First Author:
Eike Emrich |
Saarland University |
e.emrich@mx.uni-saarland.de |
Campus, Geb. 8.1, Faculty of Philosophy |
Saarbrücken, 66123, Germany |
+49(0) 681 302 4170(Phone) |
+49(0) 681 302 4170(Fax) |
http://www.swi-uni-saarland.de/ |
Second Author:
Markus Klein |
Saarland University |
ma.klein@mx.uni-saarland.de |
Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy |
Saarbrücken, 66123, Germany |
+49(0) 681 302 4910(Phone) |
+49(0) 681 302 4915(Fax) |
Third Author:
Werner Pitsch |
Saarland University |
we.pitsch@mx.uni-saarland.de |
Campus, Geb. 8.1, Faculty of Philosophy |
Saarbrücken, 66123, Faculty of Philosophy |
+49(0) 681 302 3733(Phone) |
+49(0) 681 302 4915(Fax) |
Fourth Author:
Christian Pierdzioch |
Helmut-Schmidt-University |
c.pierdzioch@hsu-hh.de |
Department of Economics, Department of Economics, Holstenhofweg 85, P.O.B. 700822 |
Hamburg, 22043, Germany |
+49 (0)40 6541 2879(Phone) |
+49(0)40 6541 2023(Fax) |
http://www.hsu-hh.de/monecon/index.php?brick_id=TiSr59Dm8AqH8NnZ&action=setlanguage&language=en |