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Jun 30 2024 Phu Quang Tran , Anh Phan , Dung V. Tran and Mohamad H. Shahrour
  The effect of capital empowerment on the lending competence of banks: Evidence from segmental analysis
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Jun 30 2024 Isaac Ketu , Paul Ningaye and Anatole Tchounga
  Industrialization in the face of economic policy uncertainty: cross-country evidence
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Mar 30 2024 Guillaume Pijourlet
  Climate policy uncertainty and US industry stock returns: A quantile regression approach
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Mar 30 2024 Gabriel Caldas Montes and Pedro Salgado
  Economic policy uncertainties and business confidence in Japan
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Dec 30 2023 Prem Vaswani and Padmaja M
  Asymmetric relationship between macroeconomic uncertainty and stock market performance: a study of the Indian stock market
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Dec 30 2023 Hiroki Tanaka and Masaya Yasuoka
  Demand for education investment in a model with uncertainty
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Dec 30 2023 Michel C. de Souza
  On the transmission of us uncertainty shocks to the European labor market
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Jun 30 2023 Syed jawad hussain Shahzad , Elie Bouri and Román Ferrer
  Twitter sentiment and stock return volatility of US travel and leisure firms
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Jun 30 2023 Jim Jin and Shinji Kobayashi
  Monopoly profit lower than oligopoly due to risk aversion
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Jun 30 2023 Jamilu Iliyasu , Aliyu R Sanusi and Suleiman O Mamman
  Testing for explosive behavior in relative inflation measures: Implications for monetary policy under uncertainty
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Mar 30 2023 Mohamed Arouri , Hayet Ben Haj Hamida , Issam Mejri and Srdjan Redzepagic
  Drivers of cash holdings value: does economic policy uncertainty matter?
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Mar 30 2023 Jacques Minlend
  How does the economic policy uncertainty factor in the dynamics of oil price uncertainty?
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Mar 30 2023 Isiaka Akande Raifu
  Examining structural stability and time-varying causality between economic policy uncertainty and Asia-Pacific Islamic stock price
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Dec 30 2022 Rupika Khanna and Chandan Sharma
  COVID-19 and volatility in the tourism sector's stocks
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Dec 30 2022 Michele Dell´Era
  Financial transaction taxes and expert advice
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Dec 30 2022 Riadh El Abed and Noura Harboub
  Time varying causality between Economic policy uncertainty and stock prices in BRIC countries: A rolling-window bootstrap approach
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Sep 30 2022 Ibrahim Yagli , Ozkan Haykir and Emin Huseyin Cetenak
  Herding behavior in the European banking sector during the COVID-19 outbreak: The role of short-selling restrictions
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Sep 30 2022 Refk Selmi
  A war in a pandemic- The recent spike in economic uncertainty and the hedging abilities of Bitcoin
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Sep 30 2022 Marcelo E. A. Silva , Rafael Vasconcelos and Paulo Vaz
  Expectations and firm dynamics: Aggregate versus idiosyncratic shocks in emerging economies.
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Sep 30 2022 Selahattin Tolga Er and Ender Demir
  A matter of life or non-life: the role of economic uncertainty on insurance consumption
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Jun 30 2022 Pinar Sener , Fatma Didin Sonmez and Elvin Tigrel
  The impact of economic policy uncertainty on corporate diversification: evidence from Latin american emerging economies
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Jun 30 2022 Jongrim Ha
  Role of Global Uncertainty: Evidence from COVID-19 Pandemic
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Jun 30 2022 Gabriel C Montes and Caio F Ferreira
  Monetary policy opacity and disagreements in expectations about variables under central bank control
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Dec 29 2021 Chiara Casoli , Luca Pedini and Francesco Valentini
  Do Covid-19 mobility restrictions affect economic uncertainty in Italy? Evidence from a SVAR approach
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Sep 18 2021 Whelsy Boungou and Charles Mawusi
  Economic Policy Uncertainty and Banks' Interest Income: Empirical Evidence from an International Panel Dataset
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Sep 17 2021 Riadh El Abed and Zouheir Mighri
  Nonlinear Cointegration and Asymmetric Adjustement between Economic policy uncertainty and Gold price: Evidence from the United States
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Sep 06 2021 Gürkan Bozma , Murat Akadg and Rahman Aydin
  Dynamic Relationships between Oil Price, Inflation and Economic Growth: A VARMA, GARCH-in-mean, asymmetric BEKK Model for Turkey
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Apr 09 2021 Claudiu T Albulescu , Michel Mina and Cornel Oros
  Oil-US Stock Market Nexus: Some insights about the New Coronavirus Crisis
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Apr 09 2021 Brandli Stitzel , Ryan S Mattson and Rex Pjesky
  The trashy side of baseball: An econometric analysis of the Houston Astros cheating scandal.
