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Onur Baser and Elda Pema
''The return of publications for economics faculty''
( 2003, Vol. 1 No.1 )
This study uses comprehensive panel data to determine the effect of publications on the salaries of full-time economics faculty in nine midwestern universities. The data set allows us to control not only the volume but also the quality of publications. Recent developments in the ISI-Web of science enable us to divide total citations per faculty member into citations by others and self-citations. Since none of the traditional measures (citations, publication indexes, total article pages) when used individually fully accounts for all research output, all available measures should be used. Our findings indicate that average number of article-pages published in The American Economic Review (AER) are likely to increase salary by %1.3 to %1.9 per year. Neither self-citations nor publications in non-ranked journals appears to affect salary.
JEL: A1 - General Economics: General Econ
Manuscript Received : May 13 2003 Manuscript Accepted : Aug 22 2003

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