote-Pena (Universidad de Zaragoza) |
| Conal Duddy (NUI, Galway) |
| Arrow''''s theorem and max-star transitivity |
1715 - 1800 |
| Myrna Wooders (Vanderbilt University) |
| Small groups in large economies; Past, present and future |
Day: 6/21/2009 |
- Optional Tour.
Please note this is not included in the registration fee. Details can be found on the PET 09 website under PET 09 tours. |