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Jun 30 2024 Kuo-Hsuan Chin and Xin-Hua Zheng
  Stability of Phillips Curve: The case of Taiwan
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Mar 30 2024 Ange Nsouadi and Virginie Terraza
  The multi-scale analysis of dynamic transmission volatility of carbon prices
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Mar 30 2024 Geoffrey Ducournau and Daniel Melhem
  Bayesian statistical inference addressed to share prices dynamics' theory
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Mar 30 2024 Costas Siriopoulos and Dionisis Philippas
  Putting corona into hedge fund managers' head
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Dec 30 2023 Rich Ryan
  Responses of unemployment to productivity changes for a general matching technology
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Dec 30 2023 Euikyu Choi , Wei Du , Orhan Kara and Marek Marciniak
  Market responses to S&P exclusions: Evidence from the 2010-2019 period
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Sep 30 2023 Elguellab Ali and Ezzahid Elhadj
  The granularity of the manufacturing sector : insights from a developing economy
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Sep 30 2023 Sinda Hadhri
  How does Bitcoin react to economic discomfort? Evidence from the economic misery index
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Jun 30 2023 Syed jawad hussain Shahzad , Elie Bouri and Román Ferrer
  Twitter sentiment and stock return volatility of US travel and leisure firms
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Jun 30 2023 Bruna K. S. Peixoto and Roberto T Ferreira
  Herd behavior and contagion effects of the COVID-19
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Jun 30 2023 Noritaka Kudoh and Hiroaki Miyamoto
  Time aggregation and unemployment volatility
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Jun 30 2023 Adonias Costa Filho
  Trend inflation in Brazil
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Jun 30 2023 Sofiane El Ouardi
  Leading indicators of sovereign defaults in middle- and low-income countries: the role of foreign exchange reserve ratios in times of pandemic.
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Mar 30 2023 Gianluca P. M. Virgilio and Pedro Hector Parco Espinoza
  The impact of Intermarket Sweep Orders on volatility: an agent-based stock market model
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Mar 30 2023 Aineas Kostas Mallios
  Manipulation in reported dividends: Empirical evidence from US banks
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Mar 30 2023 Adilson de Oliveira , Susan Schommer and Ledson L. G. da Rosa
  Oil price volatility: impacts in the Brazilian economy
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Mar 30 2023 Chin Yee Gan , Lee Lee Chong and Zauwiyah Ahmad
  The effects of presentation of unrealized gain or loss of equity instruments on investing decision of investors
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Mar 30 2023 Romuald S Kinda and Hajer Kratou
  Climatic variability, remittances and household consumption volatility In developing countries
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Dec 30 2022 Corey J.M. Williams
  The evolution of inventory dynamics in a post-crisis economy
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Dec 30 2022 Rupika Khanna and Chandan Sharma
  COVID-19 and volatility in the tourism sector's stocks
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Dec 30 2022 Joshua Dennis Hall and Peter V. Bias
  Average inflation targeting and economic volatility
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Dec 30 2022 Nadia Dridi and Fathi Ayachi
  The determinants of EURO/TND exchange rate volatility in Tunisia
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Sep 30 2022 Yuta Kurose
  Bayesian GARCH modeling for return and range
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Sep 30 2022 Ibrahim Yagli , Ozkan Haykir and Emin Huseyin Cetenak
  Herding behavior in the European banking sector during the COVID-19 outbreak: The role of short-selling restrictions
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Jun 30 2022 Parijat Maitra
  Inventories and business Cycles: The story of the last three decades
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Jun 30 2022 Cássio R. A. Alves and Márcio P. Laurini
  Measuring inflation persistence under time-varying inflation target and stochastic volatility with jumps
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Feb 20 2022 Munawar Sayyad , Pat Obi and Kaushik Bhattacharjee
  International equity and bond market dynamics an asymmetric error correction study of united states, india and brazil
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Feb 20 2022 Binh Thai Pham
  Sectoral consumer price synchronization: evidence from an emerging ASEAN economy
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Dec 29 2021 Salem Adel Ziadat and David Gordon McMillan
  Oil innovations and Gulf Cooperation Council stock market connectedness
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Sep 17 2021 Mateus Portelinha , Carlos Heitor Campani and Raphael Roquete
  The impacts of cryptocurrencies in the performance of Brazilian stocks' portfolios
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Sep 17 2021 Mert Topcu , Ibrahim Yagli and Furkan Emirmahmutoglu
  COVID-19 and stock market volatility: A time-varying perspective
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Sep 17 2021 Abdhut Deheri
  The Effects of Monetary Policy on Output and Inflation in India: A Time-varying Approach
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Sep 17 2021 F. Henrique Castro and Marcelo Guzella
  Individual investor attention and the predictability of stock market volatility and returns
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Jul 18 2021 Désiré Avom , Brice Kamguia and Joseph Pasky Ngameni
  Does volatility hinder economic complexity?
