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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Koji Yashiki and Yoshiyuki Nakazono
  Moneyball revisited: Some counter-evidence
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Sep 30 2023 Harry A Patrinos and George Psacharopoulos
  Estimating returns to education: back to the short-cut
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Jun 30 2023 Xinxin Ma
  Trade union and gender wage gap: Evidence from China
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Jun 30 2023 Adrienne Ohler and Adam Thorp
  A model of accrual rates for paid sick leave mandates
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Mar 30 2023 Yanan Chen and Kyle A. Kelly
  Why do women have a higher rate of return to schooling than men?
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Nov 16 2022 Harry A Patrinos
  Returns to Education in Greece: Evidence from the 1977 Labor Market Survey using the Greek Civil War as an Instrument
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Dec 29 2021 Jarle Aarstad and Olav A. Kvitastein
  When it blows, it does not do so at the top: employment and wage inequalities in Norwegian small and large firms
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Sep 17 2021 Yuri Khoroshilov and Anna Dodonova
  A carrot, a stick, or a relative piece-rate: an experimental study
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Mar 10 2021 Aneli Bongers
  Economic growth and the functional distribution of income: A labor share Kuznets curve
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Sep 24 2020 Andrew Silva
  Gender, price, and quantity effects in U.S. earnings inequality: revisiting counterfactual density estimates
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Sep 24 2020 Elisabeth Bublitz and Tobias Regner
  The social pay gap among occupational twins: a task-based comparison
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Aug 19 2020 Mengdan Li
  What caused the wage convergence between urban natives and migrants in China?
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Aug 08 2020 Lusi Liao and Sasiwimon W Paweenawat
  Is there a wage penalty for occupational feminization? Evidence from Thai labor market
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Jul 14 2020 Juan A. Sanchis-llopis and Antonio Cutanda
  The Spanish cyclicality of the user cost of labour
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May 06 2020 John S. Heywood and Nikolaos Theodoropoulos
  The declining influence of workplace differences on the gender wage gap
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Feb 15 2020 Lusi Liao and Sasiwimon W. Paweenawat
  A Glass Ceiling? Gender Inequality of Top Earners in Thailand
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Dec 11 2019 Heather L.R. Tierney , Zafar Nazarov and Nodir Adilov
  Do re-employment wages fall due to the depreciation of human capital or employer perceptions?
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Dec 11 2019 Xinxin Ma
  The Impact of Membership of the Communist Party of China on Wages
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Nov 12 2019 Carolina Castagnetti , Luisa Rosti and Marina Töpfer
  The Public-Private Sector Wage Differential Across Gender in Italy: a New Quantile-Based Decomposition Approach.
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Nov 03 2019 Christiana Ellen Hilmer and Michael John Hilmer
  Do Local Amenities Increase Monopsony Power?
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Sep 01 2019 Yasunari Tamada
  Disclosure of Contract Clauses and Career Concerns
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May 31 2019 Carlos Heitor Campani and Ian De Ridder
  Administrative costs of Dutch pension funds: the impact of fund characteristics
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Apr 25 2019 Christian S. Otchia
  On Promoting Entrepreneurship and Job Creation in Africa: Evidence from Ghana and Kenya
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Apr 25 2019 Shoko Suzuki
  Structural Changes in the Patterns of Japanese Fertility
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Mar 19 2019 Adian McFarlane and Anupam Das
  Time series analysis of GDP, employment, and compensation in Canada controlling for nonlinear dynamics
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Feb 18 2019 Daniel Susskind
  Re-thinking the capabilities of technology in economics.
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Sep 07 2018 Muhammad Asali
  Military service and future earnings: Evidence from an Informed Difference-in-Differences (IDID) approach
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Jun 21 2018 Jannet Farida Jacob
  Human capital and higher education: rate of returns across disciplines
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May 25 2018 Chase S. Eck
  Misclassification error when identifying job stayers in the Current Population Survey
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May 12 2018 Kim-Leng Goh and Nai-peng Tey
  Personal income in Malaysia: distribution and differentials
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Apr 15 2018 Monika Köppl-turyna and Michael Christl
  Returns to Skills or Returns to Tasks? A Comment on Hanushek et al. (2015)
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Apr 15 2018 Adriana Aguilar-Rodriguez , Alfonso Miranda and Yu Zhu
  Decomposing the language pay gap among the indigenous ethnic minorities of Mexico: is it all down to observables?
