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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Gilson Silva jr , Jose-Maria Silveira and Henrique Richter
  Construction, extractive and mining global investment intentions: a network analysis
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Mar 30 2023 Karamat Khan , Xueke Song , Salman Ali Shah and Kishwar Ali
  Natural resources and economic development: the role of national innovation system
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Mar 10 2021 Carlos Frederico A. Uchoa , Cleiton S. de Jesus and Leonardo C. B. Cardoso
  The asymmetric pattern of fuel demand in Brazil
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Dec 13 2018 Jennifer Hafer , Logan Kelly and Marina Onken
  Evaluating the efficacy of regulatory and technological innovation on carbon dioxide emissions: An application of structural break analysis
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May 25 2018 Novice patrick Bakehe
  Decomposition of the Environmental Kuznets curve for Deforestation in the Congo Basin
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Apr 22 2015 Kenichiro Ikeshita , Tamotsu Nakamura and Keisuke Osumi
  A phase diagram analysis on “The Environment and Directed Technical Change”
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Aug 25 2014 Riccardo Marchi Adani and Roberto Ricciuti
  The resource curse, rule of law and accountability in African countries: a dynamic panel analys
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Apr 17 2012 Kentaka Aruga and Shunsuke Managi
  Testing the effects of the Japanese vehicle emission-control law on the international palladium futures market
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Jul 05 2011 Tsaiyu Chang
  Why do rice farmers in Taiwan not expand scale? Economies of scale and the estimation of short- and long-run cost efficiencies using stochastic frontier analysis with time-varying panel data model
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May 03 2009 Abhijit Sharma , Kelvin G Balcombe and Iain M Fraser
  Non-renewable resource prices: Structural breaks and long term trends
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Jul 16 2008 Julien Daubanes
  Fossil fuels supplied by oligopolies: On optimal taxation and rent capture
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Jul 07 2005 Robert W. Turner , Laura Noddin and Alita Giuda
  Estimating nonuse values using conjoint analysis
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Jan 31 2005 Marcello Basili and Fulvio Fontini
  Quasi-option value under ambiguity
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