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Marc Dubois
''Unnested Aversion to s-th Degree Inequality''
( 2019, Vol. 39 No.4 )
The paper characterizes the necessary and sufficient condition under which additively separable social welfare functions are averse to s-th degree inequality. For s>1, the result states that aversion to (s+1)-th degree inequality is neither a weaker nor a stronger attitude than aversion to s-th degree inequality, hence it is not an extension of the Pigou-Dalton condition. This statement makes room to several attitudes to inequality such as aversion to upside inequality and elitism, among others.
Keywords: Inequality aversion; s-th degree inequality; Principle of transfer.
JEL: D6 - Welfare Economics: General
D3 - Distribution: General
Manuscript Received : Nov 27 2018 Manuscript Accepted : Oct 13 2019

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