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Feb 09 2018 Geraint Johnes
  A sporting chance: on the impact of sports participation on subsequent earnings
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Jun 05 2017 Hideaki Sakawa , Naoki Watanabel and Noriko Tanahashi
  Relation between Executive Compensation and Performance: Evidence from Japanese Shinkin Banks
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May 06 2017 Ori Zax
  Promotion Policies at Different Firms
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Aug 16 2016 Tommaso Tempesti
  A Note on Wage Regressions and Benefits
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Jul 17 2016 Frieder Kropfhäußer
  A fresh look at the labor market height premium in Germany
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Jul 08 2016 Geraint Johnes
  Schooling, experience and earnings: international evidence from MARS
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Jun 22 2016 Alexander Plum
  Reconsidering the interrelated dynamics of unemployment and low-wage employment in Great Britain
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Jun 22 2016 José Manuel Lasierra , José Alberto Molina and Raquel Ortega
  "How does work management improve job satisfaction? Evidence from Spain"
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Jun 22 2016 Ori Zax
  Why Do Women Study So Much? The Role of Signaling and Work Commitment
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Mar 17 2016 Damir Stijepic
  Small Employers, Large Employers and the Skill Premium
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Nov 20 2015 Kristen Monaco and Steven Yamarik
  Are there human capital externalities in U.S. states? Evidence from the Current Population Survey
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Oct 16 2015 Beom Cheol Cin , Hae-young Lee and Jongsung Kim
  Empirical analysis on the effect of technology innovation on employment in Korean Inno-Biz SMEs
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Oct 16 2015 Robert Girtz
  The Effects of Personality Traits on Wages: A Quantile Regression Approach
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Sep 22 2015 Shigemi Yabuuchi
  Technological progress and wage inequality in an economy with a segmented labor market
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Aug 12 2015 Kazuki Hiraga
  Welfare analysis of civil servants' wage bargaining in a mixed-duopoly approach
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Jul 13 2015 Pau Gayà and José L. Groizard
  Exporters versus domestic wage adjustment during the Great Recession in Spain
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Jul 11 2015 Yumei He , Jonas Fooken and Uwe Dulleck
  Facing a changing labour force in China: Determinants of trust and reciprocity in an experimental labour market
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Mar 22 2015 Christian Pfeifer
  Effective working hours and wages: the case of downward adjustment via paid absenteeism
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Mar 11 2015 Hermann Gartner
  Implicit contracts and industrial relations - Evidence from German employer-employee data
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Mar 11 2015 Eyal Lahav , Arad Nir and Erez Siniver
  Do differing pay schemes help close the gender gap in overconfidence?
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Oct 24 2014 Micaela M. Kulesz and Dennis A. V. Dittrich
  It's not you, it's me: an experimental study of employers' wage setting behavior
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Apr 04 2014 Xiaoyan Chen Youderian
  The motherhood wage penalty and non-working women
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Mar 31 2014 Olugbenga Ajilore
  Do white NBA players suffer from reverse discrimination?
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Dec 23 2013 Abdelaziz Benkhalifa , Paul Lanoie and Mohamed Ayadi
  Estimated hedonic wage function and value of life in an African country
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Sep 19 2013 Gerry H. Makepeace and Michael J. Peel
  Combining information from Heckman and matching estimators: testing and controlling for hidden bias
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Jul 13 2013 Gilbert Cette , Valérie Chouard and Gregory Verdugo
  Minimum wage and the average wage in France: a circular relationship?
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May 21 2013 Semih Tumen
  The Impact of the 2008 Crisis on Top Labor Incomes in Turkey: A Nonparametric Analysis
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Mar 04 2013 Huong Vu , Steven Lim , Mark Holmes and Tinh Doan
  Firm Exporting and Employee Benefits: First Evidence from Vietnam Manufacturing SMEs
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Nov 19 2012 Olivier Gergaud , Victor Ginsburgh and Florine Livat
  Success of Celebrities: Talent, Intelligence or Beauty?
