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Elias K Shukralla and William J Allan
''Foreign aid, women in parliament and corruption: empirical evidence from the 2000s''
( 2011, Vol. 31 No.1 )
Using data for the 2000s, this paper explores the impact of foreign aid and the percentage of women in parliament on corruption. In doing so, it combines the aid – corruption literature with the literature that addresses the impact of gender on corruption. We also inquire if aid is more effective in countries with a larger participation of women in parliament. We find that neither aid nor the percentage of women in parliament affects perceived corruption in a significant way. Moreover, the impact of aid on corruption does not seem to be affected by the share of women in parliament.On the other hand,a long-established democracy is consistently found to be significant in affecting corruption.Our results are robust to various specifications, alternative measures of corruption and use of estimation techniques.
Keywords: Foreign aid, women in parliament, corruption
JEL: O5 - Economywide Country Studies: General
Manuscript Received : Aug 01 2010 Manuscript Accepted : Feb 14 2011

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