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Vichet Sam
''Unemployment duration and educational mismatches: An empirical investigation among graduates in Cambodia.''
( 2018, Vol. 38 No.3 )
This article analyzes the relationship between unemployment duration and educational mismatches in their both forms and dimensions (overeducation, horizontal mismatch and double mismatch) among university graduates in Cambodia, using an independent competing-risk duration model. It finds that a half of university graduates face at least one type of educational mismatch, and their unemployment duration after graduation is higher than for those who end in well matched jobs. This suggests that more attention should be paid to ensuring that the quality of higher education as well as the fields of study taken fit the requirements of the Cambodian labor market.
Keywords: unemployment duration, vertical and horizontal mismatches, competing risks duration model, higher education, developing country.
JEL: I2 - Education: General
J2 - Demand and Supply of Labor: General
Manuscript Received : Jun 07 2018 Manuscript Accepted : Sep 07 2018

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