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Day: 6/17/2009

-    Walking tour and welcome reception
Two walking tours will be organised in the afternoon. Registration will run from 1600 - 2000 on the Arts/Science Concourse and we will also have a welcome reception in the College Bar from 1930 - 2200. Information on the walking tours can be found under PET 09 tours on the PET 09 website.
Day: 6/18/2009

Thursday 18th June

0900 - 1030
Parallel Session 1
Development and Segregation
Natalia Zugravu : Session Chairman
Natacha Raffin (Paris School of Economics, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne)
When poor environmental health threatens economic development
benoit schmutz (greqam)
Why is there segregation within the french social housing complex? some non-monetary spatial sorting mechanisms
Natalia Zugravu (Centre d''Economie de la Sorbonne)
Trade and sustainable development: should "transition countries" open their markets to environmental goods?
Experiments with sequential public good games
Marc Willinger : Session Chairman
Amrish Patel (University of Kent)
Edward Cartwright (University of Kent)
Mark van Vugt (University of Kent)
Free-rider anonymity in a sequential public good game
Fernanda Rivas (University of Granada)
The dos and don''ts of leadership in sequential public goods experiments
Charles Figuières (LAMETA, INRA)
David Masclet (CREM, Faculté de Sciences Economiques)
Marc Willinger (LAMETA, University of Montpellier)
Leadership, reciprocity and moral motivation : experimental evidence from a sequential public good game
Political Economy of Public Pensions
vincenzo galasso : Session Chairman
Georges Casamatta (Toulouse School of Economics)
Voting on parametric reforms of the pay-as-you-go pension system
Michael Kaganovich (Indiana University)
Volker Meier (Ifo Institute for Economic Research)
Social security systems, human capital, and growth in a small open economy
vincenzo galasso (IGIER, Universit Bocconi and CEPR)
Marcello D'Amato (Università di Salerno, csef)
Political intergenerational risk sharing
Coalition and Network Theory
Vincent Vannetelbosch : Session Chairman
Ana Mauleon (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain)
Jose J Sempere-Monerris (Department of Economic Analysis and ERI-CES, University of Valencia)
Vincent J Vannetelbosch (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain)
Contractually stable coalition structures with externalities
Jean François Caulier (FUSL)
Network games associated with value functions
Vincent Vannetelbosch (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain)
Gilles Grandjean (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain)
Ana Mauleon (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain)
Connections among farsighted agents
Optimal Taxation 1
Alain Trannoy : Session Chairman
Dirk Van de gaer (SHERPPA, Ghent University)
Laurence Jacquet (NHH)
A comparison of optimal tax policies when compensation and responsibility matter
Etienne Lehmann (CREST)
Alexis Parmentier (EPEE)
Bruno Van der Linden (IRES, Université Catholique de Louvain)
Optimal income taxation with endogenous participation and search unemployment
Dominique Henriet (Ecole Centrale Marseille and GREQAM-IDEP)
Patrick Pintus (Université de la Méditerranée and GREQAM-IDEP)
Alain Trannoy (EHESS and GREQAM-IDEP)
Is the optimal tax linear with income risk?
Macroeconomics 1
Anne Villamil : Session Chairman
Daniela Puzzello (University of Illinois)
Ricardo de O. Cavalcanti (Fundacao Getulio Vargas)
Stationarity without degeneracy in a model of commodity money
Volodymyr Lugovskyy (Department of Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Daniela Puzzello (Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Steven Tucker (Department of Economics, University of Canterbury, NZ)
An experimental study of bubble formation in asset markets using the tâtonnement pricing mechanism
Anne Villamil (University of Manchester and University of Illinois)
Marcelo Arbex (University of Windsor)
The friedman rule with tax enforcement
Labor Economics 1
A Macro Evidence of Sporting Culture
Benedicte Rouland (University of Le Mans (GAINS-TEPP))
Arnaud Cheron (Univerity of Le Mans (GAINS-TEPP), EDHEC)
Inefficient equilibrium unemployment with unobservable heterogeneity of workers
Franck MALHERBET (THEMA - Université de Cergy-Pontoise)
Olivier Charlot (LEAD - Université des Antilles et de la Guyane)
Education, job destruction and the welfare gains from employment protection in search economies
Ernesto Savaglio (DMQTE- University of Pescara and DEP - University of Siena)
stefano vannucci (university of siena)
On multidimensional inequality in partitions of multisets
Stephane Zuber (CORE - Universite Catholique de Louvain)
Antoine Bommier (Toulouse School of Economics (CNRS, GREMAQ))
The pareto principle of optimal inequality
Christoffer Sonne-Schmidt (University of Copenhagen)
Finn Tarp (University of Copenhagen)
Lars Peter Østerdal (University of Copenhagen)
Ordinal comparison of multidimensional deprivation: theory and application
Credit Markets
Amrita Dhillon : Session Chairman
Sumudu Kankanamge (Paris School of Economics)
Thomas Weitzenblum (Université de Franche-Comté, CRESE, PSE, CEPREMAP)
Countercyclical aspects of public debt
Xin Long (University of Rome "Tor Vergata")
Alessandra Pelloni (University of Rome "Tor Vergata")
Robert Waldmann (University of Rome "Tor Vergata")
Capital income taxation and welfare in a growth model
Amrita Dhillon (University of Warwick)
Tomas Sjostrom (Rutgers)
Leader reputation and default in sovereign debt
1100 - 1230
Parallel Session 2
Contests and Appropriation
Mordechai Elazar Schwarz : Session Chairman
RICHARD CORNES (ANU and University of Nottingham)
ROGER HARTLEY (University of Manchester)
YUJI TAMURA (Australian National University)
Production and appropriation with many players
Subhadip Chakrabarti (Queens University, Belfast)
Robert Gilles (Queen''s University Management School)
Emiliya Lazarova (Queen''s University Management School)
Partial cooperation in symmetric games
Mordechai Elazar Schwarz (The Open University of Israel)
If you can''t beat them – join them. a cooperative game theoretical approach to rent seeking contests
Education Finance Across the Stages of Schooling
Itzhak Zilcha : Session Chairman
William Blankenau (Kansas State Univ. & Univ. Carlos III de Madrid)
Casey Abington (Kansas State University)
Government education expenditures in early and late childhood
Ioana C Schiopu (Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC))
Directed technology adoption and human capital formation in developing economies
