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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Phu Quang Tran , Anh Phan , Dung V. Tran and Mohamad H. Shahrour
  The effect of capital empowerment on the lending competence of banks: Evidence from segmental analysis
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Mar 30 2024 Liliana Celedón-Cabriales , Alejandra E. Martínez-hidalgo , Abigahil Meléndez Kamila Sánchez , Patricia Kaory Tamez-González and Carlos A. Carrasco
  Macroprudential policy, mortgage lending and economic activity in Mexico
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Dec 30 2023 Ibrahim N Ouattara and Balakissa Kone
  The effect of exchange rate on the money demand: evidence from ECOWAS countries
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Sep 30 2023 Zulal Denaux , Mert Topcu and Furkan Emirmahmutoglu
  Revisiting the financial development and economic growth nexus: Evidence from south Korea
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Mar 30 2023 Akira Sakai
  Have lower interest rates tightened capital regulation? Empirical analysis using data of regional banks
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Dec 30 2022 Huachen Li
  Tether points, price stability, and arbitrage efficiency
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Sep 30 2022 Sy-Hoa Ho , Idir Hafrad and Viet Dung Tran
  Asymmetric exchange rates pass-through in Vietnam
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Jun 30 2022 Gabriel C Montes and Caio F Ferreira
  Monetary policy opacity and disagreements in expectations about variables under central bank control
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Jun 30 2022 Graziano Moramarco
  Funding liquidity, credit risk and unconventional monetary policy in the Euro area: A GVAR approach
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Feb 20 2022 Kenta Toyofuku
  Risk sharing and asset commonality in the financial sector
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Sep 18 2021 Arnoldo López-Marmolejo , Carlos Vladimir Rodríguez-Caballero and Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària
  Remittances at record highs in Latin America: Time to revisit the Dutch disease
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Nov 25 2020 Veundjua Muruko-Jaezuruka and Prashant Gupta
  Assessing Foreign Direct Investment Long-Run Contribution to Financial Development: Evidence from Namibia
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Jun 18 2020 Daniel Groft
  Comparing shadow rates in monetary policy shock identification
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Feb 05 2020 Edward N Gamber and Julie K Smith
  Monetary policy and the yield curve
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Feb 05 2020 Masudul Hasan Adil , Shadab Danish , Sajad Ahmad Bhat and Bandi Kamaiah
  Fisher Effect: An Empirical Re-examination in Case of India
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Oct 13 2019 Taoufik Bouraoui
  External debts, current account balance and exchange rates in emerging countries
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Aug 20 2019 Joshua R Hendrickson
  There is no such thing as the zero lower bound
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May 31 2019 Maria Pia Olivero
  Fiscal policy and credit spreads: Evidence from a SVAR
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Apr 03 2019 Stefano Bosi , Thai Ha-Huy and Ngoc-Sang Pham
  Rational bubbles in altruistic economies: when Tirole meets Ramsey
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Mar 28 2019 Jin-Kyu Jung , Michael Frenkel and Jan-Christoph Rülke
  On the consistency of central banks´ interest rate forecasts
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Dec 02 2018 Juan Camilo Galvis Ciro and Guillermo David Hincapié Vélez
  Effect of Banking Concentration on the Lending Channel: evidence from Colombia
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Oct 20 2018 Serdar Ongan and Ismet Gocer
  Interest Rates, Inflation and Partial Fisher Effects under Nonlinearity: Evidence from Canada
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Oct 17 2018 Cleomar Gomes da Silva and Gilberto O. Boaretto
  Inflation and Relative Price Variability in Brazil: A Time-Varying Parameter Approach
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May 12 2018 Yifei Cai
  Testing the Fisher Effect in the US
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Apr 30 2018 Marcelo de C. Griebeler and Guilherme Stein
  Credibility is not enough: the importance of common knowledge to anchor expectations
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Dec 01 2017 Artem Meshcheryakov and Stoyu I Ivanov
  Investor's sentiment in predicting the Effective Federal Funds Rate
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Jun 16 2017 Yoshiko Suzuki
  Return of the Japan premium in the abenomics period
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May 25 2017 Oguzhan Cepni and Doruk Kucuksarac
  Optimal Mix of the Extended Nelson Siegel Model for Turkish Sovereign Yield Curve
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Jan 26 2017 Ulrich Fritsche and Christian Pierdzioch
  Animal spirits, the stock market, and the unemployment rate: Some evidence for German data
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Dec 10 2016 Antoine Le Riche and Francesco Magris
  Decreasing Transaction Costs and Endogenous Fluctuations in a Monetary Model
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Apr 29 2016 Andrew Phiri
  Did the global financial crisis alter equilibrium adjustment dynamics between the US federal fund fund rates and stock price volatility in the SSA region?