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Apr 09 2021 Gamze Ozturk Danisman and Ender Demir
  The Effect of Pandemics on Domestic Credit: A Cross-country Analysis
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Apr 09 2021 Dandan Liu and Michael A Ellis
  FOMC forecasts and economic policy uncertainty
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Mar 10 2021 Masao Kumamoto and Juanjuan Zhuo
  Hedge and safe haven status of Bitcoin: copula-DCC approach
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Nov 14 2020 Ahmed Hamdi , Tarik Saikouk and Bouchaib Bahli
  Facing supply chain disruptions: enhancers of supply chain resiliency
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Oct 12 2020 Dieudonne Mignamissi and Yselle Flora Malah Kuete
  What Makes Africans Happy?
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Sep 24 2020 Kim Gannon and Hanzhe Zhang
  An Evolutionary Justification for Overconfidence
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Jun 18 2020 Chin Chia Liang , Carol Troy and Ellen Rouyer
  The Stock Price Impact of Domestic and Foreign Economic Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from China
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Jun 18 2020 Jerome Creel
  Fiscal space in the euro area before Covid-19
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Jun 02 2020 Désiré Avom , Henri Njangang and Larissa Nawo
  World Economic Policy Uncertainty and Foreign Direct Investment
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May 09 2020 Jessica Paule-Vianez , Raúl Gómez-Martínez and Camilo Prado-Román
  Effect of Economic and Monetary Policy Uncertainty on stock markets. Evidence on return, volatility and liquidity
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Apr 15 2020 Dung Viet Tran
  Policy uncertainty and bank lending
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Mar 25 2020 Christina Christou , Giray Gozgor , Rangan Gupta and Chi keung Marco Lau
  Are Uncertainties across the World Convergent?
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Mar 07 2020 Tobias Burggraf
  Bitcoin and Global Political Uncertainty – Evidence from the U.S. Election Cycle
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Mar 05 2020 Gian Paulo Soave
  International Drivers of Policy Uncertainty in Emerging Economies
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Feb 07 2020 Mohamed El Fodil Ihaddaden
  Impact of Political Uncertainty on Banking Productivity: Investigating the Jasmin Revolution Effect on the Tunisian Banking System
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Feb 07 2020 Bahar Ulupinar and Isa Camyar
  Election Uncertainty and Capital Structure
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Feb 05 2020 Andreas Kyriacou and Pedro Trivin
  Economic development, inequality and generalized trust
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Dec 19 2019 Gaëtan Le Quang
  Discretionary loan loss provisions and market discipline
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Nov 24 2019 Carlo Capuano and Iacopo Grassi
  Imperfect patent protection, licensing, and Social Welfare
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Nov 16 2019 Abdullah Alqahtani
  Does U.S. Equity market uncertainty and implied stock market volatility affect the GCC stock markets?
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Sep 10 2019 Alexander John Bond and Francesco Addesa
  TV demand for the Italian Serie A: star power or competitive intensity?
