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Mar 30 2024 Joseph Deutsch and Jacques Silber
  A summary measure of answers to statements (SMAS) in the case of ordered rating scales
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Sep 30 2023 John Nana Francois , Eric Antony Lacey and Robert Johann Utz
  On estimates of overall budget sensitivity parameters across income groups: Some evidence
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Sep 30 2023 Camille Loir and Bertrand Groslambert
  The impact of innovation on the profitability of the biotech industry
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Jun 30 2022 Vasileios Manasis
  Measurement of competitive balance in professional team sports using the adjusted entropy
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Dec 29 2021 Alastaire Sèna Alinsato , Franck Nkeudjoua and Boris Houenou
  Technical efficiency of electric companies in sub-saharan africa
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Sep 18 2021 Robert Genthner
  What happens to FDI spillovers when input-output tables go granular?
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Sep 17 2021 Robert Genthner
  What happens to FDI spillovers when input-output tables go granular?
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Sep 06 2021 Guanlin Gao and Xinyan Shi
  Brief Mindfulness Meditation and Individual Contribution to Public Goods
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Apr 09 2021 Ndéné Ka
  Proo-poor growth modeling in developing countries: A Gini regression approach
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Oct 23 2020 Jose F. Perles-Ribes , Ana B. Ramón-Rodríguez and Maria J. Such-Devesa
  Physics in tourism: Modeling destination growth
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Jun 07 2020 Hanako Ohmura
  A New Measurement for Japanese Consumer Confidence Index
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May 17 2020 Idil Atasu and Burcay Erus
  Cultural Differences and Measurement of Material Deprivation: EU-SILC questionnaire revision in Turkey
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Feb 05 2020 Gianni Betti , Antonella D'Agostino , Giulio Ghellini and Sergio Longobardi
  Measuring the impact of financial crisis on quality of life in Europe
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Aug 20 2019 Gordon Jochem Klein
  Cartel Destabilization and Leniency Programs – Empirical Evidence
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Jul 07 2019 Sreenivasan Subramanian
  Further tricks with the Lorenz curve
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Jun 23 2019 Sosso Feindouno
  Improving the measurement of export instability in the Economic Vulnerability Index: A simple proposal
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Mar 16 2019 Carlo Drago and Roberto Ricciuti
  An interval variables approach to address measurement uncertainty in governance indicators
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Feb 18 2019 Brandon Alan Bridge and Matías Fontenla
  Household-level effects of electricity on off-farm income
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Dec 13 2018 Jennifer Hafer , Logan Kelly and Marina Onken
  Evaluating the efficacy of regulatory and technological innovation on carbon dioxide emissions: An application of structural break analysis
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Dec 02 2018 Francisco Alcalá and Marta Solaz
  Developing Countries' Increasing Weight in World Trade, Openness, and Convergence
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Oct 30 2018 Alexander Falter and Dennis Wesselbaum
  Correlated shocks in estimated DSGE models
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Aug 31 2017 Kam Hon Chu
  The Feldstein-Horioka puzzle, the Frankel-Dooley-Mathieson puzzle, spurious ratio correlation and measurement errors
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Jul 29 2017 Tho Duc Bui and Cuong Viet Nguyen
  Spatial Poverty Reduction in Vietnam: An Application of Small Area Estimation
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May 14 2017 Ritabrata Munshi and Soumyanetra Munshi
  An $L^p$-norm based approach to measuring inter-distributional inequality
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May 05 2017 Duc Hong Vo and Anh The Vo
  Currency evaluation using a big mac index for Thailand – lessons for Vietnam
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Sep 03 2016 Benjamin Hampf
  Efficiency and productivity measurement with persistent benchmarks
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Aug 11 2016 María Noel Pi Alperin
  A multidimensional approach to measure health
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Aug 03 2016 Sarah A. Frederick , James J. Jozefowicz and Zackary T. Nelson
  A dynamic panel data study of the unemployment-crime relationship: the case of Pennsylvania
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Mar 17 2016 Elias K Shukralla
  Remittances, institutions and economic growth: a closer look at some proxies for institutions
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Nov 20 2015 Wael Louhichi and Ousayna Zreik
  Corporate Risk Reporting: A study of The Impact of Risk Disclosure on Firms Reputation
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Mar 30 2015 Abdelkader Aguir and Mounir Smida
  Efficiency of monetary policy under inflation targeting
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Jul 17 2014 Simplice A Asongu
  On the substitution of institutions and finance in investment
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Jul 17 2014 William Polley
  Do students recognize an opportunity cost when they see one? Evidence from introductory economics
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Jul 12 2014 Shakil Quayes and Baqui Khalily
  Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh
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Apr 23 2014 Bruno Milani and Paulo Sérgio Ceretta
  A multiscale approach to emerging market pricing
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Apr 04 2014 Xiaoyan Chen Youderian
  The motherhood wage penalty and non-working women
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Dec 23 2013 Joseph Siani
  Has poverty decreased in Cameroon between 2001 and 2007? An analysis based on multidimensional poverty measures.
