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Phinseng Channgakham
''The effects of a fertilizer loan on dry-season rice cultivated areas in Laos''
( 2006, Vol. 15 No.12 )
This study estimates the effects of agricultural credit, especially a fertilizer loan, by utilizing original survey data collected before and after the policy change. We apply the fixed-effects method to account for the endogeneity that occurs when the farmer-specific unobserved heterogeneity correlates with the amount of loan. The result indicates that the quantitative effects of a fertilizer loan on dry-season rice cultivated areas (DRCAs) are small. This suggests that the elimination of the fertilizer loan may have little effect on DRCAs.
JEL: O1 - Economic Development: General
Q1 - Agriculture: General
Manuscript Received : Jul 31 2006 Manuscript Accepted : Sep 29 2006

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