Itzhak Zilcha (Tel Aviv University)
Bernhard Eckwert (Bielefeld University)
Improvement in information and private investment in education
Law and Economics 1
Jennifer F. Reinganum : Session Chairman
Lewis A. Kornhauser (New York University School of Law)
Charles M. Cameron (Princeton University)
Modeling collegial courts (3): judicial objectives, opinion content, voting and adjudication equilibria
Claude Fluet (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Bruno Deffains (Université Paris X-Nanterre)
Legal liability when injurers have moral and reputational concerns
Andrew Daughety (Department of Economics, Vanderbilt University)
Jennifer Reinganum (Vanderbilt University)
Privacy, publicity, and choice
Environment and Growth
Oya Pinar Ardic (Bogazici University)
G. Bahar Senol (TSKB)
Pollution, abatement, and sustainable growth: a schumpeterian approach
C. Emre Alper (Bogazici University)
Oya Pinar Ardic (Bogazici University)
Refik Erzan (Bogazici University)
Ozan Hatipoglu (Bogazici University)
Environmental concerns structural change and economic growth
Begum Ozkaynak (Bogazici University)
Fikret Adaman (Bogazici University)
Unal Zenginobuz (Bogazici University)
The environmental impact of household consumption: evidence from turkey
Network Dynamics and Incomplete Information
Frank Page : Session Chairman
Gabrielle Demange (PSE)
Sharing information in web communities
Jacomo Corbo (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania)
The effects of quality and price on adoption dynamics of competing technologies
Frank Page (Indiana University)
Myrna Wooders (Vanderbilt University)
Endogenous network dynamics
Political Economy 1
Tuvana Pastine : Session Chairman
Allard van der Made (University of Groningen)
Endogenous group formation and lobbying
Christopher Cotton (University of Miami)
Should we tax or cap political contributions? a lobbying model with policy favors and access
Ivan Pastine (University College Dublin)
Tuvana Pastine (National University of Ireland Maynooth)
Politician preferences, law-abiding lobbyists and caps on political lobbying
Game Theory 1
Elena Inarra (UPV-EHU)
Concepcion Larrea (UPV_EHU)
Ana Saracho (UPV-EHU)
Deriving nash equilibria as the supercore for a relational system
Vasil'ev Valery (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch)
Rene van den Brink (Department of Econometrics and Tinbergen Institute, Free University Amsterdam)
Gerard van der Laan (Department of Econometrics and Tinbergen Institute, Free University Amsterdam)
The restricted core for totally positive games with ordered players
Hanjoon M Jung (Lahore University of Management Sciences)
Complete Sequential Equilibrium and Its Alternative
Institutions and Sustainability
Noël Bonneuil (Ined-Ehess)
Sustainability at stake in the pension fund
Fabien Ngendakuriyo (Catholic University of Louvain)
Institutions quality and growth
Raouf Boucekkine (CORE)
Promoting clean technologies under imperfect competition
Social Security and Discrimination
Morgane LAOUENAN : Session Chairman
Devis Geron (Department of Economics - University of Padova)
Social security incidence under uncertainty - assessing italian reforms
Yosr Abid Fourati (NUI Galway)
Cathal O'Donoghue (Rural Economy Research Centre)
Aggregating individuals'' preferences for reforming the irish state pension system using a median voter model
What keeps the blacks from being handymen? an investigation using french and us data
Social Choice 1
Youngsub Chun : Session Chairman
Vincent R Merlin (CNRS and University of Caen)
Laurent Vidu (Universite de Caen)
Jean-Louis Rouet (Universite d''Oreleans)
Dominique Lepelley (CERESUR, University of la Reunion)
Majority efficient representation of the citizens in a federal union
Bernardo Moreno (Universidad de Malaga)
Individual versus group strategy-proofness. when do they coincide?
Youngsub Chun (Seoul National University)
Rene van den Brink (Department of Econometrics and Tinbergen Institute, Free University Amsterdam)
Balanced contributions, balanced cost reduction, and the minimal transfer rule for queueing problems
1345 - 1515
Parallel Session 3
Social Security 1
Marie Louise Leroux (FNRS-FRS and CORE)
Pierre Pestieau (Université de Liège, CREPP, CORE, PSE, CEPR)
Maria Racionero (School of Economics, Australian National University)
Voting on pensions: sex and marriage.
Silvia Platoni (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
Dynamic incentives and private savings: a comparison
Helmuth Cremer (Toulouse School of Economics)
Firouz Gahvari (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Pierre Pestieay (University of Liege and CORE)
Fertility, human capital accumulation, and the pension system
Joerg Franke : Session Chairman
Ana Paula Martins (UNiversidade Católica Portuguesa)
Calls and couples: communication, connections, joint – consumption and transfer prices
Luca Paolo Merlino Mr. (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Andrea Galeotti (University of Essex)
Endogenous job contact networks
Jörg Franke (TU Dortmund)
Tahir Öztürk (U. Autònoma de Barcelona)
Conflict networks
Issues in Environmental Economics
Paul O'Sullivan : Session Chairman
Carmen Arguedas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Sandra Rousseau (Center of Economic Studies, K.U. Leuven)
Learning about compliance under asymmetric information
Eftichios S Sartzetakis (University of Macedonia)
Anastasios Xepapadeas (Athens University of Economics and Business)
Emmanuel Petrakis (University of Crete)
The role of information provision as a policy instrument to supplement environmental taxes: empowering consumers to choose optimally
Paul O'Sullivan (National University of Ireland, Maynooth)
Process r&d and pollution abatement innovation: subsidies or joint ventures?
Public Goods 1
Maija Halonen-Akatwijuka Dr: Session Chairman
Selim Jürgen Ergun (Universidad de Granada)
Income redistribution and public good provision in a diverse society
Pierre Boyer (Toulouse School of Economics)
Government organization and public goods provision
Maija Halonen-Akatwijuka Dr (University of Bristol)
Evagelos Pafilis (University of Bristol)
Reputation and ownership of public goods
Labor Economics 2
Julien Albertini : Session Chairman
Florent Fremigacci (CREST, EPEE)
Xavier Fairise (EPEE, University of Evry)
Julien Albertini (EPEE, University of Evry)
Screening on the job: should temporary jobs be subsidized?
Magali Recoules (Paris School of Economics and University of Paris 1)
How can gender discrimination explain fertility behaviors and family-friendly policies ?