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Apr 09 2021 Flavio Vilela Vieira and Cleomar Gomes da Silva
  What drives export performance in the BRICS countries? An ARDL investigation
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Mar 10 2021 Michael Batu and Zichun Zhao
  The Sun's wrath: economic effects of sunspot volatility
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Dec 23 2020 Juanjuan Zhuo and Masao Kumamoto
  Stock market reactions to COVID-19 and containment policies: A panel VAR approach
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Nov 30 2020 Soonho Kim
  Effect of Short Selling on Market Liquidity, Price, and Volatility: A Dynamic Perspective
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Aug 08 2020 Vicente Rios
  Does direct democracy matter for fiscal policy volatility?
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Aug 08 2020 Kais Tissaoui , Taha Zaghdoudi and Khaled issa Alfreahat
  Can intraday public information explain Bitcoin Returns and Volatility? A PGARCH-Based Approach.  
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Aug 08 2020 Anoop S Kumar
  Testing Safe Haven Property of Bitcoin and Gold during Covid-19 : Evidence from Multivariate GARCH analysis
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Jul 14 2020 Sena KIMM Gnangnon
  Export Product Diversification and Fiscal Space Volatility in Developing Countries: Exploring the Economic Growth Volatility Channel
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Jun 18 2020 Cyriac Guillaumin , Salem Boubakri and Alexandre Silanine
  Do commodity price volatilities impact currency misalignments in commodity-exporting countries?
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Jun 07 2020 Jau-er Chen and Rajarshi Mitra
  Demographic Shifts and Asset Returns in Japan
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May 09 2020 Jessica Paule-Vianez , Raúl Gómez-Martínez and Camilo Prado-Román
  Effect of Economic and Monetary Policy Uncertainty on stock markets. Evidence on return, volatility and liquidity
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Mar 05 2020 Gian Paulo Soave
  International Drivers of Policy Uncertainty in Emerging Economies
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Jan 01 2020 Maxim Zagonov and Bernd Hanke
  Investor Attention, Lottery Stocks and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns.
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Nov 16 2019 Abdullah Alqahtani
  Does U.S. Equity market uncertainty and implied stock market volatility affect the GCC stock markets?
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Oct 13 2019 Amine Ben Amar
  The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Transmission in a Dual Banking System: Further Insights from TVP-VAR Model
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Sep 30 2019 Cynthia Royal Tori and Scott L. Tori
  Swedish krona-euro return volatility and non-traditional monetary policies
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Sep 03 2019 Raphaël Chiappini and Yves Jégourel
  Explaining the role of commodity traders: A theoretical approach
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Jun 16 2019 Alarudeen Aminu and Isiaka Akande Raifu
  Dynamic Nexus between Oil Revenues and Economic Growth in Nigeria
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Jun 15 2019 Bertrand Groslambert , Devraj Basu and Wan Ni Lai
  Is tail risk the missing link between institutions and risk?
