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Taisuke Matsubae
''Impossibility of Stable and Non-damaging bossy Matching Mechanism''
( 2010, Vol. 30 No.3 )
In this paper we prove the impossibility of stability rules that satisfy a concept weaker than nonbossiness. Stability and nonbossiness are essential to matching theory. However, Kojima Fuhito(2010) shows that a matching mechanism that is both stable and nonbossy dose not exist. We define a new concept that is weaker than nonbossiness and consider whether or not stability and the new concept are compatible. Unfortunately, we show that these properties are incompatible.
Keywords: matching, stability, non-damaging bossy, impossibility theorem.
D6 - Welfare Economics: General
Manuscript Received : Apr 26 2010 Manuscript Accepted : Aug 12 2010

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