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Sep 28 2012 Gonzalo F De córdoba , Javier J Pérez and José L Torres
  On the substitutability between public and private employment
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Sep 25 2012 Tammy Schirle
  Age-adjusted measures of earnings inequality in the United States, 1980-2010
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Jul 16 2012 Isamu Yamamoto and Kazuyasu Sakamoto
  What motivates volunteer work in an emergency? Evidence from the 2011 East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
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Jun 27 2012 Heiko Stüber
  Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in a Cross Section: An Analysis of Linked Employer-Employee Data for the Years 1995 to 2007
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May 30 2012 Boris Hirsch , Michael Oberfichtner and Claus Schnabel
  Do women benefit from competitive markets? Product market competition and the gender pay gap in Germany
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Dec 09 2011 Ahmed Ennasri
  An experimental analysis of the existing differences of productivity across genders
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Sep 26 2011 Jongsung Kim and Edinaldo Tebaldi
  Does international trade impact wage discrimination?
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Sep 02 2011 Carlo Alcaraz , Daniel Chiquiar and Manuel Ramos-Francia
  Wage differentials in Mexico's urban labor market
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Jul 21 2011 Vinod Mishra and Russell Smyth
  Firm-Size and Inter-hierarchy Wage Dispersion in Shanghai
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Jun 05 2011 Finn Christensen , James Manley and Louise Laurence
  The Allocation of Merit Pay in Academia: A Case Study
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Mar 30 2011 Yui Nakamura
  An incentive to increase laborers' productivity with adopting performance-based wages and paid vacations
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Mar 14 2011 Alberto Behar
  Marshall`s Rules with Aggregate Inputs
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Feb 17 2011 Martin Falk and Thomas Leoni
  Estimating the Wage Curve with Spatial Effects and Spline Functions
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Jan 09 2011 Todd L Cherry , Garey C. Durden and Patricia E. Gaynor
  Individual and institutional determinants of the male female wage gap among U.S. economics faculty
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Jan 09 2011 Luciano Fanti and Nicola Meccheri
  The Cournot-Bertrand profit differential in a differentiated duopoly with unions and labour decreasing returns
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Jan 04 2011 Joel Potter
  Reexamining the Economics of Marital Infidelity
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Jul 31 2009 Stephan Nüesch
  A note on the endogeneity of the pay-performance relationship in professional soccer
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Jul 29 2009 Corrado Andini
  Wage Bargaining and the (Dynamic) Mincer Equation
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May 03 2009 Fernanda Rivas
  Wage dispersion and workers` effort
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Apr 15 2009 José de Hevia and María Arrazola
  Marginal effects in the double selection regression model: an illustration for the wages of women in Spain
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Mar 11 2009 Arnaud Chéron
  Equilibrium wage dispersion and the role of endogenous search effort revisited
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Oct 18 2007 Anthony Stair
  Marital Wage Premium or Ability Selection? The Case of Taiwan 1979-2003
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Oct 09 2007 Arijit Mukherjee
  Note on a generalized wage rigidity result
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Jun 21 2007 Nien-Pen Liu and Dachrahn Wu
  Does a Non-verifiable Imperfect Informative Binary Signal Always a Strictly Positive Value?
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Mar 19 2007 Nien-Pen Liu and Dachrahn Wu
  New Explanations for the Firm Size-Wage Premium
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Nov 14 2006 Kohei Daido
  Incentive Effects of Peer Pressure in Organizations
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Nov 13 2006 Jennjou Chen and J. S. Butler
  A quality adjusted wage index
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Oct 09 2006 Francesco Zanetti
  Labor Market Frictions into Staggered Wage Contracts
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Apr 04 2006 Nicolas Sanz and Jean-Christophe Pereau
  Trade unions, efficiency wages and employment
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Mar 08 2006 Panu Kalmi
  Stock option compensation and equity values
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Mar 16 2005 SANDI mourad
  The Effect of unemployment benefit degression on union membership of unemployed people
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Jan 21 2005 Pedro Martins
  The Inter-Industry Wage Structure of U.S. Multinationals
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Nov 19 2004 Laurent Franckx , Isabelle Brose and Alessio DAmato
  Multitask Rank Order Tournaments
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Sep 10 2004 Joachim Rosenmüller
  Minimum wage noncompliance and the sub-minimum wage rate
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Mar 19 2002 Claudio Lupi and Patrizia Ordine
  Unemployment scarring in high unemployment regions
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Dec 10 2001 Massimo A. De Francesco
  On stability of Bertrand-Nash equilibrium in a simple model of the labour market
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