Julien Albertini (EPEE, University of Evry)
Xavier Fairise (EPEE, University of Evry)
Optimal unemployment benefits financing scheme, search frictions and real wage rigidities
Microeconomic Theory 1
Paulo Monteiro : Session Chairman
Kosmas Marinakis (Wake Forest University)
Theofanis Tsoulouhas (North Carolina State University)
Tournaments and liquidity constraints for the agents
Jan Heufer (TU Dortmund University and Ruhr Graduate School in Economics)
Stochastic revealed preference and rationalizability
Paulo K. Monteiro (EPGE, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil)
A class of convex preferences without concave representation
Clubs and Coalitions
Richard Cornes (Australian National University)
Emilson C. D. Silva (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Prestige clubs
Emiliya Lazarova (Queen''s University Belfast)
Dinko Dimitrov (Munich University)
Coalitional Matchings
Myrna Wooders (Vanderbilt University)
Tone Arnold (University of Hohenheim)
Dynamic club formation with coalitional deviations
Macro-Dynamics 1
Bertrand Wigniolle : Session Chairman
Gunes Kamber (PSE, University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne)
Stephen Millard (Bank of England)
Understanding the monetary transmission mechanism in the united kingdom: the role of nominal and real rigidities
Masako Ikefuji (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei)
Kazuo Mino (Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University)
Internal vs. external habit formation in a growing economy with overlapping generations
Claire Loupias (EPEE Université d''Evry)
Bertrand Wigniolle (CES University of Paris I)
Population, land and growth
Behavioral Economics and Welfare
michael Pickhardt. : Session Chairman
Panu Poutvaara (University of Helsinki)
Martin D. Munk (SFI)
Martin Junge (CEBR, Copenhagen Business School)
Self-selection and earnings of emigrants from a welfare state
A Macro Evidence of Sporting Culture
Gerd Meinhold (University of Chemnitz)
Michael Pickhardt (University of Muenster)
Road pricing and access burden avoidance: evidence from an experiment with braess''''s paradox
1530 - 1700
Parallel Session 4
Welfare Aspects of International Trade and Investment
Ngo Van long : Session Chairman
Ngo Long (McGill University)
Frank Staehler (University of Otago)
Should the good and the selfish be taxed differently?
Ngo Van Long (McGill University)
Antoine Soubeyran (GREQAM, Université de la Méditerranée)
Raphaël Soubeyran (INRA-MOISA)
The pace of technology transfer in anticipation of joint venture breakup
Olaf Muenster (University of Passau)
Does economic integration eliminate a government''s ability of independent income redistribution?
Markets with restricted participation
Jean-Marc Bonnisseau : Session Chairman
Zaier AOUANI (University of Kansas)
Bernard CORNET (Paris School of Economics and University of Kansas)
Existence of financial equilibria with restricted participation
andrea loi (university of cagliari)
stefano matta (university of cagliari)
A note on the structural stability of the equilibrium manifold
Jean-Marc BONNISSEAU (Paris School of Economics and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Orntangar NGUENAMADJI (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Discrete walrasian exchange process
Allocation and Social Conflict
James Jordan : Session Chairman
James Jordan (The Pennsylvania State University)
The legitimacy of nations
Colin Rowat (University of Birmingham)
An exchange economy with pillage
Massimo Morelli (Columbia University)
Dominic Rohner (University of York)
Natural resource distribution and multiple forms of civil war
Political Economy 2
Francesco Sobbrio : Session Chairman
Tommaso Gabrieli (City University London and Catholic University Milan)
Different societal beliefs and redistributive policies: the trade-off effect of information
Jan Klingelhöfer (Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University)
The swing voter and electoral competition
Francesco Sobbrio (IMT Lucca)
A citizens-editors model of news media
Games and Mechanisms
Andrea Finicelli : Session Chairman
Megan M Khoshyaran (ETC Economics Traffic Clinic)
The coming of age of capitalism
Stefano Galavotti (Department of Decision Mathematics, University of Florence)
Nozomu Muto (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Daisuke Oyama (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University, and Paris School of Economics)
On efficient partnership dissolution under ex post individual rationality
Andrea Finicelli (Bank of Italy)
Endogenous information and credibility of beliefs in a global coordination game of regime switch
Behavioral Economics
Sina Risse : Session Chairman
Stefan Dodds (Carleton University)
Redistributive taxation with heterogenous relative consumption concerns
Munetomo Ando (Advanced Research Institute for the Sciences and Humanities, Nihon University)
The benefit of low expectations
Sina Risse (Technische Universität Dortmund)
Rent-seeking contests of heterogeneous players with interdependent preferences
Crime and Punishment
Karen Pittel : Session Chairman
cécile bazart (LAMETA Université montpellier 1)
marc willinger (lameta Université Montpellier)
Tax evasion: presumpton of guilt presumption of innocence
Martin Gregor (Charles University in Prague)
Lenka Stastna (Charles University in Prague)
Mobile criminals, immobile crime: the efficiency of decentralized crime deterrence
Karen Pittel (ETH Zurich)
Dirk T.G. Rübbelke (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo (CICERO))
Decision processes of a suicide bomber - integrating economics and psychology
mathieu martin : Session Chairman
Valentino Larcinese (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Leonzio Rizzo (University of Ferrara)
Cecilia Testa (Royal Holloway College)
Do small states get more federal monies? myth and reality about the us senate malapportionment
Stephane Rossignol (Universite de Versailles)
Fabian Gouret (University Paris Est)
Guillaume Hollard (Paris School of Economics)
An empirical analysis of valence in electoral competition
mathieu martin (THEMA University of Cergy Pontoise)
fabrice barthelemy (THEMA University of cergy pontoise)
Ashley Piggins (National University of Ireland, Galway)
U.s. presidential elections and the referendum paradox
Social Security 2
Massimo D'Antoni (Dipartimento di Economia Politica, Università di Siena)
Ennio Bilancini (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
Pensions and intergenerational risk-sharing when relative consumption matters
Cagri Kumru (University of New South Wales)
Chung Tran (University of New South Wales)
Temptation and social security in dynastic framework
Joachim Thøgersen (University of Agder)
Human capital, public pensions and endogenous growth
Environmental Economics 1
Ian MacKenzie : Session Chairman
Mouez FODHA (University of Paris 1, CES and PSE)
Alain AYONG LE KAMA (University of Lille 1)
Optimal nuclear waste burial policy under uncertainty
NGUYEN Huong Hue (Inra Aliss)
Food safety and nutritional quality – the public intervention
Nick Hanley (University of Stirling)
Ian MacKenzie (ETH Zurich)
How should regulators respond to rent-seeking over tradable pollution permits?
1715 - 1800
Plenary Lecture 1
Plenary Session 1O"Flaherty Lecture Theatre
Hubert Kempf (Paris School of Economics, Universite Paris-1)
Bargaining over public goods provision
Day: 6/19/2009

Friday 19th June

0900 - 1030
Parallel Session 5
Income Inequality and Redistribution
Filippo Gregorini (Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca)
Political geography and income inequalities
Tim Lohse (Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB))
Peter F. Lutz (Leibniz University Hannover)
Redistributional consequences of early childhood intervention
Tommaso Gabrieli (City University London and Catholic University Milan)
Inequality, intergenerational mobility and redistributive policies under endogenous information
Religion and Democracy
Dennis Mueller : Session Chairman
Mario Ferrero (University of Eastern Piedmont)
The rise and fall of theocracy: theory and some evidence
Vani K Borooah Professor (University of Ulster)
Sriya Iyer (University of Cambridge)
Religion, literacy, contraceptive usage, and the female-to-male ratio in india
Dennis C. Mueller (University of Vienna)
Democracy, rationality and morality
Matching (schools and science)
Patrick Legros : Session Chairman
Antonio Miralles (Boston University)
School choice: the case for the boston mechanism
Andrea Canidio (Boston Univerity)
Absorptive capacity and the production of science.
