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John C. Whitehead, O. Ashton Morgan and William L. Huth
''Convergent validity of stated preference methods to estimate willingness-to-pay for seafood traceability: The case of Gulf of Mexico oysters''
( 2018, Vol. 38 No.1 )
In this study we compare willingness to pay for a seafood traceability system from contingent behavior demand and contingent valuation referendum vote models using data from a survey of Gulf of Mexico oyster consumers following the BP oil spill in 2010. We estimate a random effects model of oyster demand using contingent behavior data and find that a traceability program increases demand and consumer surplus. We estimate a referendum model for the seafood traceability program using contingent valuation data. We find that welfare estimates from the contingent behavior and contingent valuation methods are convergent valid under certain conditions.
Keywords: Contingent behavior, contingent valuation, convergent validity, oyster, traceability
JEL: Q5 - Environmental Economics: General
Q2 - Renewable Resources and Conservation: General
Manuscript Received : Sep 20 2016 Manuscript Accepted : Feb 09 2018

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