Alexander S. Skorobogatov |
''The value of human capital and health behavior'' |
( 2012, Vol. 32 No.2 ) |
The paper examines an effect of the return to human capital on health behavior. An approach is assumed
in the paper which implies that health is an investment good complimentary for human capital. The latter
is treated as actual skills and knowledge yielding a bonus above earnings. We propose a model relating
health demand to human capital. According to the model, human capital determines health behavior via
the expected effect of health on the return to human capital. The main implication of the model is that the
educated people will not much differ from those lacking any education with regard to health behavior if their
education does not generate the bonus. |
Keywords: skills, addictions, transitional economy, Russia, schooling, Grossman model, time allocation |
JEL: J2 - Demand and Supply of Labor: General |
Manuscript Received : Mar 06 2012 | | Manuscript Accepted : Jun 26 2012 |