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Notes, Comments and Preliminary results

Jun 30 2024 Suguru Otani
  Individual rationality conditions of identifying matching costs in transferable utility matching games
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Jun 30 2024 Devika Hazra
  Unintended consequence of Proposition 47 on DUI – Evidence from Los Angeles
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Mar 30 2024 Xiaowei Yu and Keith Waehrer
  Recursive Nash-in-Nash bargaining solution
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Sep 30 2023 Vojtech Kotrba
  Testing “hot hand” hypothesis at the individual athletes' level in soccer
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Dec 30 2022 Alessandro Cusimano , Chiara Paola Donegani and Stephen McKay
  Later pensions, lower social capital?
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Jul 11 2022 Ann Owen and Andrew Wei
  Tweets, sexism, and the 2016 presidential election
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Jun 30 2022 Sávio L. C. Oliveira and Wallace Patrick S. F. Souza
  Political competition and candidate selection in Brazilian municipalities.
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Feb 20 2022 Hidekazu Anno and Sui Takahashi
  A decomposition of strategy-proofness in discrete resource allocation problems
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Dec 29 2021 Nathan W Chan and Mirco Dinelli
  Lindahl pricing, three ways
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Dec 29 2021 Xiaomeng Zhang and Wei Wang
  The impact of China's One-Child Policy on economic preferences: A regression discontinuity design
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Dec 10 2021 Damon Proulx , David Alan Savage , David Stadelmann and Benno Torgler
  To Swing or Not to Swing: An Assessment of Age and Political Cynicism of Swing Voting Behaviour
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Sep 18 2021 David Lu
  A Possible Perverse Effect of Favoritism in Asymmetric Competitions
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Sep 17 2021 Sosson Tadadjeu , Alim Belek , Henri Njangang , Marie-Laure Belomo and Brice Kamguia
  Does women's political empowerment promote public health expenditure in Africa?
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Jul 18 2021 Ercio Andres Munoz
  Incumbency advantage, money, and campaigns: A note on some suggestive evidence from Chile
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Apr 09 2021 Benjamin Fomba Kamga , Dieu Ne Dort Talla Kokam and Tii N. Nchofoung
  Social media and political instability: some empirical evidence
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Aug 19 2020 Subika Farazi , Ahmed M Rostom and Rishabh Sinha
  Investment decisions and exposure to crime and corruption.
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May 06 2020 Nguyen Phuc Canh , Sangho Kim and Su Dinh Thanh
  Entrepreneurship and natural resource rent-seeking: The roles of institutional quality
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Feb 05 2020 Ismail Saglam
  Measuring external stability in one-to-one matching
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Oct 16 2019 Ahmed Waqar Qasim and Jun-ichi Itaya
  Heterogeneous Firms and Lobby Participation Decision
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Oct 13 2019 Sung-Hoon Park
  The gap between equilibrium expected payoffs in contests with linear externalities
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Sep 30 2019 Nikolai S. Kukushkin
  On the existence of undominated alternatives in convex sets
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Jun 15 2019 Henri Njangang
  Governance and Happiness in African countries
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Jun 15 2019 Mamadou Boukari , Etienne Farvaque and Daniel Cakpo-Tozo
  “Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!”Popularity Gains as an Incentive to Legislate Frantically?
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Jun 03 2018 Osvaldo Meloni
  Is there an electorally-motivated crime rate cycle? Evidence from Argentina.
