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Stoyu I. Ivanov
''Analysis of Firm Risk around S&P 500 Index Changes''
( 2012, Vol. 32 No.2 )
In this study we extend the work of Vijh (1994), Barberis, Shleifer, and Wurgler (2005), Denis, McConnell, Ovtchinnikov and Yu (2003) and Geppert, Ivanov and Karels (2011) by examining the effects of the addition to or deletion from the S&P 500 index on the firm's Fama - French four factor model loadings before and after the event. We find that added to and deleted from the S&P 500 index firms experience unique sensitivity to the Small cap minus Big cap (SMB) and momentum (UMD) factors. This finding and robustness tests indicate that addition to and deletion from the S&P 500 index have a unique and profound fundamental effect on the added and deleted firm.
Keywords: Beta Changes, S&P500 Constituents Changes, Fama-French Factor Loadings
G3 - Corporate Finance and Governance: General
Manuscript Received : May 21 2012 Manuscript Accepted : May 23 2012

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