First Author:
John Schroeter |
Department of Economics, Iowa State University |
johns@iastate.edu |
260 Heady Hall, Department of Economics, Iowa State University |
Ames, 50011-1070, USA |
515.294.5876(Phone) |
515.294.5876(Fax) |
http://www.econ.iastate.edu/people/faculty/facWebPage.asp?page=gen&fac=38 |
Second Author:
Aju Fenn |
Department of Economics and Business, The Colorado College |
afenn@coloradocollege.edu |
14 E. Cache La Poudre Street, Department of Economics and Business, The Colorado College |
Colorado Springs, 80903, USA |
719.389.6409(Phone) |
719.389.6927(Fax) |