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Apr 14 2016 Yoshiko Suzuki
  European banks' funding realignment during the European debt crisis: impact of counterparty risk and funding liquidity on FX swap pricing
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Mar 17 2016 Riyad Abubaker
  Consumption and Money Uncertainty at the Zero Lower Bound
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Dec 26 2015 Pauline Gandré
  Domestic creditors as last lenders in debt crises: a simple model with multiple equilibria
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Sep 02 2015 Katsuhiro Sugita
  Bayesian analysis of the predictive power of the yield curve using a vector autoregressive model with multiple structural breaks
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Aug 12 2015 Alex Luiz Ferreira
  The Simultaneity Bias of the Uncovered Interest Rate Parity: evidence using survey data for Brazil
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Jun 09 2015 Alexander C. Jung
  Does liquidity matter for money demand in euro area countries?
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May 14 2015 Yuki Takahashi
  Did the TARP Expand or Contract Bank Lending? A Numerical Simulation Using a Financial Accelerator Model
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Mar 28 2015 Salim Ergene
  Growth, inflation, interest rate and informality: Panel VAR evidence from OECD Economies
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Mar 22 2015 Thai-Ha Le
  Exchange rate determination in Vietnam
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Mar 12 2015 Qichun He
  A Monetary Variety-Expanding Growth Model with a Cash-in-Advance Constraint on Manufacturing
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Mar 11 2015 Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Sahar Bahmani
  Nonlinear ARDL Approach and the Demand for Money in Iran
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Mar 11 2015 Tuck Cheong Tang and Pei Pei Tan
  Real Interest Rate and House Prices in Malaysia: An Empirical Study
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Mar 11 2015 Bidyut Talukdar
  Learning-by-doing and the optimal Ramsey interest rate
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Aug 06 2014 Florian Huber
  Forecasting Exchange Rates using Bayesian Threshold Vector Autoregressions
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May 25 2014 Utku Akseki , Abdurrahman Nazif Çatık and Barış Gök
  A regime-dependent investigation of the impact of macroeconomic variables on the housing market activity in Turkey
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Mar 03 2014 Cleomar Gomes da Silva and Flávio Vilela Vieira
  BRICS countries: real interest rates and long memory
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Feb 28 2014 Nguena Christian Lambert and Tsafack Nanfosso Roger
  On the Sensitivity of Banking Activity Shocks: Evidence from the CEMAC Sub-region
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Jan 20 2014 Makram El-shagi and Logan J Kelly
  Liquidity in the liquidity crisis: evidence from Divisia monetary aggregates in Germany and the European crisis countries
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Aug 22 2013 Hamza Bennani
  Does the ECB consider the persistence of inflation differentials?
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Aug 02 2013 Tatyana Zhuravleva
  Financial sector: does size matter?
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Jul 11 2013 Dirk Bleich , Ralf Fendel and Jan-Christoph Rülke
  Monetary Policy and Stock Market Volatility
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Jun 25 2013 Jui-Chuan Della Chang
  Identifying the bank lending channel in a small open economy
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May 27 2013 José R Sánchez-Fung
  Examining the role of monetary aggregates in China
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May 18 2013 Michael R Frenkel and Jan C Rülke
  Is the ECB's monetary benchmark still alive?
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May 12 2013 Lilia Karnizova
  Letting the speculative and the news views of the Japanese business cycle compete
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Apr 29 2013 Periklis Gogas , Theophilos Papadimitriou and Elvira Takli
  Comparison of simple sum and Divisia monetary aggregates in GDP forecasting: a support vector machines approach
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Apr 11 2013 Christophe Blot and Fabien Labondance
  Business lending rate pass-through in the Eurozone: monetary policy transmission before and after the financial crash
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Mar 14 2013 Florian Verheyen
  Interest rate pass-through in the EMU – new evidence using the nonlinear ARDL framework
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Mar 04 2013 Meichi Huang
  Housing bubble implications: The perspective of housing price predictability
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Feb 15 2013 Claudiu T Albulescu , Daniel Goyeau and Dominique Pépin
  Financial instability and ECB monetary policy
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Jan 14 2013 Hwa-taek Lee , Venus khim-sen Liew and Gawon Yoon
  Is there a nonlinear long-run relation in the U.S. interest rate and inflation?
