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Anthony Bende-Nabende, Jim Slater, Somnath Sen and Jim Ford
''Productivity analysis in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation region: A multi-country translog comparative analysis, 1965-97''
( 2002, Vol. 15 No.2 )
We employ the total factor productivity (TFP) index in growth accounting as a proxy for productivity growth to compare patterns and sources of output growth for a group of proximate countries in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation region. The estimates indicate that output growth has benefited from both TFP and factor input contributions albeit with differing magnitudes. Whereas TFP and capital are the dominant contributors to output growth in Japan and the tiger economies, capital and labour emerge as the dominant contributors in the baby tiger economies. In addition, Japanese productivity has on the average been growing over the past decade. It also emerges that foreign direct investment may be playing a prominent role of promoting the contribution of TFP.
JEL: O1 - Economic Development: General
E1 - General Aggregative Models: General
Manuscript Received : Oct 22 2001 Manuscript Accepted : Jan 11 2002

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