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Mar 23 2018 Gil S. Epstein and Odelia Heizler
  Minorities and Political Success
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Mar 23 2018 Jagadish Prasad Sahu and Sitakanta Panda
  Political regime persistence and economic growth in Odisha: An empirical assessment of the Naveen Patnaik rule
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Feb 09 2018 László Csató
  Was Zidane honest or well-informed? How UEFA barely avoided a serious scandal
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Jan 21 2018 Julia Grundner
  Safe strategic voting and three approaches for choosing a strategic preference statement under the Borda Rule
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Dec 01 2017 Gabriel Caldas Montes and André Almeida
  Corruption and business confidence: a panel data analysis
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Jan 13 2017 Haris Aziz
  Characterizing SW-Efficiency in the Social Choice Domain
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Dec 29 2016 Cyrille Kamdem
  Collective Marketing and Cocoa Farmer's Price in Cameroon
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Sep 03 2016 Orlando Gomes
  Exuberance and social contagion
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Jun 11 2016 Jiabin Wu
  Evolving assortativity and social conventions
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Mar 17 2016 Amir Borges Ferreira Neto , Collin D. Hodges and Hyunwoong Pyun
  Voting Dynamics and the Birth of State-owned Casinos in Kansas
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Nov 21 2015 Dongryul Lee
  Group contests and technologies
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Sep 22 2015 Raul Caruso , Marco Di Domizio and David A. Savage
  Determinants of aggressiveness in soccer: Evidence from FIFA and UEFA tournaments
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Oct 24 2014 Ranjit Vohra
  Preferences with Open Graphs: A New Result
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Sep 14 2014 Mauricio Bugarin and Yasushi Hazama
  Consumer economic confidence and preference for redistribution: Main equilibrium results
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Jul 12 2014 Raffaele Lagravinese and Massimo Paradiso
  Corruption and health expenditure in Italian Regions
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Jun 20 2014 Audrey Rose Menard
  Do natural resources condition the aid-governance relationship? Evidence from Africa.
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May 06 2014 John Duffy and Alexander Matros
  On the Use of Fines and Lottery Prizes to Increase Voter Turnout
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Oct 04 2013 Vivekananda Mukherjee and Siddhartha Mitra
  Does a Salary Hike Reduce Corruption?
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Aug 02 2013 Simiao Li
  Tullock contests under committee administration
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Jul 03 2013 Sergio Currarini and Marco A. Marini
  Majority Rule and Coalitional Stability
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Jun 18 2013 Ismail Saglam
  Endogenously proportional bargaining solutions
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Jun 14 2013 Francesc Llerena and Cori Vilella
  An axiomatic characterization of the strong constrained egalitarian solution
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Jun 07 2013 Fan-chin Kung
  Public Good Coalitions and Membership Exclusion
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Apr 16 2013 David Stadelmann , Marco Portmann and Reiner Eichenberger
  Voters elect politicians who closely matched their preferences
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Mar 21 2013 Can Erutku and Yves Richelle
  Exit, Reentry Costs, and Product Differentiation
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Mar 18 2013 Arne Robert Weiss and Irenaeus Wolff
  Does being elected increase subjective entitlements? Evidence from the laboratory
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Mar 12 2013 Muhammad Nasir , Aqeel Ahmad Khan and Hafiz Hanzla Jalil
  Exploring the relationship between media and terrorism: a panel study of south asian countries
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Mar 12 2013 David Bartolini and Raffaella Santolini
  Fiscal autonomy and quality of governance in OECD countries
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Jan 30 2013 Yajing Chen
  A new Pareto efficient school choice mechanism
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Dec 19 2012 Sitakanta Panda
  Legislator characteristics and legislative outcomes in India
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Oct 05 2012 Mihai Mutascu
  Taxation under media capture
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Sep 23 2012 Mariko Tanaka
  Characteristics of information transmission under uncertainty
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Jul 12 2012 Yoshito Funashima
  Counter-cyclical policy and political manipulation: An empirical analysis of Japanese government expenditures
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May 23 2012 Mustafa Oguz Afacan
  On The "Group Non-bossiness" Property
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May 09 2012 Andreas Assiotis
  Corruption and Income
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Feb 12 2012 Gil S Epstein and Yosef Mealem
  Cooperation and Effort in Group Contests
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Feb 03 2012 Alejandro Saporiti
  A Proof for 'Who is a J' Impossibility Theorem
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Jan 13 2012 Cem Baslevent
  The Region-of-origin effect revisited: More on the voting behavior of Turkey's internal migrants
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Nov 18 2011 Serge Blondel and Louis Lévy-garboua
  Can non-expected utility theories explain the paradox of not voting?