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Sep 16 2012 Youssouf Kiendrebeogo
  The effects of financial development on trade performance and the role of institutions
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Aug 21 2012 Daisuke Ida
  Optimal monetary policy in an economy with real rigidity
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Oct 21 2011 Muhammad Nasir , Qasim Jan and Muhammad Javid
  Cointegrated money in production function: evidence from a developing country
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Oct 21 2011 JaeJoon Han
  Adequate Liquid Provision for a Run Preventing Contract
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Sep 16 2011 Yuki Toyoshima and Shigeyuki Hamori
  Panel cointegration analysis of the Fisher effect: Evidence from the US, the UK, and Japan
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Sep 09 2011 Edward W. Sun , Daniel Tenengauzer , Ali Bastani and Omid Rezania
  Identification of Driving Factors for Emerging Markets Sovereign Spreads
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Jul 20 2011 Ozlem Goktas and Aycan Hepsag
  Do stock returns lead real economic activity? Evidence from seasonal cointegration analysis
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Jun 30 2011 A. M. M. Jamal and Yu Hsing
  The Demand for Money in a Simultaneous-Equation Framework
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May 12 2011 Nikolay Nenovsky , Amine Lahiani and Petar Chobanov
  Empirical Investigation of Systemic Risk in the New EU States
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May 12 2011 João Caldeira and Luiz Furlani
  Break-even inflation rate and the risk premium: an alternative approach to the VAR models in forecasting the CPI
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Mar 17 2011 Yu Hsing
  Impacts of Macroeconomic Variables on the U.S. Stock Market Index and Policy Implications
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Mar 04 2011 Fredrik NG Andersson
  Monetary Policy, Asset Price Inflation and Consumer Price Inflation
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Nov 16 2010 Yi-ni Hsieh and Wea-in Wang
  Credit risk, trade credit and finance: evidence from Taiwanese manufacturing firms
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Nov 08 2010 Prakash Singh and Manoj Kumar Pandey
  Financial Innovation and Stability of Money Demand Function in Post–reform period in India
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Oct 21 2010 Riccardo Lo Conte
  Debt and interest rates: lessons from european monetary union
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Oct 02 2010 Shabbir Ahmad
  Fisher effect in nonlinear STAR framework: some evidence from Asia
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Aug 28 2010 Jean-michel Sahut
  A Flexible Non Linear Model to Test the Expectation Hypothesis of Interest Rates
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Apr 22 2010 Joseph P Byrne , Giorgio Fazio and Norbert Fiess
  Domestic vs. International Correlations of Interest Rate Maturities
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Feb 18 2010 Meixing Dai
  Financial volatility and optimal instrument choice: A revisit to Poole's analysis
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Oct 19 2009 Ioanna Konstantakopoulou , Eftymios Tsionas and Tryphon Kollintzas
  Stylized Facts of Prices and Interest Rates over the Business Cycle
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Sep 28 2009 Reginaldo Pinto Nogueira Jr.
  Is monetary policy really neutral in the long-run? Evidence for some emerging and developed economies
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Jul 01 2009 Joaquim Pina
  Do international spillovers matter for long run neutrality?
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Jun 03 2009 Takeshi Inoue and Shigeyuki Hamori
  An Empirical Analysis of the Money Demand Function in India
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Oct 17 2008 Marielle de Jong and Gilbert Cette
  The rocky ride of break-even inflation rates
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Oct 10 2008 Ching-Chun Wei
  The analysis of interest rate mean and volatility spillover to the industrial production index and stock markets: The case of China
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May 30 2008 Jan Tin
  The Life-Cycle Motive and Money Demand: Further Evidence
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Feb 25 2008 Benoit Julien and Richard Dutu
  Ex-ante production, directed search and indivisible money
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Jan 05 2008 Sergio Da Silva , Roberto Meurer and Caio Guttler
  Is the Brazilian stockmarket efficient?
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Oct 23 2007 Kristin Van Gaasbeck and Kevin Salyer
  Taking the Monetary Implications of a Monetary Model Seriously
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Sep 03 2007 sunanda roy
  On price uncertainty, nominal assets and uninsurable idiosyncratic risks
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Aug 02 2007 Antonio Doblas-Madrid
  Implications of within-period timing in models of speculative attack
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Feb 21 2007 Vincent Bouvatier
  Are International Interest Rate Differentials Driven by the Risk Premium? The Case of Asian Countries
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Oct 12 2006 Paolo Zagaglia
  How reliable are Taylor rules? A view from asymmetry in the U.S. Fed funds rate
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Jan 10 2006 Jamie Emerson
  The Quantity Theory of Money: Evidence from the United States
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Sep 21 2005 Gary Shelley and Frederick Wallace
  The relation between U.S. money growth and inflation: evidence from a band-pass filter
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Feb 23 2005 Daiki Maki
  Asymmetric adjustment of the equilibrium relationship between the nominal interest rate and inflation rate
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Feb 05 2005 Daiki Maki
  The term structure of interest rates with nonlinear adjustment: Evidence from a unit root test in the nonlinear STAR framework
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Jan 10 2005 R. Vijay Krishna
  Non-robustness of the cash-in-advance equilibrium in the trading post model
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Apr 13 2004 Burkhard Heer
  Nonsuperneutrality of Money in the Sidrauski Model with Heterogenous Agents
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Jan 26 2004 José R. Sánchez-Fung and Peter A. Prazmowski
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Jul 02 2003 Valerie Mignon and Sandrine Lardic
  Fractional cointegration between nominal interest rates and inflation: A re-examination of the Fisher relationship in the G7 countries
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May 28 2003 Keiichi Tanaka
  Indeterminacy of equilibrium price of money, market price of risk and interest rates
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Mar 30 2003 Eric Kam and Paul Missios
  Wealth effects in a cash-in-advance economy
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Mar 29 2002 Patrick Fève , Fabrice Collard and Stéphane Auray
  Habit Persistence and Beliefs Based Liquidity Effect
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  A vector error correction and nonnested modeling of money demand function in Nigeria
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Jan 24 2002 Patrick Fève and Stéphane Auray
  Interest Rate and Inflation in Monetary Models with Exogenous Money Growth Rule
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