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Mar 30 2024 Jamel Trabelsi , Arbia jihène Jebeniani and Sofiene Omri
  The dynamics of international patents production: A panel smooth transition regression approach
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Sep 30 2023 Lucy Xiaolu Wang
  A cost-benefit analysis of the medicines patent pool
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Jun 30 2023 María C Barrios gonzález , Heather L.R. Tierney and Myeong Hwan Kim
  Analysis of club convergence in the U.S. after the Great Recession
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Jun 30 2022 Masashi Umezawa
  Optimal two-part tariff licensing in a Stackelberg duopoly
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Apr 09 2021 Daniel Sommer and Bernd Ebersberger
  International R&D teams: Performance effects and the moderating role of technological competences
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Dec 11 2019 Beatriz P Almeida , Eduardo Gonçalves and Raquel Coelho Reis
  Path dependence and regional lock-in: an analysis using patent self-citations
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Nov 24 2019 Carlo Capuano and Iacopo Grassi
  Imperfect patent protection, licensing, and Social Welfare
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May 15 2019 H. Young Baek and Florence Neymotin
  Overconfident entrepreneurs: Innovating more and paying the piper
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Jul 18 2018 Sunandan Ghosh
  Parallel Imports, Product Quality and Endogenous Trading Bloc Formation
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Jun 11 2017 Masami Imai , Jonah Wolfson and Binghui Zheng
  Japan's Lost Decade: Did Decline in Innovation Lead to Loss of Competitiveness in Japanese Industries?
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Nov 20 2015 Keith Brouhle , Brad Graham and Donna R Harrington
  Knowledge flows within a government supported program
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Mar 11 2015 Izabela Jelovac
  On the relationship between the negotiated prices of pharmaceuticals and the patients' co-payment
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May 25 2014 Tarun Kabiraj and Uday Bhanu Sinha
  Strategic Outsourcing with Technology Transfer under Cournot Competition
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Mar 31 2014 Olivier Brossard and Inès Moussa
  The French cluster policy put to the test with differences-in-differences estimates
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Aug 22 2013 Stefano Colombo and Luigi Filippini
  Fee versus royalty licensing in a Cournot duopoly model with a commitment of no production
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Jun 14 2013 Eric T. Stuen
  Aggregate evidence of localized academic knowledge transfer in the U.S.
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Feb 15 2013 Arijit Mukherjee and Prabal Roy chowdhury
  Innovation and social desirability of merger
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Apr 17 2012 Sheng-Pin Hsueh and Wei-Ming Lee
  A revisit to the relationship between patents and R&D using empirical likelihood estimation
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Apr 17 2012 Guangliang Ye
  Patent Licensing in a Mixed Oligopoly with a Foreign Firm
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Mar 04 2012 Debasmita Basak and Arijit Mukherjee
  Patent protection and innovation in a vertical structure
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Dec 03 2010 Hsiao-chi Chen , Shiou Shieh and Pu-ti Su
  Fees versus Royalties under Partial Cross Ownership
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Jul 30 2010 Aniruddha Bagchi and Arijit Mukherjee
  Licensing and Patent Protection
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May 26 2010 Youping Li , Cristina M. Reiser and Zhou Yang
  Inducing R&D investment with price ceilings
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Jan 06 2010 Ming-Chung Chang
  Insider patent holder licensing in an oligopoly market with different cost structures: Fixed-fee, royalty, and auction
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Nov 20 2009 Simona Tenaglia and Marco Ventura
  A ranking of the value of patents granted by legal protection
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May 16 2009 Yang-Ming Chang and Kyle Ross
  Biodiversity, intellectual property rights and north-south trade
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May 12 2009 Dusanee Kesavayuth
  Patent licensing and research exemption
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Feb 27 2009 francesco schettino
  Scale effect on endogenous growth: an evaluation
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Dec 20 2008 Francesco Bogliacino and Alberto José Naranjo Ramos
  Optimal intellectual property rights protection: the case of Colombia
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Sep 09 2008 Katherine Sauer
  A model of parallel imports of pharmaceuticals with endogenous price controls
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Mar 06 2008 Chia-Hui Huang
  A Note on the Persistence of Firms' Innovation Behavior: A Dynamic Random Effect Probit Model Approach
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Jan 18 2008 Marco Alderighi
  On the Optimality of Patent Licensing with Maximum Production Volume
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Apr 18 2007 Arijit Mukherjee and Uday Bhanu Sinha
  Knowledge diffusion under patent with asymmetric firms
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Jan 17 2007 Alan Marco and Kieran Walsh
  Credibility and Credulity: How Beliefs about Beliefs Affect Entry Incentives
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Nov 28 2006 Alex Coad and Rekha Rao
  Innovation and market value: a quantile regression analysis
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Feb 27 2006 Sandro Gleave and Eberhard Feess
  Patent Licensing and Price Discrimination
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May 17 2005 Elisabetta Ottoz
  Technological spillover and the time distribution of licenses
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Jan 12 2005 Julio R. Robledo
  Strategic patents and asymmetric litigation costs as entry deterrence instruments
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Oct 26 2004 X. Henry Wang and Bill Yang
  On Technology Transfer to an Asymmetric Cournot Duopoly
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Sep 05 2004 X. Henry Wang and Judy Hsu
  On the Licensing of Innovations under Strategic Delegation
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Jun 20 2004 Elisabetta Ottoz and Franco Cugno
  The independent invention defence in a Cournot duopoly model
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