Patrick Legros (Free University of Brussels)
Thomas Gall (university of Bonn and Boston University)
Andrew Newman (Boston University)
Mismatch, rematch, and investment
R&D and Games
rabah amir : Session Chairman
Rabah Amir (University of Arizona)
Christine Halmenschlager (Ermes, University of Paris II, Paris)
R&d-induced industry polarization and shakeouts
GREGOIRE ROTA GRAZIOSI (CERDI, Université d''Auvergne.)
Tax competition revisited: an endogenous timing game.
Rabah Amir (University of Arizona)
Malgorzata Knauff (Warsaw School of Economics)
Strategic complementarities and substitutes in r&d duopoly
Location models
Jaime Luque (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Where to live? wages, community composition and public goods
Marta Faias (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Alberto Pinto (Universidade do Minho)
Juan Brida (Free University of Bolzano)
Maria Defesa (Universidad de Alcal)
Equilibrium in a tourism model with different types
Munirul Nabin Nabin Dr (Deakin Business School, Deakin University)
Pasquale Sgro (Deakin Business School, Deakin University)
Illegal migration, technology adoption and welfare analysis
Networks and Markets
Jacomo Corbo : Session Chairman
Domenico Delli Gatti (Università Cattolica)
Mauro Gallegati (Università Politecnica delle Marche)
Bruce Greenwald (Columbia University)
Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University)
Alberto Russo (Università Politecnica delle Marche)
Financially constrained fluctuations in an evolving network economy
Ruggiero Cavallo (University of Pennsylvania)
Jacomo Corbo (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania)
Minimizing the probability of individual rationality or budget-balance violations in efficient mechanisms
Gara M Afonso (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Hyun Song Shin (Princeton University)
Systemic risk and liquidity in payment systems
Political Economy 3
Giovanni Prarolo : Session Chairman
Julia Cage (Harvard University)
Asymmetric information, rent extraction and aid efficiency
Mathias Hungerbühler (University of Namur)
Gani Aldashev (University of Namur)
Credit markets and employment protection: towards a new political economy of labor market reform
Giorgio Bellettini (University of Bologna, CESIfo)
Carlotta Berti Ceroni (University of Bologna)
Giovanni Prarolo (University of Bologna)
Political persistence, connections and economic growth
Optimal Taxation 2
Craig Brett : Session Chairman
Spencer Bastani (Department of Economics, Uppsala University)
Sören Blomquist (Department of Economics, Uppsala University)
Luca Micheletto (Faculty of Law, University of Milan)
Public provision of private goods in a nonlinear income taxation model with heterogeneity in needs
Alan Krause (University of York)
Optimal nonlinear income taxation with learning-by-doing
Craig Brett (Department of Economics, Mount Allison University)
John Weymark (Vanderbilt University)
Comparative statics of optimal nonlinear income taxation in the presence of a publicly provided input
Mechanism Design 1
Mark R. Johnson : Session Chairman
Gorkem Celik (UBC)
Michael Peters Peters (UBC)
Equilibrium rejection of a mechanism
Gizatulina Alia (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods)
Hellwig Martin (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods)
Details behind belief hierarchies matter
Mark R Johnson (A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University)
A multidimensional, incentive-compatible mechanism for contract specification and award
Development Economics 1
Victor Hiller : Session Chairman
Atsue Mizushima (Kyoto University)
Kouki Sugawara (Osaka University)
Koichi Futagami (Osaka University)
Perverse effects of a ban on child labour in an overlapping generations model
Thomas Baudin (Paris School of Economics - University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)
A role for cultural transmission in fertility transitions
Victor Hiller (University of Paris I - Paris School of Economics)
Gender inequality, endogenous cultural norms and economic development
1100 - 1230
Parallel Session 6
Industrial Organization 1
Robert Driskill : Session Chairman
Carmen Beviá (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Luis C. Corchon (Universidad Carlos III)
Oligopolistic equilibrium and bankruptcy
Wouter Vergote (CEREC, FUSL and CORE, UCL)
Marco Marinucci (CoRE-Université Catholique de Louvain)
Endogenous network formation and optimal efforts in an r&d race
Robert Driskill (Vanderbilt University)
Monopoly and oligopoly supply of a good with dynamic network externalities.
Game Theory 2
Wolfgang Leininger : Session Chairman
Sergey Kuniavsky (Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel)
Rann Smorodinsky (Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel)
Equilibrium and potential in coalitional congestion games - extended abstract
Dritan Osmani (PhD student, Msc. Dritan Osmani, Max Planck Research School on Earth System Mode)
Evolution in time of farsightedly stable coalitions
Wolfgang Leininger (Dortmund University (TU))
Evolutionarily stable preferences in contests
Tax Competition and Decentralization
Ronald B. Davies : Session Chairman
Pascale Duran-Vigneron (University of Paris 10 - Nanterre)
When transparency goes against efficiency: fiscal equalization in a context of firm and household mobility
Takero Doi (Keio University)
Toshihiro Ihori (University of Tokyo)
Fiscal decentralization and intergovernmental debt management
Ron Davies (University College Dublin)
Johannes Voget (Oxford)
Tax competition in an expanding european union
Identity and Virtue
Rowena Pecchenino : Session Chairman
Rowena Pecchenino (NUI Maynooth)
Defining and redefining self
Miriam Teschl (Robinson College, University of Cambridge)
Ritxar Arlegi (Public University of Navarre)
Identity and consistent preference change
Fabio Mariani (Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
The economic value of virtue
Education and Transport
Marcus Berliant : Session Chairman
Liqun Liu (Texas A&M University)
William Neilson (University of Tennessee)
High scores but low skills
Ivan Pastine (University College Dublin)
Tuvana Pastine (National University of Ireland Maynooth)
Student incentives and student diversity in college admissions
Alex Anas (University of California - Riverside)
Marcus Berliant (Washington University in St. Louis)
The commuting game
Education Economics 1
Helmuth Cremer : Session Chairman
Brent R Hickman (University of Iowa Department of Economics)
Effort, achievement gaps and affirmative action: a new look at college admissions
Thomas Lange (University of Konstanz and ifo Institute Munich)
Return migration of foreign students and the choice of non-resident tuition fees
Helmuth Cremer (Toulouse School of Economics)
Philippe De Donder (University of Toulouse)
Pierre Pestieau (CREPP Université de Liège, CORE)
Education and social mobility
International Economics 1
Niels Johannesen (University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics)
Optimal fiscal barriers to international economic integration in the presence of tax havens
Julia Cage (Harvard University)
Laurent Simula (National University of Singapore)
Using multidimensional poverty measures to allocate aid optimally
Lingling Zhang (University of Rhode Island)
A model of endogenous trading-bloc formation
Corporate Behavior
Fabienne Llense : Session Chairman
Annalisa Luporini (University of Florence)
Paolo Balduzzi (Catholic University of Milan)
Clara Graziano (University of Udine)
A model of voting in boards of directors
Christophe Bravard (CRUESET, Jean Monnet University)
Pascal Billand (CRUESET, Jean Monnet University)
Subhadip Chakrabarti (Queens University, Belfast)
Sudipta Sarangi (Louisiana State University)
Corporate espionage
Fabienne Llense (University of Paris 1 (CES) and Ecole Polytechnique)
Incidence of fiscal and legal environment on golden parachutes provision and ceos'' turnover.