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May 02 2019 Benjamin M. Blau and Ryan J. Whitby
  The Introduction of Bitcoin Futures: An Examination of Volatility and Potential Spillover Effects
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Apr 26 2019 Amélie Charles and Olivier Darné
  Volatility estimation for cryptocurrencies: Further evidence with jumps and structural breaks
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Dec 02 2018 José César Cruz Junior , Daniel H D Capitani and Rodrigo L F Silveira
  The effect of Brazilian corn and soybean crop expansion on price and volatility transmission
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Oct 10 2018 Roman Mestre and Michel Terraza
  Time-Frequency varying beta estimation -a continuous wavelets approach-
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Apr 15 2018 Khaled Khaled , Amel Belanes and Sandrine Kablan
  The regional pricing of risk: An empirical investigation of the MENA Region
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Feb 27 2018 Osamah Al-Khazali , Elie Bouri and David Roubaud
  The impact of positive and negative macroeconomic news surprises: Gold versus Bitcoin
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Dec 01 2017 Artem Meshcheryakov and Stoyu I Ivanov
  Investor's sentiment in predicting the Effective Federal Funds Rate
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Nov 19 2017 Balaji Bathmanaban , Raja Sethu Durai S and Ramachandran M
  The relationship between Output Uncertainty and Economic Growth-Evidence from India
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Nov 19 2017 Simeon Ebechidi and Eleanya K. Nduka
  Modeling the Impact of Oil Price Shocks on Energy Sector Stock Returns: Evidence from Nigeria
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Nov 19 2017 Zoundi Zakaria
  Crude Oil Price Volatility and Domestic Price Responses in Developing Countries, Accounting for Asymmetry and Uncertainty
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Oct 26 2017 Bala A. Dahiru , Pam W. Jim and Kalu N. Nwonyuku
  Equity markets volatility dynamics in developed and newly emerging economies: EGARCH-with-skewed-t density approach
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Oct 26 2017 Fernanda Maria Müller and Fábio M Bayer
  Improved two-component tests in Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH models
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Oct 26 2017 Arzé Karam
  The effects of intraday news flow on market liquidity, price volatility and trading activity
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Jun 16 2017 Yoshiko Suzuki
  Return of the Japan premium in the abenomics period
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Jun 05 2017 Angelo Salton and Regis A. Ely
  Uncertainty and growth: evidence of emerging and developed countries
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May 14 2017 Elie Bouri , Imad Kachacha , Donald Lien and David Roubaud
  Short- and long-run causality across the implied volatility of crude oil and agricultural commodities
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May 05 2017 Nidhal Mgadmi and Khemaies Bougatef
  Modeling volatility of the French stock market
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Feb 26 2017 Tomomi Miyazaki and Haruo Kondoh
  Local Public Investment and Regional Business Cycle Fluctuations in Japan
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Feb 22 2017 Benjamín Vallejo Jiménez and Francisco Venegas Martínez
  Optimal consumption and portfolio rules when the asset price is driven by a time-inhomogeneous Markov modulated fractional Brownian motion with multiple Poisson jumps
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Dec 10 2016 Valeriya V. Lakshina and Andrey M. Silaev
  Fluke of stochastic volatility versus GARCH inevitability or which model creates better forecasts?
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Nov 28 2016 Khaled Guesmi , Nabila BOUKEF JLASSI , Ahmed Atil and Imen Haouet
  On the Influence of Oil Prices on Financial Variables
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Nov 27 2016 Bala Dahiru Abdullahi
  Time-Varying VAR with Stochastic Volatility and Monetary Policy Dynamics in Nigeria
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Nov 26 2016 Dimitrios Dimitriou
  Greek debt negotiations and VIX currency indices: A HYGARCH approach
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Nov 09 2016 Guoying Deng , Manuel A Hernandez and Yaoguo Wu
  Price discovery and dynamics across housing developers in China
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Aug 03 2016 Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
  Bitcoin: a beginning of a new phase?
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Jul 08 2016 Afees A. Salisu
  Modelling Oil Price Volatility with the Beta-Skew-t-EGARCH Framework
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Jul 08 2016 Andreza A Palma
  Natural interest rate in Brazil: further evidence from an AR-trend-bound model
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Apr 29 2016 Andrew Phiri
  Did the global financial crisis alter equilibrium adjustment dynamics between the US federal fund fund rates and stock price volatility in the SSA region?