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Sep 03 2019 Raphaël Chiappini and Yves Jégourel
  Explaining the role of commodity traders: A theoretical approach
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Aug 22 2019 Davit Stepanyan , Harald Grethe and Khalid Siddig
  Comment on "A Monte Carlo filtering application for systematic sensitivity analysis of computable general equilibrium results"
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Aug 20 2019 Joshua R Hendrickson
  There is no such thing as the zero lower bound
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Aug 11 2019 Aldo Pignataro
  Investment in product experimentation when consumers are loss averse
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Apr 27 2019 Román Ferrer , Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad and Adrián Maizonada
  Nonlinear and extreme dependence between long-term sovereign bond yields and the stock market: A quantile-on-quantile analysis
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Mar 28 2019 Luz A. Flórez and Catalina Granda
  Retirement choice in a frictionless labor market
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Mar 16 2019 Carlo Drago and Roberto Ricciuti
  An interval variables approach to address measurement uncertainty in governance indicators
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Mar 16 2019 Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
  Should Bitcoin be used to help devastated economies? Evidence from Greece
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Feb 18 2019 Marcelo de C. Griebeler
  Strategically reported inflation expectation: a cheap-talk approach
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Oct 30 2018 Alexander Falter and Dennis Wesselbaum
  Correlated shocks in estimated DSGE models
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Aug 05 2018 Michael E Araki , Marcelo Cabus Klotzle and Antonio C. F. Pinto
  Carry trades and economic policy uncertainty: measuring the political dimension of the forward rate bias in emerging countries
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Apr 15 2018 Gabriel Caldas Montes and Tatiana Acar
  Fiscal credibility and disagreement in expectations about inflation: evidence for Brazil
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Mar 23 2018 Keiichi Morimoto
  Further Results on Preference Uncertainty and Monetary Conservatism
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Mar 23 2018 Ismail Saglam
  The desirability of the supply function competition under demand uncertainty
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Feb 27 2018 Seung Hoon Lee and Yong Suk Lee
  Political Influence and Trade Uncertainty: Evidence from Sanction Threats and Impositions
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Feb 09 2018 Na Zhang
  Leasing and business cycles
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Feb 09 2018 Amitrajeet A Batabyal and Seung Jick Yoo
  On the provision of guided tours in multiple foreign languages to tourists
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Dec 04 2017 Idriss Fontaine
  The heterogeneity of uncertainty shocks: evidence from France
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Dec 01 2017 Patrice Rélouendé Zidouemba
  Economy-wide Implications of Climate Change in Burkina Faso
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Dec 01 2017 Graham Beattie
  Biased media in an unbiased market
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Nov 19 2017 Balaji Bathmanaban , Raja Sethu Durai S and Ramachandran M
  The relationship between Output Uncertainty and Economic Growth-Evidence from India
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Nov 19 2017 Zoundi Zakaria
  Crude Oil Price Volatility and Domestic Price Responses in Developing Countries, Accounting for Asymmetry and Uncertainty
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Sep 27 2017 John Gardner and Joshua R Hendrickson
  Staying when the Going Gets Tough: The Equivalent Predictions of Option and Search Theory on Migration During Economic Downturns
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Jul 16 2017 Tunç Durmaz
  "Optimal storage under uncertainty: investigating the implications of frugality and prudence."
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Jun 05 2017 Angelo Salton and Regis A. Ely
  Uncertainty and growth: evidence of emerging and developed countries
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May 05 2017 David Roubaud , Alain Lapied and Robert Kast
  Modelling under ambiguity with two correlated Choquet-Brownian motions
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Apr 22 2017 Giray Gozgor and Ender Demir
  Excess stock returns, oil shocks, and policy uncertainty in the U.S.
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Mar 20 2017 Nelson B Villoria and Paul V Preckel
  Gaussian Quadratures vs. Monte Carlo Experiments for Systematic Sensitivity Analysis of Computable General Equilibrium Model Results
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Feb 22 2017 Benjamín Vallejo Jiménez and Francisco Venegas Martínez
  Optimal consumption and portfolio rules when the asset price is driven by a time-inhomogeneous Markov modulated fractional Brownian motion with multiple Poisson jumps
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Sep 03 2016 Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
  Brexit concerns, UK and European equities: A lose-lose scenario?
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Jul 08 2016 Andreza A Palma
  Natural interest rate in Brazil: further evidence from an AR-trend-bound model
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Apr 14 2016 Mohamed Arouri and David Roubaud
  On the determinants of stock market dynamics in emerging countries: the role of economic policy uncertainty in China and India
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Mar 17 2016 Riyad Abubaker
  Consumption and Money Uncertainty at the Zero Lower Bound
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Dec 18 2015 Jeremy Nguyen and Jen-je Su
  Combining linear and nonlinear unit root tests with an application to PPP.
