René Levínský and Miroslav Zelený |
''Asymmetric parametric division rules revisited'' |
( 2020, Vol. 40 No.1 ) |
J.E. Stovall showed that continuity, N-continuity, bilateral consistency, intrapersonal consistency, and resource monotonicity characterize division rules with continuous parametric representations.
He also showed that none of the first four properties can be omitted in the characterization. In this note we continue this discussion by showing that there exists a division rule which satisfies the first four properties but not resource monotonicity. Thus these properties are independent and the formulation of Stovall´s result is optimal. |
Keywords: claims, resource monotonicity, asymmetric parametric division rule |
JEL: D7 - Analysis of Collective Decision-Making: General
Manuscript Received : Nov 09 2019 | | Manuscript Accepted : Feb 05 2020 |