Axiomatic Approaches
Richard McLean : Session Chairman
Szilvia Papai (Concordia University)
Uniquely core stable coalition structures
Anne van den Nouweland (University of Oregon)
An axiomatization of the euclidean compromise solution
John Conley (Vanderbilt)
Richard McLean (Rutgers)
Simon Wilkie (USC)
Axiomatic foundations for compromise theory
1345 - 1515
Parallel Session 7
Macro-Dynamics 2
Leonor Modesto : Session Chairman
Stefano Bosi (EQUIPPE, University of Lille 1)
Ragot Lionel (EQUIPPE, University of Lille 1)
Time, bifurcations and economic applications
Teresa Lloyd-Braga (FCEE-Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
Social security benefits of workers and indeterminacy
Leonor Modesto (FCEE-Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
Frederic Dufourt (University of Strasbourg)
Teresa Lloyd-Braga (FCEE-Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
Expected inflation, sunspots equilibria and persistent unemployment fluctuations
Matching (sorting talents)
Patrick Legros : Session Chairman
Chris Bidner (University of New South Wales)
Pre-match investments with search and imperfectly transferable utility
Thomas Gall (University of Bonn and Boston University)
Sorting across markets
Jan Eeckhout (UPF Barcelona and UPenn)
Roberto Pinheiro (UPenn)
Diverse organizations and the competition for talent
Political Economy and Law
Fabio Fiorillo (Department of Economics, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona)
Local government: a model on interests representation and accountability
Brian C. Rowe (University of Michigan)
Discretion and ulterior motives in traffic stops: the detection of other crimes and the revenue from tickets
Pinghan Liang (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Exit and voice: an economic theory of consumer complaint management
Optimal Taxation 3
Alexander Karaivanov : Session Chairman
Julio Dávila (CORE, U. cath. de Louvain - Paris School of Economics, CNRS)
The taxation of saving returns in overlapping generations economies with stochastic asset bubbles
Alessandra Casarico (Bocconi University)
Alessandro Sommacal (University of Verona)
Labor income taxation, human capital and growth: the role of child care
Alexander Karaivanov (Simon Fraser University)
Fernando Martin (Simon Fraser University)
Dynamic optimal insurance and lack of commitment
Public Goods 2
John P. Conley : Session Chairman
Jonathan Rosborough (University of Western Ontario)
A theory of congregational giving
Al Slivinski (University of Western Ontario)
Models of charitable donations with private information
John P. Conley (Vanderbilt University)
Fan-chin Kung (City University of Hong Kong)
Private benefits, warm glow and reputation in the free and open source software production model
Microeconomic Theory 2
Joosung Lee : Session Chairman
Georgios Katsenos (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Long-term conflict: how to signal a winner?
Joosung Lee (Seoul National University)
Youngsub Chun (Seoul National University)
Sequential contributions rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems
Brijesh Pinto (University of Southern California)
Strongly stable matchings with cyclic preferences
Experimental Economics 1
Marie-Pierre Dargnies : Session Chairman
Camille Cornand (CNRS - BETA)
Measuring agents'' overreaction to public information in games with strategic complementarities
Miguel Sánchez Villalba (University of Alicante)
Tax evasion as a global game (tegg) in the laboratory
Marie-Pierre Dargnies (Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1)
Does team competition eliminate the gender gap in entry in competitive environments?
Regulation and Tax
Gerald Pech : Session Chairman
Florian Buck (Center for Economic Studies, Schackstr. 4, 80539 Munich)
Darko Jus (Center for Economic Studies, Schackstr. 4, 80539 Munich)
Liability regimes, competition and the subprime crisis
David Bartolini (Polytechnic University of Marche)
Separation of regulatory powers when contracts are incomplete
Gerald Pech (American University in Bulgaria)
Bernhard Neumaerker (University of Freiburg i.Br.)
Penalties in the theory of equilibrium tax evasion: solving king john''s problem
1530 - 1700
Parallel Session 8
Optimal Taxation 4
Hongyan Yang (Universität Konstanz)
Bas Jacobs (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Tinbergen Institute, and CESifo)
Optimal second-best income taxation with borrowing constraints
A Macro Evidence of Sporting Culture
Catarina Reis (Universidade Catolica Poruguesa)
Social discounting and incentive compatible fiscal policy
Local Public Goods
Hideo Konishi : Session Chairman
Nicolas Querou (Queen''s University Belfast)
Joint contributions for multiple public goods and endogenous decision rights
Rongili Biswas (POLIS, university of Eastern Piedmont)
Nicolas Gravel (Université de la Méditerranée, IDEP-GREQAM)
Rémy Oddou (University of the Mediterranean, IDEP-GREQAM)
The segregative properties of endogenous jurisdictions formation with a welfarist central government
Hideo Konishi (Boston College)
Market for clubs with congestible facilities: nonlinear-pricing equilibria with entreprenerial managers
Topics in Economic Theory 1
Jean-pierre Drugeon : Session Chairman
Yunfang Hu (Tohoku University)
Kazuo Mino (Osaka University)
Financial integration and aggregate stability
Thai Ha Huy (PhD Student)
Cones and conditions for existence of equilibrium in economies with short selling.
Jean-Pierre Drugeon (Centre d''''Economie de la Sorbonne / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
On "sectoral supply functions" and some other dimensions of the roles for consumptions and leisure arbitrages in the stability properties of a competitive equilibrium with heterogeneous goods.