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Dec 13 2015 Md Rafayet Alam
  Economic policy uncertainty in the US: Does it matter for Canada?
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Dec 13 2015 Daiken Mori
  Determination of efficient environmental policy instruments under uncertainty with the dominant firm model
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Nov 29 2015 Mourad Zmami and Ousama Ben-Salha
  The adjustment of plant-level investment to exchange rate fluctuations in Tunisia: do the size and the ownership structure matter?
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Oct 16 2015 Sudhanshu Kumar
  Inflation, uncertainty and monetary policy in India: a regime-switching analysis
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Jul 24 2015 Ons Jedidi and Jean Sébastien Pentecote
  Robust Signals for Banking Crises
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Mar 11 2015 Vladimir Ponczek , Enlinson Mattos and Paulo Arvate
  Municipalities Secession and uncertainty on public goods provision
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Mar 11 2015 Jesse Aaron Zinn
  Expanding the Weighted Updating Model
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Mar 11 2015 Brock V Stoddard
  Probabilistic Production of a Public Good
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Oct 24 2014 Arcade Ndoricimpa
  Bootstrap causality between inflation uncertainty and output growth uncertainty in selected African countries
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Oct 03 2014 Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
  The Nexus between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty via wavelet approach: Some Lessons from Egyptian case
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Aug 20 2014 Mohamed Arouri , Christophe Rault and Frédéric Teulon
  Economic policy uncertainty, oil price shocks and GCC stock markets
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Aug 06 2014 Florian Huber
  Forecasting Exchange Rates using Bayesian Threshold Vector Autoregressions
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Jul 08 2014 Tong Wang and Seong Cheol Park
  Livestock Disease Indemnity Design under Common Uncertainty: A Multi-agent Problem
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Mar 31 2014 Pedro Mendi and Rodrigo Costamagna
  Exchange rate uncertainty and international technology transfer
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Feb 04 2014 Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
  Commodity price uncertainty and manufactured exports in Morocco and Tunisia: Some insights from a novel GARCH model
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Jan 14 2014 Eike B. Kroll , Joerg Rieger and Bodo Vogt
  The processing of complex information! A comparison on hypothetical and performance based payoff decisions
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Dec 31 2013 Maroula Khraiche and Jeffrey Gaudette
  FDI, Exchange Rate Volatility and Financial Development: Regional Differences In Emerging Economies
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Oct 10 2013 P. B. Eregha
  Aid Flows and Growth Diagnosis: Empirical Evidence for A Panel of ECOWAS Countries
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Sep 17 2013 Pascal Toquebeuf
  The value of information with neo-additive beliefs
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Sep 17 2013 Nicolas Scelles , Christophe Durand , Liliane Bonnal , Daniel Goyeau and Wladimir Andreff
  My team is in contention? Nice, I go to the stadium! Competitive intensity in the French football Ligue 1
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Aug 13 2013 Amitrajeet A Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
  Setting the dowry optimally to extract the full surplus: a contract theory perspective
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May 13 2013 Jean-yves Filbien , Fabien Labondance and Yann Echinard
  Macroeconomic, financial and institutional determinants of Eurozone sovereign crisis - Evidence from daily data
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Apr 18 2013 Huan Xie
  Bargaining with uncertain value distributions
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Jan 30 2013 Nicholas Herro and James Murray
  Dynamics of Monetary Policy Uncertainty and the Impact on the Macroeconomy
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Sep 23 2012 Mariko Tanaka
  Characteristics of information transmission under uncertainty
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Sep 18 2012 Douglas D. Davis and Robert J. Reilly
  On Uncertainty and the WTA-WTP Gap
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Sep 05 2012 Carmine Trecroci
  Uncertainty and the Dynamics of Multifactor Loadings and Pricing Errors
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Aug 21 2012 Simone Marsiglio and Davide La Torre
  A note on demographic shocks in a multi-sector growth model
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Jul 04 2012 Alan Rogers and Matthew Ryan
  Additivity and Uncertainty
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Jun 01 2012 Fousseini Traoré
  Do global cotton subsidies affect the Malian economy? New evidence from a multimarket-general equilibrium model
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May 14 2012 David Coyne and Chih-ming Tan
  Do political institutions yield multiple growth regimes?
