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Ioanna Keramidou, Angelos Mimis and Evangelia Pappa
''Identifying efficiency drivers in the greek sausage industry: a double bootstrap DEA approach''
( 2011, Vol. 31 No.1 )
The paper investigates technical efficiency determinants for sausage industry in Greece over the period of 1994–2007. A double bootstrap data envelopment analysis is applied in order to obtain robust estimates of efficiency scores and regression variable coefficients in the presence of serial correlation between the efficiency scores measures and explanatory variables. The primal results show that (i) the level of domestic sausage consumption, the firm's integration in a group, the knowledge and skills of employees, as well as the international expansion of firms are significant determinants for performance improvement; (ii) the firm size and productive flexibility contributes negatively to efficiency; (iii) the Greece integration in the European Economic and Monetary Union and firm age, as well as several managerial practices related to vertical integration, firm's innovation activities and capital intensity do not have a statistical significant impact on performance.
Keywords: Determinants of Efficiency, Efficiency measures, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Bootstrapping method, Sausage Industry
JEL: M2 - Business Economics: General
L2 - Firm Objectives, Organization, and Behavior: General
Manuscript Received : Dec 15 2010 Manuscript Accepted : Jan 28 2011

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