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Huong Vu and Steven Lim
''Exports and Firm survival: The first evidence from Vietnam private manufacturing SMEs''
( 2013, Vol. 33 No.2 )
This study contributes to the literature by investigating for the first time linkages between export behaviour and firm survival in Vietnam. Using an unbalanced panel dataset from 2005-09, our study shows no difference in the survival probability among exporters only, importers only, or two-way traders with non-traders. However, by digging deeper into export status, the results indicate that the probability of firm survival has a positive association with continuous exporters, but is negatively linked with export stoppers. Furthermore, our results also indicate that SMEs pursuing an indirect export mode exhibit a higher probability of survival than SMEs that export directly. These findings are robust to various econometric specifications.
Keywords: Exports, Export mode, Firm Survival, SME, Vietnam
JEL: F1 - Trade: General
Manuscript Received : Apr 12 2013 Manuscript Accepted : May 21 2013

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