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Cuong Viet Nguyen and Quang Duy Phung
''Does Firm Agglomeration Induce Migration? Evidence from Vietnam''
( 2020, Vol. 40 No.4 )
This study examines whether the geographical agglomeration of firms affects inter-province migration in Vietnam. We measure firm agglomeration by per capita firm outputs at the province level. We find that the agglomeration of private firms but not stated-owned enterprises and FDI firms has a significant effect on inter-province migration. A one percent increase in private-firm revenue per capita of original provinces reduces the number of out-migrants by 0.075 percent, while a one percent increase in the private-firm revenue per capita of destination provinces increases the number of in-migrants by 0.064 percent. Interestingly, we find a stronger effect of the firm agglomeration on highly-educated people than lowly-educated ones.
Keywords: Firm agglomeration, migration, gravity models, population census, Vietnam
JEL: O1 - Economic Development: General
R2 - Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics: Household Analysis: General
Manuscript Received : Oct 28 2020 Manuscript Accepted : Dec 30 2020

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