Political Economy of Education Funding
Gerhard Glomm : Session Chairman
Dan Anderberg (Royal Holloway University of London)
Post-compulsory education: participation and politics
Michele Bernasconi (Università di Venezia)
Paola Profeta (Università Bocconi)
Public education and redistribution when talents are mismatched
Peter Bearse (University of North Carolina-Greensboro)
Buly Cardak (La Trobe University)
Gerhard Glomm (Indiana University)
B. Ravikumar (University of Iowa)
Majority voting and means tested vouchers
Macroeconomics 2
Emmanuel Thibault (Toulouse School of Economics)
Arianna Degan (UQAM, Montreal.)
Dynastic accumulation of wealth.
Buly Cardak Dr (La Trobe University)
Chris Ryan (RSSS, Australian National University)
Vance Martin (University of Melbourne)
Ability and intergenerational earnings mobility
Luciano Fanti (University of Pisa)
Luca Gori (University of Pisa)
PAYG pensions and economic cycles
Inequality and Poverty
Conchita D'ambrosio : Session Chairman
Alessandra MICHELANGELI (University of Milan-Bicocca)
Eugenio PELUSO (University of Verona)
Alain TRANNOY (EHESS Greqam Idep)
Indirect robust inference on poverty and wealth
Gardes François (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)
Measuring persistent poverty
Conchita D'Ambrosio (Universita'''' di Milano-Bicocca and DIW Berlin)
Walter Bossert (University of Montreal)
Measuring economic insecurity
Welfare Analysis and Labor
Yusuke Kinai : Session Chairman
Radhika Lahiri (Queensland University of Technology)
Elizabeth Richardson (Queensland University of Technology)
Inequality, health, and endogenous time preference: a political economy perspective
Manachaya Uruyos (Chulalongkorn University)
Parichamon Chaiyawat (Export Import Bank of Thailand)
Could government intervention decrease shirking side effects?
Yusuke Kinai (Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University)
Social security and the retirement decision: revisited
Tax Evasion
Mark Phoon : Session Chairman
Vilen Lipatov (Hannover University)
Corporate tax evasion: the case for specialists
Alain Trannoy (EHESS, GREQAM-IDEP, Marseille)
Gwenola Trotin (GREQAM-IDEP, Marseille)
Do high tax and tax evasion go along?
Radhika Lahiri (Queensland University of Technology)
Mark Phoon (Queensland University of Technology)
On inequality, tax evasion and progressive taxes
Education and Labor
Mary Silles : Session Chairman
Clémence Berson (Centre Economie de la Sorbonne - Université Paris1)
Is there more discrimination in the public sector than in the private sector ? the case of second generation migrants in france
Mathieu Goudard (GREQAM, Aix-Marseille Universités)
Jean François Giret (IREDU - Céreq, université de Bourgogne)
Schooling effects and earnings of french university graduates : school quality matters, but choice of disciplines matters more
Mary Silles (Department of Economics, NUI Galway)
The causal effect of education on health: evidence from the united kingdom
1715 - 1800
Plenary Lecture 2
Plenary Session 2
Ehud Kalai (Northwestern University)
Adam Tauman Kalai (Microsoft Research)
Bargaining in Strategic Games with Private Information
Day: 6/20/2009

Saturday 20th June

0900 - 1030
Parallel Session 9
Health Economics
Luigi Siciliani Dr (Department of Economics)
Michael Kuhn Dr (Vienna Institute of Demography)
Upcoding and optimal auditing in health care
Gregory Ponthiere (ENS - PSE)
Marie-Louise Leroux (CORE)
Utilitarianism and differential longevity: a remedy?
Jean Mercier Ythier (Université de Metz)
Bruno Deffains (Université de Paris Ouest)
Optimal production of transplant care services
Rajiv Sethi : Session Chairman
Johannes Horner (Yale University)
Massimo Morelli (Columbia University)
Francesco Squintani (University of Essex)
International peace mediation
Rajiv Sethi (Barnard College, Columbia University)
Muhamet Yildiz (MIT)
Public disagreement
Tanja C. Greiner (University of Munich)
Bad news is better - how media coverage distorts policy decisions
Taxation and Macroeconomics
Stephen J Turnovsky : Session Chairman
Volker Meier (Ifo Institute, University of Munich)
Matthias Wrede (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Reducing the excess burden of subsidizing the stork: joint taxation, individual taxation, and family tax splitting
Serpil Tekin (University of Washington)
Stephen J Turnovsky (University of Washington)
The distributional consequences of foreign transfers: Do they reduce or exacerbate inequality
Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa (Greqam)
Stephen Turnovsky (University of Washington)
Taxation and income distribution dynamics in a neoclassical growth model
Culture and Ethnicity
Sergio Currarini : Session Chairman
Fabrizio Panebianco (Advanced School of Economics, Ca'' Foscari University, Venice)
`driving while black'': a theory for interethnic integration and evolution of prejudice
elena fumagalli (university ca foscari of Venice)
laura fumagalli (ISER, university of Essex)
Like oil and water or chocolate and peanut butter? ethnic composition and social participation of young people in england
Sergio Currarini (University of Venice)
Fernando Vega Redondo (European University Institute)
Homophily and search
Political Economy 4
Francesco Squintani : Session Chairman
Francisco Martinez Mora (University of Leicester)
M. Socorro Puy (Universidad de Málaga)
Off-the-optimum preferences and the size of government in two candidate equilibria
Ross David Hickey Mr. (University of British Columbia)
Intergovernmental transfers and re-election concerned politicians
Dan Bernhardt (University of Illinois)
John Duggan (University of Rochester)
Francesco Squintani (University of Essex)
A vindication of responsible parties
Game Theory 3
Aude Pommeret-Lelièvre : Session Chairman
Magnus Hoffmann (University of Magdeburg, Dep. of Economics, Chair of Public Economics)
Vilen Lipatov (University of Hannover)
Do i want it all? a simple model of satiation in contests
Denes Palvolgyi (Maastricht University)
Hans Peters (Maastricht University)
Dries Vermeulen (Maastricht University)
"existence of nash-equilibrium in heterogeneous claim games"
Aude Pommeret (Universite de Savoie and HEC Lausanne)
Anne Epaulard (French Ministry of Finance)
Bankruptcy law and firms'' behavior.
