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Mar 30 2024 Jamel Trabelsi , Arbia jihène Jebeniani and Sofiene Omri
  The dynamics of international patents production: A panel smooth transition regression approach
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Sep 30 2023 Fabrice Hervé and Sylvain Marsat
  Eco-anxiety, connectedness to nature, and green equity investments
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Jun 30 2023 Philippe Jean-Amans , Harouna Wassongma and François Seck Fall
  Determinants of innovation in small- and medium-sized enterprises in Senegal
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Jun 30 2022 Dominique Bianco
  Does entrepreneurial behaviour matter for the strong Porter hypothesis?
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Jun 30 2022 Xiaoyang Zhu
  Corporate tax competition and innovation: An inverted-U relationship
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Dec 02 2018 Nejib Ben moussa
  The contribution of job satisfaction, organizational climate and employee commitment on management innovation in Tunisian SMEs: The effect of the post-revolution environment
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Aug 05 2018 Hoa Trong Hoang , Dung The Pham and Duc Dinh Nguyen
  Innovation practices at Vietnamese manufacturers: the impacts of innovation on profitability and growth
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Nov 19 2017 Dominique Bianco and Evens Salies
  The Strong Porter Hypothesis in an Endogenous Growth Model with Satisficing Managers
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Jun 05 2017 Gilson Silva jr , José Maria Silveira , Júlia Paranhos , Lia Hasenclever and Rogério Miranda
  Innovation, market power and biotechnology in the Brazilian Chemical industry
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Jun 01 2015 George Saridakis , Anne-Marie Mohammed and Sandra Sookram
  Does Crime Affect Firm Innovation? Evidence from Trinidad and Tobago
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Mar 11 2015 Jeremy Jay Jackson and Jason Smith
  A framework for non-drastic innovation with product differentiation
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Mar 05 2013 Simplice A Asongu
  Modeling the future of knowledge economy: evidence from SSA and MENA countries
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Feb 15 2013 Arijit Mukherjee and Prabal Roy chowdhury
  Innovation and social desirability of merger
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Mar 04 2012 Debasmita Basak and Arijit Mukherjee
  Patent protection and innovation in a vertical structure
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Aug 04 2011 Régis Chenavaz
  Dynamic pricing rule and R&D
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May 23 2011 Ornella Tarola
  Preemptive acquisition and downgrading innovation.
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Jul 15 2010 Luigi Filippini
  Specialization through Cross-licensing in a Multi-product Stackelberg Duopoly
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Nov 05 2008 Cassey Lee
  The Relationship Between Innovation, Productivity and Exports: Some Preliminary Evidence from the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector
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Mar 06 2008 Chia-Hui Huang
  A Note on the Persistence of Firms' Innovation Behavior: A Dynamic Random Effect Probit Model Approach
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Nov 30 2007 Arijit Mukherjee
  Irrelevance of productivity difference: A case with labor union
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Oct 26 2007 Cassey Lee and Lee Chew ging
  SME Innovation in the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector
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Mar 24 2007 Ashok Kaul , Volker Reinthaler and Marcus Hagedorn
  Welfare Analysis in a Schumpeterian Growth Model with Capital
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Sep 19 2005 Corinne Langinier and Caroline Boivin
  Technology Licensing to a Rival
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Mar 12 2002 Debapriya Sen
  Monopoly Profit in a Cournot oligopoly
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