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Apr 14 2016 Mohamed Arouri and David Roubaud
  On the determinants of stock market dynamics in emerging countries: the role of economic policy uncertainty in China and India
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Dec 18 2015 Laudo Ogura and David T Yi
  Determinants of saving in U.S. nonprofit organizations
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Nov 29 2015 Mourad Zmami and Ousama Ben-Salha
  The adjustment of plant-level investment to exchange rate fluctuations in Tunisia: do the size and the ownership structure matter?
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Oct 02 2015 Yazmín V. Soriano-Morales , Francisco Venegas-Martínez and Benjamín Vallejo-Jiménez
  Determination of the equilibrium expansion rate of money when money supply is driven by a time-homogeneous Markov modulated jump diffusion process
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Sep 02 2015 Katsuhiro Sugita
  Bayesian analysis of the predictive power of the yield curve using a vector autoregressive model with multiple structural breaks
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Jul 24 2015 Nikolaos Kourogenis
  Polynomial Trends, Nonstationary Volatility and the Eicker-White Asymptotic Variance Estimator
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Jun 01 2015 Jacques Jaussaud , Sophie Nivoix and Serge Rey
  The Great East Japan Earthquake and Stock Prices
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Mar 11 2015 Sidheswar Panda and Ranjan Kumar Mohanty
  Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Exports: Evidence from India
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Mar 11 2015 Michèle Breton and Mohammed Kharbach
  Collusion and demand volatility
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Mar 11 2015 Prateek Sharma and Swati Sharma
  Forecasting gains of robust realized variance estimators: evidence from European stock markets
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Nov 05 2014 Wen-chung Guo and Ying-huei Chen
  Pricing of put warrants and competition among issuers
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Oct 03 2014 Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
  The Nexus between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty via wavelet approach: Some Lessons from Egyptian case
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Aug 20 2014 Mohamed Arouri , Christophe Rault and Frédéric Teulon
  Economic policy uncertainty, oil price shocks and GCC stock markets
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Aug 06 2014 Chandan Sharma and Sunny K Singh
  Determinants of International Reserves: Empirical Evidence from Emerging Asia
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Jul 26 2014 Marcelo Griebeler
  Models for forecasting exchange rate volatility: a comparison between developed and emerging countries
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Jun 20 2014 Franck Martin and Jiangxingyun Zhang
  Correlation and volatility on bond markets during the EMU crisis: does the OMT change the process ?
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May 08 2014 Márcio P. Laurini and Roberto B. Mauad
  The stochastic volatility model with random jumps and its application to BRL/USD exchange rate.
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Apr 23 2014 Kuang-Liang Chang and Ming-Hui Yen
  The magnitude and significance of macroeconomic variables in explaining regional housing fluctuations
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Mar 31 2014 Khaled GUESMI and Salma FATTOUM
  The Relationship between Oil Price and OECD Stock Markets: A Multivariate Approach
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Feb 04 2014 Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
  Commodity price uncertainty and manufactured exports in Morocco and Tunisia: Some insights from a novel GARCH model
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Feb 04 2014 Ginny ju-ann Yang , Koyin Chang , Yung-Hsiang Ying and Chen-hsun Lee
  Spillover Effects of Chinese Stock Markets
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Feb 04 2014 Fernando N. Oliveira
  The Market of Foreign Exchange Hedge in Brazil: Reaction of Financial Institutions to Interventions of the Central Bank
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Jan 14 2014 Tobias R. Rühl and Michael Stein
  The impact of financial transaction taxes: Evidence from Italy
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Dec 31 2013 Maroula Khraiche and Jeffrey Gaudette
  FDI, Exchange Rate Volatility and Financial Development: Regional Differences In Emerging Economies
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Dec 23 2013 M. Hossein Partovi
  Hedging and Leveraging: Principal Portfolios of the Capital Asset Pricing Model
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Aug 27 2013 Paulo Sergio Ceretta , Alexandre Silva da Costa , Marcelo Brutti Righi and Fernanda Maria Müller
  A 10 min tick volatility analysis between the Ibovespa and the S&P500
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Jul 16 2013 Jani Saastamoinen and Niko Suhonen
  Were the European short selling bans of 2011 effective?
