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Miyashita Haruki
''On a trade-off in the evolution of ownership''
( 2018, Vol. 38 No.3 )
This paper shows that the emergence of ownership faces a trade-off between interacting group size in a population and the fighting cost for resources in a Hawk-Dove-Bourgeois game played by entities in the population. More precisely, for each fighting cost, large size of the group induces neutral stability of the Bourgeois whereas small size ensures evolutionary stability of the Hawk. Each player's adaption process is supposed as follows : At each period, a sub-group of the population is randomly drawn, and the Hawk-Dove-Bourgeois game is played in the group. Each player in a group observes the payoff distribution of the members in the group and switches own strategy to one with higher payoff.
Keywords: Hawk-Dove-Bourgeois game, Evolutionary dynamics, Local matching structure, NSS, ESS
Manuscript Received : Jun 25 2018 Manuscript Accepted : Jul 18 2018

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