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M. Najeeb Shafiq
University of Pittsburgh
School of Education; Department of Economics
University of Pittsburgh
5900 Posvar Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Biographical Sketch:

M. Najeeb Shafiq is Professor of Education, Economics, and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh. As a comparative education economist, Professor Shafiq adopts an interdisciplinary approach and advanced quantitative methods to explore the following topics: - Education and social mobility in low- and middle-income countries - The social and non-monetary benefits of education (the effect of education on civic, moral, and political outcomes) - Education reform (educational vouchers; early childhood education; higher education) - Human capital decisions (labor market benefits; gender gaps; child labor)

Primary Research Focus:

Social benefits of education; child labor; educational gender gap; school choice & privatization

JEL Areas:
I2 : Education: General
O1 : Economic Development: General