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Jul 11 2013 Dirk Bleich , Ralf Fendel and Jan-Christoph Rülke
  Monetary Policy and Stock Market Volatility
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Jun 24 2013 Elie I Bouri
  Correlation and Volatility of the MENA Equity Markets in Turbulent Periods, and Portfolio Implications
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May 12 2013 Jay Kathavate
  Corruption, aid volatility & growth
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Apr 18 2013 Benoît Sévi and César Baena
  The explanatory power of signed jumps for the risk-return tradeoff
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Mar 04 2013 Ben Zaied Younes
  A long-run analysis of residential water consumption
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Jan 30 2013 Nicholas Herro and James Murray
  Dynamics of Monetary Policy Uncertainty and the Impact on the Macroeconomy
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Jan 08 2013 Aymen Ben Rejeb
  Volatility spillovers and contagion: an empirical analysis of structural changes in emerging market volatility
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Oct 08 2012 Mohamed El Hédi Arouri , Amine Lahiani and Duc Khuong Nguyen
  Oil-stock volatility transmission, portfolio selection and hedging
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Aug 28 2012 Shigeyuki Hamori and Yoshihiro Hashiguchi
  Small sample properties of CIPS panel unit root test under conditional and unconditional heteroskedasticity
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Jun 26 2012 Keisuke Otsu
  How well can business cycle accounting account for business cycles?
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Jun 10 2012 Robert Czudaj and Joscha Beckmann
  Spot and futures commodity markets and the unbiasedness hypothesis - evidence from a novel panel unit root test
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May 20 2012 Aymen Belgacem and Amine Lahiani
  More on the impact of US macroeconomic announcements: Evidence from French and German stock markets' volatility
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May 14 2012 Susan Sunila Sharma and Paresh Kumar Narayan
  Investment and oil price volatility
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Mar 26 2012 Dimitrios P. Louzis , Spyros Xanthopoulos - Sissinis and Apostolos P. Refenes
  Stock index Value-at-Risk forecasting: A realized volatility extreme value theory approach
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Mar 12 2012 Ahamada Ibrahim and Boutahar Mohamed
  Power of the KPSS test against shift in variance: a further investigation.
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Mar 04 2012 Gaetano Lisi and Mauro Iacobini
  Measuring the Housing Price Dispersion in Italy
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Feb 01 2012 Roger Collet
  Household car use in France: a demographic and economic analysis
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Jan 23 2012 Shuichi Nagata
  Consistent Estimation of Integrated Volatility Using Intraday Absolute Returns for SV Jump Diffusion Processes
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Jan 13 2012 Benoît Sévi and César Baena
  A reassessment of the risk-return tradeoff at the daily horizon
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Jan 11 2012 Takashi Miyazaki , Yuki Toyoshima and Shigeyuki Hamori
  Exploring the dynamic interdependence between gold and other financial markets
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Nov 09 2011 Chia Ricky Chee-Jiun and Lim Shiok Ye
  Stock Market Anomalies in South Africa and its Neighbouring Countries
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Oct 24 2011 Ching-chin Chou and Show-lin Chen
  Integrated or segmented? a wavelet transform analysis on relationship between stock and real estate markets
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Oct 24 2011 Marcelo Brutti Righi and Paulo Sergio Ceretta
  Analyzing the structural behavior of volatility in the Major European Markets during the Greek crisis
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Sep 12 2011 Khaled Guesmi
  What Drives the Regional Integration of Emerging Stock Markets?
