First Author:
R. Robert Russell |
University of California, Riverside |
rcubed@mail.ucr.edu |
Department of Economics, UCR |
Riverside, 92521, U.S.A. |
909-827-1585(Phone) |
909-827-1585(Fax) |
Second Author:
Pattanaik Prasanta |
University of California, Riverside |
ppat@mail.ucr.edu |
Department of Economics, UCR |
Riverside, 92521, U.S.A. |
909-827-1592(Phone) |
http://www.economics.ucr.edu/people/pattanaik.html |
Third Author:
Indranil Dutta |
University of East-anglia |
idutta@uea.ac.uk |
School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia |
Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K. |
(1603) 592806(Fax) |