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Keshar M. Ghimire
''Impact of children's health insurance benefit on labor supply of adults: evidence from newly arrived immigrants''
( 2018, Vol. 38 No.1 )
This paper exploits the State Children's Health Insurance Program of the United States to investigate impact of a publicly funded health insurance benefit for children on work behavior of adult men and women. Drawing data from the Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey and employing a triple-difference identification strategy, we find that public health insurance benefit for children decreases labor supply of women but increases that of men. Estimates suggest that, on average, labor force participation rate of women decreased by 7.4 percentage points while that of men increased by 5.5 percentage points as their families became eligible for State Children's Health Insurance Program. Our findings are supported by several robustness checks and a falsification exercise.
Keywords: SCHIP, Public health insurance, Labor supply, Immigrants
JEL: I1 - Health: General
J2 - Demand and Supply of Labor: General
Manuscript Received : Aug 07 2017 Manuscript Accepted : Feb 09 2018

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