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Jul 18 2011 Zhiyong Huang
  The mixed strategy equilibrium of the three-firm location game with discrete location choices
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Jul 06 2011 Jeremy J Jackson
  A legislative bargaining approach to earmarked public expenditures
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Jun 29 2011 Mei-yin Lin , Yi-ting Tseng and Jue-shyan Wang
  Closeness and Turnout: Evidence from Election of Taiwan
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Feb 14 2011 Sébastien Courtin
  Power in the European Union: an evaluation according to a priori relations between states
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Jan 19 2011 Pierre Faure
  A note on poor-institution traps in international fiscal policy games
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Nov 15 2010 Roberto Ricciuti and Jacopo Costa
  State capacity, manufacturing and civil conflict
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Feb 02 2010 Chun-Lei Yang and Jack Yue
  Assortative Matching, Information and Cooperation: An Experiment
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Dec 11 2009 Enrico Guzzini and Antonio Palestrini
  The empty core in the Coase theorem: a critical assessment
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Sep 18 2009 Susumu Cato
  Characterizing the Nash social welfare relation for infinite utility streams: a note
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May 16 2009 Claudio Djissey Shikida , Leonardo Monteiro Monasterio , Ari Francisco de Araujo Jr. , Andre Carraro and Otávio Menezes Damé
  "It is the economy, companheiro!": an empirical analysis of Lula's re-election based on municipal data
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Mar 23 2009 Alex Possajennikov
  Commitment in symmetric contests
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Mar 12 2009 Christian Klamler and Daniel Eckert
  A simple ultrafilter proof for an impossibility theorem in judgment aggregation
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Nov 18 2008 Ismail Saglam and Ayþe Mumcu
  Rationalizability of one-to-one matchings with externalities
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Oct 19 2008 Stephen Haynes and Joe Stone
  A disaggregate approach to economic models of voting in U.S. presidential elections: forecasts of the 2008 election
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Oct 06 2008 Ming Li
  Two (talking) heads are not better than one
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Sep 04 2008 Ismail Saglam
  A Note on Jackson's Theorems in Bayesian Implementation
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Aug 15 2008 Keisuke Nakao
  Can Altruism Hinder Cooperation?
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Aug 07 2008 Peter Calcagno and John Jackson
  PAC Spending and Roll Call Voting in the U.S. House: An Empirical Extension
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Jul 03 2008 Dolors Berga , Alejandro Neme , Jordi Massó and Gustavo Bergantiños
  On two basic properties of equilibria of voting with exit
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Jun 27 2008 Tim Friehe
  Insurance, Pooling, and Resistance to Reform: The Case of Individual Uncertainty
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Jun 11 2008 Todd Kuethe and Timothy Zimmer
  Major Conference Bias and the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament
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May 29 2008 Tetsuo Ono and Ryo Arawatari
  Dynamic political economy of redistribution policy: the role of education costs
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Apr 20 2008 Tsuyoshi Adachi and Yasuhiko Nakamura
  A Theory of Civil Conflict and Democracy in Unequal Societies
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Apr 19 2008 Raphael Franck and Samia Tavares
  Income and vote switching between local and national elections: evidence from New York State
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Feb 12 2008 Franklin Mixon, Jr. , Steven Caudill and Christopher Duquette
  The impact of money on elections: evidence from open seat races in the United States House of Representatives, 1990-2004
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Jan 14 2008 Frederik Schmidt
  The Stability of Dynamic Contests with Asymmetric and Endogenous Prizes
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Jan 12 2008 Christian Klamler and Daniel Eckert
  Antipodality in committee selection
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Oct 30 2007 Luca Lambertini
  Platform stickiness in a spatial voting model
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Sep 22 2007 Bi Zhaohui
  Income inequality, redistribution and democratization
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Sep 12 2007 Omgba Luc Désiré
  Oil rents and the tenure of the leaders in Africa
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Sep 08 2007 Pavel Yakovlev
  Ideology, Shirking, and the Incumbency Advantage in the U.S. House of Representatives
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Aug 21 2007 Bonnie Wilson , Jac Heckelman and Dennis Coates
  Special-Interest Groups and Volatility
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Aug 10 2007 Arthur Robson and Tiemen Woutersen
  Efficiency and converse reduction-consistency in collective choice
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May 30 2007 Ismail Saglam
  A Unified Theory of Implementation
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May 16 2007 Raul Caruso
  Continuing Conflict and Stalemate: A note
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May 13 2007 Nicolas Houy
  When inertia generates political cycles: a remark
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Mar 16 2007 Wataru KUREISHI and Hideki MIZUKAMI
  Equal probability for the best and the assignment of identical indivisible objects
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Feb 15 2007 Nicolas Houy
  A new characterization of absolute qualified majority voting
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Jan 23 2007 Giulio Codognato
  Straightforwardness of Game Forms with Infinite Sets of Outcomes
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Oct 02 2006 Raphaël Soubeyran
  When Inertia Generates Political Cycles
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Sep 05 2006 Luca Murrau
  An Overview Across the New Political Economy Literature
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Jul 25 2006 Marie-Laure Cabon-Dhersin and Shyama V. Ramani
  Can Social Externalities Solve the Small Coalitions Puzzle in International Environmental Agreements?