Public Goods 3
Edward Cartwright : Session Chairman
Yukio Koriyama (Ecole Polytechnique)
Freedom to not join: a voluntary participation game of a discrete public good
Sebastian Kube (Max Planck Institute, Bonn)
Andreas Nicklisch (Max Planck Institute, Bonn)
Andreas Glöckner (Max Planck Institute, Bonn)
Not observable, but still effective? hidden and open social sanctions in public-goods experiments
Edward Cartwright (University of Kent)
Amrish Patel (University of Kent)
An upper limit on contributions to a public good increases total contributions to the public good
Environmental Economics 2
Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline (University Paris 1)
Mouez FODHA (University of Paris 1, CES and PSE)
Environmental tax and the distribution of income with heterogeneous workers
Fabien Prieur (University of Savoie)
Thierry Bréchet (CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain)
Is education good for growth and the environment?
Akira Yakita (Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba)
Hisayuki Yamauchi (University of Tsukuba)
Environmental awareness and environmental r&d spillovers in differentiated duopoly
Education Economics 2
Kaname Miyagishima (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Education and distributive justice with educational externality
Marcel Gerard (FUCAM)
Natacha Gilson (Louvain School of Management, FUCaM)
Fernando Ruiz (Louvain School of Management, FUCaM)
Higher education and firms: on the interaction between research and regional policies
Robert Fenge (University of Munich)
Gabrielle Demange (Paris School of Economics)
Vertical differentiation in the quality of higher education when students are mobile
1100 - 1230
Parallel Session 10
The Economics of Body Parts
Rod Garratt : Session Chairman
Ted Bergstrom (UCSB)
Rod Garratt (UCSB)
International sharing of stem cells
Mario Macis (University of Michigan)
Nicola Lacetera (Case Western Reserve University)
Robert Slonim (University of Sidney)
Will There Be Blood? Incentives and Substitution Effects in Pro-Social Behavior
Ted Bergstrom (University of California at Santa Barbara)
Incentives of stem cell donors
Topics in Economic Theory 2
Nicholas Yannelis : Session Chairman
Craig S Webb Mr (University of Manchester)
Horst Zank Professor (University of Manchester)
Incentive compatible measurement of individual preferences
Jerome Keisler (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Yeneng Sun (National University of Singapore)
Why saturated probability spaces are necessary
Nicholas Yannelis (University of Manchester and University of Illinois)
The role of ambiguity aversion in asymmetric information equilibrium theory
Networks and Financial Stability
Emanuela Sciubba : Session Chairman
Fabio Castiglionesi (Tilburg University)
Noemí Navarro (Universidad de Málaga)
Optimal fragile financial networks
Antonio Guarino (UCL)
Philippe Jehiel (PSE and UCL)
Social learning with coarse inference
Daniela Di Cagno (LUISS Guido Carli Rome)
Emanuela Sciubba (Birkbeck College London)
Trust, trustworthiness and social networks: playing a trust game when networks are formed in the lab
Law and Economics 2
Andrew F. Daughety : Session Chairman
Rosa Ferrer (Vanderbilt University)
The effect of lawyers career concerns on litigation
Dominique Demougin (European Business School)
Producers intrinsic motivation and class action
Andrew F. Daughety (Vanderbilt University)
Jennifer F. Reinganum (Vanderbilt University)
A dynamic model of class action formation
General Equilibrium Theory
Emanuela Randon : Session Chairman
Nizar Allouch (Queen Mary, University of London)
A core-equilibrium convergence in an economy with public goods
Jacco Thijssen (Trinity College Dublin)
Irreversible Decisions under Ex-Post Ambiguity
Emanuela Randon (University of Bologna-Department of Economics)
Peter Simmons (Dept of Economics and Related Studies, University of York)
Efficient allocations, equilibria and stability in scarf''s economy
Environmental Economics 3
agnes tomini (GREQAM)
Hubert Stahn (GREQAM)
Conjunctive use of groundwater and rainwater: supplement irrigation and implications for the resource
Darko Jus (Center for Economic Studies, University of Munich)
Markus Zimmer (Ifo Institute for Economic Research, University of Munich)
How much greener is really green? - carbon taxation design and resource extraction
Thomas Eichner (University of Bielefeld)
Rüdiger Pethig (University of Siegen)
Carbon leakage, the green paradox and perfect future markets
Experimental Economics 2
Luca Corazzini : Session Chairman
Andrei Bremzen (New Economic School)
Irina Kirysheva (CEFIR at New Economic School)
Anton Suvorov (New Economic School)
Group merger as a way to achieve efficient coordination in weak-link games
Elena Molis (Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis)
Robert Veszteg (Universidad Carlos III)
How (rational) agents are when they look for a partner: experimental results
Luca Corazzini (University of Padova)
Michel Andre Marechal (University of Zürich, Switzerland)
Sebastian Kube (Max Planck Institute, Bonn)
Antonio Nicolò (University of Padua)
Towards behavioral public choice, guilt aversion and accountability in the lab
Development and Trade
Guy Lalanne : Session Chairman
Fernando JARAMILLO (Universidad de Rosario Bogota)
Hubert KEMPF (Banque de France and Paris School of Economics)
Fabien MOIZEAU (Université de Rennes 1, CREM)
Risk and the endogenous formation of risk-sharing coalitions.
Tomoya Ida (Oita University)
Mats Wilhelmsson (Royal Institute of Technology)
An empirical test of migration and fiscal externality: the swedish case
Guy Lalanne (INSEE-CREST)
Ines Buono (Bank of Italy)
The effect of the uruguay round multilateral tariff reduction on the intensive and extensive margins of trade
Social Choice 2
Jorge Alcalde-Unzu (University of the Basque Country)
Marc Vorsatz (FEDEA)
On measuring consensus
sebastien courtin (CREM, Universite Caen)
Boniface mbih (CREM, Universite Caen)
How often do sequential positional rules violate the reinforcement axiom?
Arnaud Dellis (Université Laval)
Splitting, squeezing and diluting: polarization and endogenous candidacy
Fiscal Competition
Yang Chen (Nanyang Technological University)
Hong Wei Huang (Nanyang Technological University)
Rethinking tax competition based on the endogenous equilibrium
Matthias Wrede (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Agglomeration, tax competition, and fi scal equalization
Caterina Liesegang (University of Magdeburg)
Marco Runkel (University of Magdeburg)
Corporate income taxation of multinationals and fiscal equalization
1345 - 1515
Parallel Session 11
Industrial Organization 2
rabah amir : Session Chairman
Giuseppe De Feo (University of Strathclyde)
Rabah Amir (University of Arizona)
Endogenous timing in a mixed duopoly
Yulia Pavlova (University of Jyväskylä, Mathematical Information Technology department)
Credibility of players commitment to international environmental agreements
Rabah Amir (University of Arizona)
Natalia Lazzati (University of Arizona)
Network effects, market structure and industry performance
International Migration
David de la Croix : Session Chairman
Alessandra Casarico (Bocconi University)
Oded Stark (University of Bonn)
Carlo Devillanova (Bocconi University)
Silke Uebelmesser (University of Munich)
What policies emerge when both the sending and the receiving countries can set migration policies?
