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Georges Ngnouwal Eloundou, Blaise Ondoua Beyene and Marius Messoh Lonte
''In pursuit of Happiness in developing countries: does the diffusion of ICT matter?''
( 2023, Vol. 43 No.4 )
ICTs have spread throughout developing countries, giving people access to information, economic opportunities and essential services (such as education and health). This has enhanced their knowledge of the world, their education and their social awareness. This paper assesses the effects of ICT on Subjective Well-Being (SWB). Using a sample of 98 developing countries (DCs), we specify and estimate a panel data model using the Pooled Ordinary Least Squares (POLS) and the System Generalized Moment Method (sGMM) over the period 2005-2020. Our results show that ICT diffusion improves subjective well-being. From an economic policy perspective, these results provide guidelines for the implementation and use of ICT in developing countries, which is an asset for a better quality of life.
Keywords: SWB, ICT diffusion, POLS, sGMM, DCs.
JEL: I3 - Welfare and Poverty: General
O3 - Technological Change; Research and Development: General
Manuscript Received : Nov 05 2022 Manuscript Accepted : Dec 30 2023

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