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Mazbahul Golam Ahamad and Rezai Karim Khondker
''Climate Risks, Seasonal Food Insecurity and Consumption Coping Strategies: Evidences from a Micro-level Study from Northern Bangladesh''
( 2010, Vol. 30 No.2 )
This paper examines the food insecurity status and coping strategies among the households in the Northern Bangladesh. A three stage stratified random sampling followed by a structured questionnaire was employed to collect primary data from nine different primary sampling units. Locally adjusted reduced consumption coping strategy index is used to quantify the food security status, especially for mainland and flood affected riverbanks of the study areas. Nine explanatory variables are considered for an interval regression to assess the impacts of these predictors on changing reduced consumption coping strategy index score. Moreover, body mass index of household heads and dependency ratio of respective households are analyzed to compare strata-wise food insecurity.
Keywords: Food Insecurity, Climate Risks, Consumption Coping Strategy Index, Interval Regression, Northern Bangladesh.
JEL: Q5 - Environmental Economics: General
C1 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: General
Manuscript Received : Apr 07 2010 Manuscript Accepted : May 18 2010

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