Giovanni Facchini (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Anna Maria Mayda (Georgetown University)
Prachi Mishra (IMF)
Do interest groups affect us immigration policy?
David De La Croix (université catholique de Louvain)
Frederic Docquier (Université catholique de Louvain)
An international treaty to break the immigration deadlock
Mechanism Design 2
Mark Walker : Session Chairman
Paul Healy (The Ohio State University)
Laurent Mathevet (University of Texas at Austin)
Designing stable mechanisms for economic environments
Matt Van Essen (U of Arizona)
Natalia Lazzati (U of Arizona)
Mark Walker (U of Arizona)
An experimental comparison of three lindahl mechanisms
Matt Van Essen (University of Arizona)
A simple supermodular mechanism that implements lindahl allocations
Optimal Taxation 5
alberto bisin (NYU)
adriano rampini (Duke - Fuqua School of Business)
A mirrleesian theory of ramsey taxation
Laszlo Goerke (University of Tuebingen)
Commodity tax structure under uncertainty in a perfectly competitive market
Stéphane Gauthier (ENSAE and CREST)
Separability and public finance
Game Theory 4
Paolo Pin : Session Chairman
Barbieri Stefano (Department of Economics - Tulane University)
David Malueg (Department of Economics - University of California, Riverside)
Threshold uncertainty in the private-information subscription game
Licun Xue (McGill University)
Lingling Zhang (University of Rhode Island)
Growth heterogeneity and international environmental agreements
Paolo Pin (Dipartimento di Economia Politica - Università di Siena)
Optimal equilibria of the best shot game
Political Economy 5
Christophe Starzec : Session Chairman
Keshab Bhattarai Dr. (University of Hull)
Carlo Perroni (University of Warwick)
Redistributive taxation and long-run income inequality
Riccarda Longaretti (University of Milan - Bicocca)
Floriana Cerniglia (University of Milan - Bicocca)
Federalism, education-related public good and growth when agents are heterogeneous
Francois Gardes (University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne)
Christophe Starzec (CNRS, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne)
Polish households'' behavior in the regular and informal economies
Macroeconomics 3
Minea Alexandru (University of Auvergne)
Patrick Villieu (University of Orleans)
Can inflation targeting promote institutional quality in developing countries?
Audrey Desbonnet (department of economics, university of vienna)
Thomas Weitzenblum (University of Franche-Comté, CRESE and PSE-CEPREMAP)
Public debt, steady state and transitional dynamics
Gareth D Myles (University of Exeter and Institute for Fiscal Studies)
Nigar Hashimzade (University of Reading)
Growth and public infrastructure
Development Economics 2
Karine Marazyan : Session Chairman
Luciano Greco (University of Padova)
Devis Geron (University of Padova)
Intra-generational impacts of social security: the case of italy
Rosaria Vega Pansini (University of Pavia)
Multiplier decomposition, poverty and inequality in income distribution in a sam framework: the vietnamese case
Karine Marazyan (University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne)
Effects of foster-children supply on biological children education demand. some evidence from cameroon
Public Goods 4
Serge Kolm : Session Chairman
Watcharapong Ratisukpimol (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Combating maritime piracy: unsecured trade and the optimal provision of the public good
Laure Athias (IDHEAP/University of Lausanne)
Political accountability, incentives, and contractual design of public private partnerships
The theory of rules and the moral provision of public goods
1530 - 1700
Parallel Session 12
Networks and the Diffusion of Information and Behavior
Markus Mobius : Session Chairman
Yann Bramoulle (Laval University)
Brian Rogers (MEDS, Northwestern University)
Diversity and popularity in social networks
A Macro Evidence of Sporting Culture
Markus Mobius (Harvard University)
Tuan Phan (MIT)
Tracing Social Learning in a Real-World Social Network
Political Economy 6
Chris Ellis : Session Chairman
Amedeo Piolatto (Universidad de Alicante - D. de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico)
Electoral systems and the distortion of voters'' preferences
Christopher Ellis (University of Oregon)
John Fender (University of Birmingham)
Gradual franchise extensions and growth
Joyce C. Loh (Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder)
Economic conditions for democratization
Empirical and Environmental Economics
Mélanie Heugues : Session Chairman
Olivier Beaumais (Care, University of Rouen, France)
Gildas Appéré (University of Brest)
Recreational shellfish harvesting and health risks: a pseudo-panel approach combining revealed and stated preference data with correction for on-site sampling
T. Q. Trang DO (PhD. candidate , CES - University of Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne)
How firms with different characteristics experience barriers to growth: an empirical analysis of micro and small firms in vietnam
Mélanie Heugues (LAMETA)
International environmental cooperation:a new eye on the greenhouse gases emissions'' control
International Economics 2
Tu-Anh Nguyen (University Paris 1, CNRS)
Cuong Le Van (CNRS, University of Paris 1, CES)
Manh-Hung Nguyen (Thema, Cergy Pontoise University)
Thai-Bao Luong (National Economics University)
New technology, human capital and growth for developing country
Calin Arcalean (ESADE - Ramon Llull University)
Dynamic fiscal competition and economic integration
Dirk Schindler (University of Konstanz)
Guttorm Schjelderup (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Finance)
Multinationals, minority ownership and tax-efficient financing structures
Game Theory 5
Vincent Vannetelbosch : Session Chairman
Gilles Grandjean (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain)
Ana Mauleon (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain)
Vincent J Vannetelbosch (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain)
Strongly rational sets for normal-form games
Gonzalo Olcina (University of Valencia, ERI-CES)
Vicente Calabuig (University of Valencia, ERI-CES)
Trust and punishment in the market.
Pierre Dehez (CORE, Université catholique de Louvain)
Daniela Tellone (CEREC, Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis)
Data games sharing public goods with exclusion
Social Choice 3
Ashley Piggins : Session Chairman
Aristide VALEU (CREM UMR CNRS 6211 Université de Caen)
Boniface MBIH (CREM UMR CNRS 6211 Université de Caen)
Louis-Aimé Fono (Université de Douala)
Some further on logrolling in committees
Kari Saukkonen (University of Turku)
Continuity of infinite state set arrovian social welfare functions
Ashley Piggins (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Juan Perote-Pena (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Conal Duddy (NUI, Galway)
Arrow''''s theorem and max-star transitivity
1715 - 1800
Plenary Lecture 3
Plenary Session 3
Myrna Wooders (Vanderbilt University)
Small groups in large economies; Past, present and future
Day: 6/21/2009

-    Optional Tour. Please note this is not included in the registration fee. Details can be found on the PET 09 website under PET 09 tours.