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Dominique Pépin
''Intertemporal Substitutability, Risk aversion and Asset Prices''
( 2015, Vol. 35 No.4 )
Is the elasticity of intertemporal substitution (EIS) more or less than one? This question can be answered by confronting theoretical results of asset pricing models with investor behaviour during episodes of stock market panic. If we consider these episodes as periods of high risk aversion, then lower asset prices are in fact associated with higher risk aversion. However, according to theoretical models, risky asset price is an increasing function of the coefficient of risk aversion only if the EIS exceeds unity. It may therefore be concluded that the EIS must be more than one to reconcile theory with the observed stock price decline during periods of panic.
Keywords: risk aversion, elasticity of intertemporal substitution, stock market panics, CCAPM, asset prices
Manuscript Received : May 26 2015 Manuscript Accepted : Oct 16 2015

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