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Cyrille Kamdem
''Collective Marketing and Cocoa Farmer's Price in Cameroon''
( 2016, Vol. 36 No.4 )
This study aims to evaluate the effects of collective marketing by farmer organizations (FOs) on cocoa farmer's price in Cameroon. This is done through the quasi-experimental method, which uses the techniques of “Propensity Score Matching”. Data used come from 2006 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) cocoa baseline survey and concern601 cocoa farmers in Centre region in Cameroon. Results show that, collective marketing has a positive and statistically significant effect on the net price received by farmers. This effect is estimated at 6% increase on the individual sale price. The main recommendation is to promote the development of FOs and collective marketing within FOs. The development of FOs requires a government policy to support the creation of FOs and by extension the effects of collective sales. Development of collective marketing can be done through creation of credit systems by FOs to encourage farmers who sell to individual buyers under the constraint of credit received. This probably would increase, significantly, the share of supply captured by FOs.
Keywords: Collective marketing, farmers' organization, farmer's price, cocoa
JEL: D7 - Analysis of Collective Decision-Making: General
Q1 - Agriculture: General
Manuscript Received : Oct 20 2016 Manuscript Accepted : Dec 29 2016

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