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Alastaire Sèna Alinsato, Franck Nkeudjoua and Boris Houenou
''Technical efficiency of electric companies in sub-saharan africa''
( 2021, Vol. 41 No.4 )
This article focuses on the technical efficiency of Africa electric companies. A measurement of productive efficiency is obtained by econometrically estimating an output distance function using a stochastic frontier analysis from a panel of African electric companies, using data from 2008 to 2017. The study shows that countries with incentive pricing have technically more efficient electric companies than other countries. This result puts more in perspective the incentive instruments stemming from Laffont and Tirole's theory of incentives and contracts and guides the regulatory authorities in the electricity sector on the scope of the various levers that encourage the technical efficiency of electric companies. However, the reach of its incentive mechanisms depends on an enabling institutional environment.
Keywords: Technical efficiency - electricity pricing - stochastic frontier analysis - incentive regulation- output distance function
JEL: Q4 - Energy: General
D2 - Production and Organizations: General
Manuscript Received : Mar 02 2021 Manuscript Accepted : Dec 29 2021

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