Charalambos D. Aliprantis, Dionysius Glycopantis and Allan Muir |
''On mixed and behavioural strategies'' |
( 2009, Vol. 29 No.3 ) |
In the context of extensive form games, we are considering the relation between
mixed and behavioural strategies. We look again at the famous Kuhn theorem and also
discuss a result for games in which no path intersects any information set in more than
one node. We apply the principle mathematical of induction on the number of information
sets treated behaviourally. |
Keywords: Extensive form games, Pure strategies, Information sets,
Mixed strategies, Behavioural strategies, A path, G-type games, (No)-Absentmindedness,
Perfect recall, Equivalence, Probability distributions, Marginal probabilities, Induction. |
Manuscript Received : Jun 01 2009 | | Manuscript Accepted : Jul 26 2009 |