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Jun 30 2024 Karima Habibi and Salwa Trabelsi
  Is there a link between government spending, good governance, and economic growth? Evidence from developing countries
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Dec 30 2023 Boniface Yemba , Yi Duan and Nabaneeta Biswas
  Government spending news and stock price index
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Sep 30 2022 Sébastien Charles
  Fiscal multipliers and policies in France and Italy: What has happened in the decade after the Great Recession?
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Dec 29 2021 Shiou-Yen Chu and Brian Chi-ang Lin
  Wagner-Keynesian Nexus in a DSGE Model
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Mar 10 2021 Abdoulaye Dramane
  Effect of the size of government spending on corruption in sub-saharan african countries
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Feb 05 2020 Myeong Hwan Kim , Yongseung Han , Heather L.R. Tierney and Eréndira Yareth Vargas López
  The Economic Consequences of Government Spending in South Korea
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Sep 30 2019 Yoonseok Choi
  Government spending multipliers: New results from a model of naiveté
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Jul 07 2019 Jaka Sriyana and Jiyao Joanna Ge
  Asymmetric responses of fiscal policy to the inflation rate in Indonesia
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Feb 22 2017 Irfan Ahmad Khan , Mazhar Mughal , Junaid Ahmed and Hongbo Cai
  Home and Host country determinants of financial investment flows to Pakistan
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Aug 12 2015 Joshua R Hendrickson
  Should the government increase investment in infrastructure improvements when interest rates decline?
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Jul 11 2015 Christopher John Boudreaux
  Democratic age and the size of government
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Mar 11 2015 Viplav Saini and Dakshina G De silva
  Government spending and job creation at highway construction firms: evidence from Texas
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Aug 22 2013 David Amdur
  Who believes in fiscal and monetary stimulus? Evidence from a survey of Pennsylvania residents
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Jul 13 2013 Athanasios O. Tagkalakis
  The output effects of systematic and non-systematic fiscal policy changes in Greece
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Jun 24 2013 Md. Sharif Hossain and Rajarshi Mitra
  A Dynamic Panel Analysis of the Determinants of FDI in Africa
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Mar 28 2012 Hung-Pin Lin
  Does Defense Spending Surprise Long-Run Inflation, Economic Growth and Welfare?
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Jan 20 2012 Zeb Aurangzeb and Thanasis Stengos
  Economic Policies and the Impact of Natural Disasters on Economic Growth: A Threshold Regression Approach
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Sep 02 2011 Philippe Darreau and François Pigalle
  Ponzi game in OLG model with endogenous growth and productive government spending
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Aug 23 2011 Jun-hyung Ko and Hiroshi Morita
  Fiscal Policy under the Debt Feedback Rule: The Case of Japan
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Jun 25 2011 Gianluca Lagana and Pasquale Sgro
  Fiscal Policy and US-Canadian Trade
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Oct 02 2010 Kerstin Bruckmeier and Barbara Schwengler
  Estimating the redistributive effects of the federal unemployment and pension insurance on the regional income distribution in Germany
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Aug 26 2010 Sugata Ghosh and Andros Gregoriou
  Can corruption favour growth via the composition of government spending?
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Oct 12 2009 António Afonso and Christophe Rault
  Spend-and-tax: a panel data investigation for the EU
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Apr 17 2009 Paolo M. Panteghini
  On the equivalence between labor and consumption taxation
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Mar 24 2009 Juha Tervala
  Productive government spending and private consumption: a pessimistic view
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Jan 28 2006 Nigar Hashimzade and George Davis
  Human capital and growth under political uncertainty
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Oct 02 2005 Yutaro Murakami
  Vertical intergovernmental relationship and economic growth
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Jul 09 2004 Rosa Aísa and Fernando Pueyo
  Endogenous longevity, health and economic growth: a slow growth for a longer life?
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Jan 05 2004 Yeung-Nan Shieh
  The Effects of Macroeconomic Policies on Crime
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Aug 21 2003 Kei Hosoya
  Tax financed government health expenditure and growth with capital deepening externality
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