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Apr 04 2012 Andrea F. Presbitero
  Domestic debt in Low-Income Countries
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Mar 01 2012 Yan-an Hwang and Ming-chuan Chen
  A new axiomatization of the Shapley value under interval uncertainty
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Feb 06 2012 Robert-Paul Berben , Beata Bierut and Philipp Maier
  The role of regional information in the optimal composition of a committee
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Feb 01 2012 Roger Collet
  Household car use in France: a demographic and economic analysis
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Jan 13 2012 Amy W. Ando and Shibashis Mukherjee
  Benefits of pollution monitoring technology for greenhouse gas offset markets
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Oct 24 2011 Tolga Omay
  The relationship between inflation, output growth, and their uncertainties: Nonlinear Multivariate GARCH-M evidence
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May 12 2011 Shino Takayama and Jayanaka Wijeratne
  No Trade, Informed Trading, and Accuracy of Information
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Apr 06 2011 Rainer Niemann and Caren Sureth
  The Impact of Differential Capital Income Taxation on the Value of Risky Projects
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Jan 21 2011 Daisuke Ida
  The gains from commitment when inflation persistence and data uncertainty coexist
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Jan 14 2011 Wen-chung Guo
  Profitability, success probabilities, and incentives for cooperative R&D
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Jan 05 2011 Mori Kogid , Kasim Mansur , Dullah Mulok and Julian P. Sidin
  Relationship between financing facilities and small and medium industries: empirical evidence from ARDL bound testing approach
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Nov 30 2010 Stefan D. Haigner , Stefan Jenewein , Hans-Christian Müller and Florian Wakolbinger
  The first shall be last: Serial position effects in the case contestants evaluate each other
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Aug 28 2010 Ivan Jeliazkov and Rui Liu
  A model-based ranking of U.S. recessions
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Aug 26 2010 Theofanis Tsoulouhas
  Hybrid Cardinal Tournaments
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Aug 12 2010 Moawia Alghalith
  The theory of the firm under multiple uncertainties
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Jul 06 2010 Meixing Dai
  Multiplicative uncertainty, central bank transparency and optimal degree of conservativeness
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Apr 27 2010 Cesar R Sobrino
  The Effects of Inflation Targeting on the Current Account: An Empirical Examination
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Apr 01 2010 Eisei Ohtaki
  Sunspots, whether they are risk or uncertainty, cannot matter in the static Arrow-Debreu economy
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Jan 13 2010 Frederik Lundtofte
  Implied volatility and risk aversion in a simple model with uncertain growth
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Jan 11 2010 S. Niggol Seo
  Keys to Economics of Global Warming: A Critique of the Dismal Theorem
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Oct 25 2009 Robert Sproule and Calin Valsan
  A simple test for the violation of the non-satiation axiom under uncertainty: The theory
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Oct 07 2009 Jaqueson K. Galimberti
  A proxy-variable search procedure
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Aug 18 2009 Christopher R Mcintosh , Jason F Shogren and Andrew J Moravec
  Can tournaments induce rational play in the centipede game? Exploring dominance vs. strategic uncertainty
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Jun 03 2009 Swarnankur Chatterjee
  Health insurance coverage and the role of income uncertainty
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May 15 2009 Daniel Danau
  A note on fixed and flexible-term contracts
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Apr 25 2009 Anna Maffioletti , Ulrich Schmidt and Carsten Schröder
  The effect of elicitation methods on ambiguity aversion: an experimental investigation
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Mar 11 2009 Aaron Lowen and Chung-Hua Shen
  The random walk hypothesis revisited: evidence from the 16 OECD stock prices
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Feb 15 2009 Neelam Jain
  Lender learning and entry under demand uncertainty
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Sep 16 2008 Rodica Branzei and Sirma Zeynep Alparslan Gok
  Bankruptcy problems with interval uncertainty
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Aug 26 2008 Mehmet Eris
  Foreign aid and growth
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Jun 27 2008 Tim Friehe
  Insurance, Pooling, and Resistance to Reform: The Case of Individual Uncertainty
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Jun 12 2008 Yasunori Watanabe
  A monotone comparative static result on contract incompleteness
