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Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez
''Regional Convergence in the European Union: Results from a Panel Data Model''
( 2008, Vol. 18 No.2 )
This paper evaluates the convergence process for different samples of European Union regions during the period 1982-1999 by using fixed effects panel data regressions. This estimation method allows us to control for unobserved time-invariant heterogeneity in cross-sectional models. The results of growth rates are significantly negatively related to income levels and show that the convergence relationship holds. However when regions are bound to very different steady state positions, convergence to a common income level appears to be impossible.
N1 - Economic History: Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics; Growth and Fluctuations: General, International, or Comparative
Manuscript Received : Mar 11 2008 Manuscript Accepted : Apr 21 2008

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