First Author:
Chin-Hong Puah |
Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak |
chpuah@feb.unimas.my |
Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak |
Kota Samarahan, 94300, Malaysia |
+6082-582409(Phone) |
+6082-582409(Fax) |
Second Author:
Albert Apoi |
Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak |
apoi_albert@yahoo.com |
Third Author:
Jerome Swee-Hui Kueh |
Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak |
kshjerome@feb.unimas.my |
Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak |
Kota Saramahan, 94300, Malaysia |
+6082-582425(Phone) |
+6082-671794(Fax) |