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Jacques Silber and Hyun Son
''On the link between the Bonferroni index and the measurement of inclusive growth. ''
( 2010, Vol. 30 No.1 )
In a recent paper Ali and Son (2007) suggested measuring the concept of "inclusive growth" via the use of what they called a "social opportunity function". The latter was assumed to depend on the average opportunities available in the population and to give greater weight to the opportunities enjoyed by the poor. On the basis of this approach Ali and Son (2007) then defined an "opportunity index" and an "opportunity curve". The present paper derives the link which exists between these concepts of "opportunity index" and "opportunity curve" and what is known in the literature as the Bonferroni index and the Bonferroni curve. It also defines what could be called a Bonferroni concentration index, a Bonferroni concentration curve, a Generalized Bonferroni curve and a Generalized Bonferroni concentration curve.
Keywords: Bonferroni index – concentration curve - concentration index – generalized Lorenz curve – human opportunity – opportunity index – opportunity curve
JEL: D3 - Distribution: General
O1 - Economic Development: General
Manuscript Received : Dec 23 2009 Manuscript Accepted : Feb 02 2010

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