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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Anne-Sophie Billet , Claire Papaix and Mathias Reymond
  Connected objects: Economic modelling of time arbitrage
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Dec 30 2023 Michael R. Caputo
  Fundamental comparative statics of the canonical agricultural household model
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Dec 29 2021 Abhinash Borah and Raghvi Garg
  Eliminate the normative worst, then choose
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Sep 18 2021 Chen Cohen and Shmuel Nitzan
  Advantageous defensive efforts in contests
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Nov 14 2020 Christopher Limnios and William Marquis
  A Model of Social Media Participation and Depression
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Sep 30 2019 Nikolai S. Kukushkin
  On the existence of undominated alternatives in convex sets
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Jun 21 2018 Kuntal Banerjee
  On the Representability of a Class of Lexicographic Preferences
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Feb 22 2017 Benjamín Vallejo Jiménez and Francisco Venegas Martínez
  Optimal consumption and portfolio rules when the asset price is driven by a time-inhomogeneous Markov modulated fractional Brownian motion with multiple Poisson jumps
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Feb 04 2016 Ethan Ligon
  Some λ-Separable Frisch Demands with Utility Functions
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Mar 11 2015 Sanghoon K Lee
  Disability Risk and Hyperbolic Discounting
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Apr 23 2014 Mathias Kifmann , Kerstin Roeder and Clarissa Schumacher
  A note on quasi-hyperbolic discounting, risk aversion, and the demand for insurance
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Jan 30 2014 Paolo Delle Site
  On the expenditure function and welfare in random utility models
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Oct 04 2013 Vivekananda Mukherjee and Siddhartha Mitra
  Does a Salary Hike Reduce Corruption?
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Jul 20 2012 Miguel A. Espinosa and Juan D. Prada
  Identities for Homogeneous Utility Functions
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Mar 14 2011 Luca Panaccione
  Mind the gap! A note on the income and the substitution effects
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Nov 24 2009 Paolo Bertoletti
  On the output criterion for price discrimination
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Sep 30 2009 Jan Heufer
  Stochastic homothetically revealed preference for tight stochastic demand functions
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Aug 20 2009 Amita Majumder
  A characterization of the composite price variable to approximate a price aggregator function in the Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System
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Aug 20 2009 Udo Ebert
  On the definition of nonessentiality
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Jul 24 2009 Norihisa Sato
  Existence of competitive equilibrium in economies with multi-member households
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