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Nejib Ben moussa
''The contribution of job satisfaction, organizational climate and employee commitment on management innovation in Tunisian SMEs: The effect of the post-revolution environment''
( 2018, Vol. 38 No.4 )
Innovation has become today a key factor in business success or even sustainability. Previous research on innovation have shown that the introduction of management innovation depends on several determinants including organizational climate, job satisfaction, and employee commitment. This study aims to examine the contribution of each of these determinants on management innovation of Tunisian SMEs in a post-revolution context. For this reason, we conduct a survey of 78 SMEs operating in different sectors of the Tunisian economy by using the structural equations method and the PLS approach. Our findings show that before the revolution the relationship between innovation management and employee commitment is highly significant. Employee commitment depends only on job satisfaction. After the revolution, the introduction of innovation management is largely conditioned by employee commitment, which in turn depends on organizational environment and job satisfaction. The post-revolution environment has introduced the organizational environment as a predictor of employee commitment and management innovation.
Keywords: Management innovation; Employee commitment; Job satisfaction; Organizational climate; Post-revolution environment.
JEL: M1 - Business Administration: General
M2 - Business Economics: General
Manuscript Received : Sep 01 2018 Manuscript Accepted : Dec 02 2018

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