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Sep 09 2011 Loredana Ureche-Rangau , Fabien Collado and Ulysse Galiay
  The dynamics of the volatility – trading volume relationship: New evidence from developed and emerging markets
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Jul 28 2011 Loredana Ureche-Rangau and Franck Speeg
  A simple method for variance shift detection at unknown time points
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Jul 27 2011 Go Tamakoshi
  European sovereign debt crisis and linkage of long-term government bond yields
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Jul 03 2011 Tran MANH Tuyen
  Modeling Volatility Using GARCH Models: Evidence from Vietnam
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Jun 13 2011 Marcelo Brutti Righi and Paulo Sérgio Ceretta
  Estimating value at risk and optimal hedge ratio in Latin markets: a copula-based GARCH approach
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Jun 06 2011 Caroline Duburcq and Eric Girardin
  The stabilization of foreign bank lending: A neglected benefit of hard pegs
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Jun 06 2011 Scott W Hegerty
  Do international capital flows smooth or transmit macroeconomic volatility? Time-series evidence from emerging markets
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May 15 2011 Fardous Alom , Bert D Ward and Baiding Hu
  Cross country mean and volatility spillover effects of food prices: multivariate GARCH analysis
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Apr 20 2011 George Milunovich
  Measuring the Impact of the GFC on European Equity Markets
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Apr 17 2011 Sadek Melhem and Michel Terraza
  Onto Exchange Rate's Short Run Impact on Oil Prices Dynamics: An OPEC Members' perspective
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Apr 15 2011 Walid Chkili and Duc Khuong Nguyen
  Modeling the volatility of Mediterranean stock markets: a regime-switching approach
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Apr 02 2011 Fernanda G Barba and Paulo S Ceretta
  Risk transmission between Latin America stock markets and the US: impacts of the 2007/2008 Crisis
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Mar 15 2011 Chaker Aloui Mr and Ben hamida Hela miss
  Hurst's exponent behaviour, weak-form stock market efficiency and financial liberalization: the Tunisian case
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Mar 14 2011 François Benhmad
  A wavelet analysis of oil price volatility dynamic
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Mar 14 2011 François Benhmad
  Noise traders or Fundamentalists? A Wavelet approach
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Feb 17 2011 Mazhar Yasin mughal and Farid Makhlouf
  Volatility of Remittances to Pakistan: What do the Data Tell?
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Jan 14 2011 Peter Karpestam and Fredrik NG Andersson
  A flexible CO2 targeting regime
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Jan 07 2011 Sacha Bourgeois-gironde and Anne Corcos
  Discriminating strategic reciprocity and acquired trust in the repeated trust-game
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Dec 08 2010 Siow-Hooi Tan and Mohammad Tariqul Islam Khan
  Long Memory Features in Return and Volatility of the Malaysian Stock Market
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Nov 08 2010 Kamel malik Bensafta
  Non-stationary Variance and Volatility Causality
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Nov 03 2010 George Milunovich and Ronald Ripple
  Crude Oil Volatility: Hedgers or Investors
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Oct 09 2010 Haifeng Xu and Shigeyuki Hamori
  Dynamic linkages of stock prices among G7 countries: effects of the American financial crisis
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Aug 28 2010 Jean-michel Sahut
  A Flexible Non Linear Model to Test the Expectation Hypothesis of Interest Rates
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Jul 27 2010 Thomas Grennes , Pablo Guerron-quintana and Asli Leblebicioglu
  Economic Development and Volatility among the States
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Jul 16 2010 Bolong Cao , Shamila Jayasuriya and William Shambora
  Holding a commodity futures index fund in a globally diversified portfolio: A placebo effect?
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Jul 16 2010 Dean Fantazzini
  Modelling and forecasting the global financial crisis: Initial findings using heterosckedastic log-periodic models
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Jul 12 2010 Tho D.Q. Nguyen and Jian Wu
  Spillover impacts of the US macroeconomic news: Australian sectoral perspective
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Jun 15 2010 Julien Chevallier
  Volatility forecasting of carbon prices using factor models
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May 03 2010 Sisi Zhang
  Recent Trends in Household Income Dynamics for the United States, Germany and Great Britain
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Apr 27 2010 Cesar R Sobrino
  The Effects of Inflation Targeting on the Current Account: An Empirical Examination
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Mar 30 2010 Yves Jegourel and Samuel Maveyraud
  A reassessment of the European SRI Funds "underperformance": does the intensity of extra-financial negative screening matter?
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Feb 18 2010 Meixing Dai
  Financial volatility and optimal instrument choice: A revisit to Poole's analysis
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Jan 29 2010 Yen-Chen Chiu
  Industry Concentration and Cash Flow at Risk
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Jan 13 2010 Frederik Lundtofte
  Implied volatility and risk aversion in a simple model with uncertain growth
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Dec 06 2009 António Afonso and Davide Furceri
  Sectoral Business Cycle Synchronization in the European Union
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Nov 24 2009 Chandan Sharma
  Does Full Sterilization Feasible in Era of Excess Volatility: Evidence from India
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Nov 13 2009 Manish Kumar
  A Bivariate Linear and Nonlinear Causality between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates
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Oct 29 2009 Mei-yin Lin and Hui-hua Wang
  What Causes the Volatility of the Balancing Item?