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Feb 12 2008 Inwon Jang , Hyeon-seung Huh and Richard Wong
  Optimal capital investment under uncertainty: An extension
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Oct 30 2007 Theofanis Tsoulouhas and Kosmas Marinakis
  Tournaments with Ex Post Heterogeneous Agents
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Sep 03 2007 Thu Phuong Pham and Anh Tuan Bui
  The time to shut down
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Sep 03 2007 sunanda roy
  On price uncertainty, nominal assets and uninsurable idiosyncratic risks
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Aug 14 2007 Tamotsu Nakamura
  Capital depreciation and the investment-uncertainty relationship: The role of symmetric adjustment costs
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Mar 29 2007 Adile TAMGUICHT
  Public versus personal welfare: an aspect of environmental policymaking in developing countries
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Feb 18 2007 Ali Choudhary and Young-Bae Kim
  Habit Formation: Deep and Uncertain
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Feb 01 2007 Andrew Yates and Daniel English
  Citizens' demand for permits and Kwerel''s incentive compatible mechanism for pollution control
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Dec 27 2006 Luca Lambertini
  Process R&D in Monopoly under Demand Uncertainty
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Nov 02 2006 Eleftherios SPYROMITROS and Li QIN
  Central bank transparency about model uncertainty and wage setters
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Oct 25 2006 Diego Nocetti and William T. Smith
  Why Do Pooled Forecasts Do Better Than Individual Forecasts Ex Post?
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Sep 13 2006 Stephan O. Hornig and Manfred Stadler
  On the robustness of concealing cost information in oligopoly
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Jun 03 2006 W. Douglass Shaw , Andres Silva and Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr.
  Health benefits and uncertainty: an experimental analysis of the effects of risk presentation on auction bids for a healthful product
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Jan 28 2006 Nigar Hashimzade and George Davis
  Human capital and growth under political uncertainty
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Jan 11 2006 Alexander Zimper and Alexander Ludwig
  Rational expectations and ambiguity: A comment on Abel (2002)
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Jan 06 2006 Benoît Sévi
  Ederington's ratio with production flexibility
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Nov 18 2005 Mercedes Adamuz
  Opting Out in a War of Attrition
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Oct 25 2005 Dirk Willenbockel
  Public debt, the terms of trade and welfare in an overlapping generations model with lifetime uncertainty
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Aug 29 2005 Jeffrey Wagner and Gregory DeAngelo
  Characterizing regulation and negligence rule uncertainty in solid waste management
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Jun 15 2005 Julien Prat
  Increasing optimism and demand uncertainty
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Feb 03 2005 Panayiotis Petrakis and Stylianos Kotsios
  The dynamics of structural change under risk influence
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Sep 02 2004 Amitrajeet Batabyal
  On strategy and the likelihood of success in marital matchmaking under uncertainty
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Jul 23 2004 Yann Algan and Olivier Allais
  Incomplete Unemployment Insurance under Aggregate Fluctuations
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May 04 2004 Chongcheul Cheong
  Does the risk of exchange rate fluctuation really affect international trade flows between countries?
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Feb 28 2004 Albert Burgos
  Guessing and gambling
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Jan 05 2004 Murat Isik
  Does Uncertainty Affect the Divergence between WTP and WTA Measures?
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Sep 23 2003 Roberto Ricciuti and Davide Di Laurea
  An experimental analysis of two departures from Ricardian equivalence
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Jun 13 2003 Toshihiro Matsumura
  Strategic R and D investments with uncertainty
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Feb 14 2003 Yishay D. Maoz
  Entry and exit under uncertainty in the presence of drift
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Oct 02 2002 Thibault Gajdos and Jean-Marc Tallon
  Fairness under Uncertainty
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Mar 28 2002 Robert Feinberg and Christopher Snyder
  Collusion with secret price cuts: an experimental investigation
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Sep 30 2001 Igor Evstigneev and Guillaume Carlier
  On Dynkin's model of economic equilibrium under uncertainty
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Jun 18 2001 Leonard J. Mirman , Thomas Jeitschko and Neelam Jain
  Financial Intermediation and Entry-Deterrence: A survey
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