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Jul 21 2006 Minoru Kitahara and Yohei Sekiguchi
  Aggregate Accuracy under Majority Rule with Heterogeneous Cost Functions
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May 19 2006 Linus Wilson
  Investment after tragedy
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Apr 20 2006 Dinko Dimitrov
  Top coalitions, common rankings, and semistrict core stability
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Apr 20 2006 Georgy Artemov
  Imminent Nash Implementation as a Solution to King Solomon's Dilemma
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Jan 17 2006 Nicolas Houy
  He said that he said that I am a J
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Jan 16 2006 Christopher Spencer , Paul Levine and Parimal Bag
  A note on: jury size and the free rider problem
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Dec 22 2005 Kwang-ho Kim
  Valence characteristics and entry of a third party
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Nov 29 2005 Herrade Igersheim
  Extending Xu's results to Arrow''s Impossibility Theorem
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Sep 15 2005 Tomohiko Kawamori
  Players' Patience and Equilibrium Payoffs in the Baron-Ferejohn Model
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Jul 14 2005 Amitrajeet Batabyal
  On bribing and balking in a simple queuing model of resource allocation
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Oct 29 2004 Rainald Borck
  Income Tax Evasion and the Penalty Structure
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Oct 11 2004 Somdeb Lahiri
  The Core of Directed Network Problems with Quotas
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Jun 28 2004 Dinko Dimitrov , Ruud Hendrickx and Peter Borm
  Good and bad objects: the symmetric difference rule
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Jun 07 2004 Carmelo Rodriguez-Alvarez
  On the Impossibility of Strategy-Proof Coalition Formation Rules
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May 13 2004 Somdeb Lahiri
  Pair-wise envy free and stable matchings for two sided systems with techniques
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Apr 21 2004 Daniel Eckert
  Proximity Preservation in an Anonymous Framework
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Jan 23 2004 Nikolai Kukushkin
  Path independence and Pareto dominance
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Jan 17 2004 Takanori Adachi
  Costly participation in voting and equilibrium abstention: a uniqueness result
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Nov 20 2003 Christian Klamler
  Kemeny's rule and Slater''s rule: A binary comparison
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Oct 17 2003 Jean Fernand Nguema
  Sense of impartiality
  Abstract  Contact Information  Citation  Full Text  -  Preliminary Result
Sep 11 2003 Marchetti Nicolas and Serra Daniel
  A cooperative game for siting noxious facilities: theory and experimental design
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May 15 2003 Juan Perote-Peña and Javier Perote
  The impossibility of strategy-proof clustering
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Mar 31 2003 Yasuhito Tanaka
  A necessary and sufficient condition for Wilson's impossibility theorem with strict non-imposition
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Mar 06 2003 Marco Scarsini and Yossi Feinberg
  Rate of Arbitrage and Reconciled Beliefs
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Feb 07 2003 Christian Klamler
  A comparison of the Dodgson method and the Copeland rule
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Jan 23 2003 Van Kolpin
  Voting Power Under Uniform Representation
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Jul 19 2002 Antonio Quesada
  From social choice functions to dictatorial social welfare functions
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Jun 28 2002 Stanislav Anatolyev
  Electoral behavior of US counties: a panel data approach
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Mar 18 2002 Yasuhito Tanaka
  Strategy-proofness of social choice functions and non-negative association property with continuous preferences
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Dec 01 2001 Yasuhito Tanaka
  Generalized monotonicity and strategy-proofness for non-resolute social choice correspondences
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Oct 10 2001 Yasuhito Tanaka
  Generalized monotonicity and strategy-proofness: A note
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Apr 18 2001 Dinko Dimitrov
  On fuzzy non-discrimination
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