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Oct 29 2009 Helena Veiga
  Comment on "Financial Stylized Facts and the Taylor-Effect in Stochastic Volatility Models" by H. Veiga
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Oct 26 2009 Hans Byström
  News aggregators, volatility and the stock market
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Oct 16 2009 Jui-Cheng Hung , Ren-Xi Ni and Matthew C. Chang
  The Information Contents of VIX Index and Range-based Volatility on Volatility Forecasting Performance of S&P 500
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Sep 30 2009 Olivier Damette
  Exchange rate volatility and noise traders: Currency Transaction Tax as an eviction device
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Aug 25 2009 Neil Bania and Laura Leete
  Monthly household income volatility in the U.S., 1991/92 vs. 2002/03
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Jul 29 2009 Chee-keong Choong Ph.D and Venus khim-sen Liew Ph.D
  Impact of foreign direct investment volatility on economic growth of asean-5 countries
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Jun 05 2009 Ching-Chun Wei
  An Empirical Analysis of the Taiwan Institutional Trading Volume Volatility Spillover on Stock Market Index Return
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May 28 2009 Estela Sáenz , María Dolores Gadea and Marcela Sabaté
  Measuring the external risk in the United Kingdom
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May 15 2009 Daniel Danau
  A note on fixed and flexible-term contracts
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May 04 2009 Jim Lee
  Food and Energy Prices in Core Inflation
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May 03 2009 C. emre Alper and Orhan Torul
  Asymmetric adjustment of retail gasoline prices in turkey to world crude oil price changes: the role of taxes
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Apr 27 2009 Eurilton Araujo
  Supply-side effects of monetary policy and the central bank's objective function
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Apr 14 2009 Giam Quang Do , Michael Mcaleer and Songsak Sriboonchitta
  Effects of international gold market on stock exchange volatility: evidence from asean emerging stock markets
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Apr 01 2009 Anthony N Rezitis and Konstantinos S Stavropoulos
  Modeling sheep supply response under asymmetric price volatility and cap reforms
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Mar 26 2009 Chia-Cheng Ho , Su-Yin Cheng and Han Hou
  Purchasing Power Parity and Country Characteristics: Evidence from Time Series Analysis
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Mar 13 2009 Shiba Suzuki
  Risks after disasters: a note on the effects of precautionary saving on equity premiums
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Mar 05 2009 Helena Veiga
  Financial Stylized Facts and the Taylor-Effect in Stochastic Volatility Models
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Oct 28 2008 Wan-Hsiu Cheng
  Overestimation in the Traditional GARCH Model During Jump Periods
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Oct 14 2008 William Shambora and Shamila Jayasuriya
  The world is shrinking: Evidence for stock market convergence
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Oct 10 2008 Ching-Chun Wei
  Multivariate GARCH modeling analysis of unexpected U.S. D, Yen and Euro-dollar to Reminibi volatility spillover to stock markets
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Oct 10 2008 Ching-Chun Wei
  The analysis of interest rate mean and volatility spillover to the industrial production index and stock markets: The case of China
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Apr 01 2008 Mark J. Holmes and Sayeeda Bano
  On openness and real exchange rate volatility
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Mar 26 2008 Chrysost Bangaké
  Exchange Rate Volatility and Optimum Currency Area: Evidence from Africa
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Mar 06 2008 Duc NGUYEN
  An empirical analysis of structural changes in emerging market volatility
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Feb 27 2008 Shyh-Wei Chen
  Non-stationarity and Non-linearity in Stock Prices: Evidence from the OECD Countries
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Jan 28 2008 Rebecca Neumann and Ron Penl
  Volatile capital flows: Interactions between de jure and de facto financial liberalization
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Jan 22 2008 Davide Furceri and Georgios Karras
  Business cycle volatility and country zize :evidence for a sample of OECD countries
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Oct 17 2007 Matei Demetrescu
  Volatility Clustering in High-Frequency Data: A self-fulfilling prophecy?
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Oct 09 2007 Lawrence Uren
  Entrepreneurship and labour market fluctuations
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Oct 09 2007 Mark J. Holmes
  Is a more stable exchange rate associated with reduced exchange rate pass-through?
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Aug 21 2007 Bonnie Wilson , Jac Heckelman and Dennis Coates
  Special-Interest Groups and Volatility
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Aug 02 2007 Venus Khim-Sen Liew , Wing-Keung Wong and Zhuo Qiao
  Does the US IT stock market dominate other IT stock markets: Evidence from multivariate GARCH model
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Jun 15 2007 Yen-Hsien Lee and Chien-Liang Chiu
  The Impact of the QFIIs Deregulation on Normal and Abnormal Information Transmission Between the Stock and Exchange rates in Taiwan
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Jun 12 2007 Wen-Hsiu Kuo , Liu-Hsiang Hsu and Ching-Chung Lin
  The impact of foreign trading information on emerging futures markets: a study of Taiwan's unique data set
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Mar 27 2007 Ming-Yuan Li , Hsuan-Ho Cheng , Yu-Chen Lin and Alan T. Wang
  Determinants and Impacts of the Relative Use of Depository Receipts and Euro Convertible Bonds by High-tech Corporations: An Empirical Study
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Feb 10 2007 Stefan Norrbin and Onsurang Pipatchaipoom
  Is the real dollar rate highly volatile?
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Nov 06 2006 Jonas Andersson
  Searching for the DGP when forecasting - Is it always meaningful for small samples?
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Sep 08 2006 Attila Ratfai
  How Fast Is Convergence to the Law of One Price? Very
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Sep 05 2006 Erdal Atukeren and Aylin Seçkin
  Art and the Economy: A First Look at the Market for Paintings in Turkey
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Jul 03 2006 Fulvia Focker and Umberto Triacca
  A new proxy of the average volatility of a basket of returns: A Monte Carlo study
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Dec 06 2005 Sergio Da Silva , Newton Da Costa, Jr , Joao Tusi and Andre Santos
  Evaluating Brazilian mutual funds with stochastic frontiers
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Apr 01 2005 Venus Khim-Sen Liew and Terence Tai-leung Chong
  Autoregressive Lag Length Selection Criteria in the Presence of ARCH Errors
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Oct 25 2004 M. Hossein Partovi and Michael Caputo
  Principal Portfolios: Recasting the Efficient Frontier
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Oct 08 2004 Taro Kanatani
  Integrated volatility measuring from unevenly sampled observations
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Aug 25 2004 Frank Westerhoff and Sebastiano Manzan
  Does liquidity in the FX market depend on volatility?
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Jun 09 2004 Udo Broll and Jack E. Wahl
  Optimal hedge ratio and elasticity of risk aversion
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May 04 2004 Chongcheul Cheong
  Does the risk of exchange rate fluctuation really affect international trade flows between countries?
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Apr 21 2004 Simon Grant and John Quiggin
  Noise Trader Risk and the Welfare Effects of Privatization
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  A complementary test for the KPSS test with an application to the US Dollar/Euro exchange rate
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  Non stationarity characteristics of the S\&P500 returns:An approach based on the evolutionary spectral density.
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Nov 23 2003 Kyongwook Choi , William Shambora and Chulho Jung
  Macroeconomic Effects of Inflation Targeting Policy in New Zealand
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Aug 02 2003 Corrado Di Guilmi , Mauro Gallegati and Edoardo Gaffeo
  Power Law Scaling in the World Income Distribution
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Sep 22 2002 Konstantin A. Kholodilin
  Some Evidence of Decreasing Volatility of the US Coincident Economic Indicator
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Sep 05 2002 Yi-Ting Chen
  On the Robustness of Ljung-Box and McLeod-Li Q Tests: A Simulation Study
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Oct 23 2001 João Amaro de Matos and Paula Antão
  Super-replicating Bounds on European Option Prices when the Underlying Asset is Illiquid
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