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Mar 12 2013 Simplice A Asongu
  How has politico-economic liberalization affected financial allocation efficiency? Fresh African evidence
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Dec 06 2012 Mingming Jiang
  On the Performance of Foreign Direct Investment in China: 1981-2004
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Nov 07 2012 Adrian Chadi
  I would really love to participate in your survey! Bias problems in the measurement of well-being
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Jul 31 2012 Peter J. Lambert , Runa Nesbakken and Thor O. Thoresen
  Is there more redistribution in Scandinavia than in the US?
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May 23 2012 Eiji Yamamura
  The Death Toll from Natural Disasters: The Role of Income, Geography and Institutions: Comment.
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Jan 27 2012 Minh Cong Nguyen and Quentin Wodon
  Measuring child marriage
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Oct 18 2011 Erik Figueiredo
  A Note on the Measurement of Unfair Inequality in Brazil
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Oct 11 2011 Gabriel Montes-Rojas
  Quantile Regression with Classical Additive Measurement Errors
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Sep 02 2011 Vasileios Manasis , Vassiliki Avgerinou , Ioannis Ntzoufras and J. James Reade
  Measurement of competitive balance in professional team sports using the Normalized Concentration Ratio
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Mar 21 2011 Ju-Ann Yang , Shyan-Rong Chou and Chen-Hsun Lee
  A new monetary aggregates measurement: Application to Taiwanese data
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Jan 28 2011 Sreenivasan Subramanian
  A gender-adjusted measure of literacy
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Jan 21 2011 Daisuke Ida
  The gains from commitment when inflation persistence and data uncertainty coexist
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Dec 02 2010 Jorge Garza-Rodriguez , Martha Gonzalez-Martinez , Marcela Quiroga-Lozano , Luz Solis-Santoyo and Gabriela Yarto-Weber
  “Chronic and transient poverty in Mexico: 2002-2005”
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Nov 18 2010 Kazunori Nakajima
  Measurement of social net benefit of climate stabilization policy
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Oct 31 2010 Shin Fukuda
  Evaluating the influence of the internal ratings-based approach on bank lending in Japan
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Feb 02 2010 Jacques Silber and Hyun Son
  On the link between the Bonferroni index and the measurement of inclusive growth.
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Oct 28 2009 Veikko Thiele
  Aggregating Performance Measures in Multi-Task Agencies
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Oct 07 2009 Jaqueson K. Galimberti
  A proxy-variable search procedure
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Sep 07 2009 Markku Lanne
  Properties of Market-Based and Survey Macroeconomic Forecasts for Different Data Releases
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Apr 28 2009 Giuseppe Pignataro
  Decomposing equality of opportunity by income sources
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Jul 23 2008 Sankar Mukhopadhyay , Wei Yang , Wai Lee and Jeanne Wendel
  Analyzing the impact of prenatal care on infant health: do we have useful input and output measures?
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Apr 11 2008 Jacques SILBER and Michal Weber
  The Generalized Gini index and the measurement of income mobility
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Oct 04 2007 Jacques SILBER , Meital Hanoka and Joseph Deutsch
  On the Link Between the Concepts of Kurtosis and Bipolarization
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Jan 05 2007 Shunsuke Managi and Pradyot Ranjan Jena
  Productivity and Environment in India
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May 23 2006 Terence Tai-Leung Chong , Chi-Leung Wong and Venus Liew
  Estimation of the Autoregressive Order in the Presence of Measurement Errors
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Dec 15 2005 Udo Ebert
  Measures of downside risk
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Dec 06 2005 CHUN LIU
  Measuring the relative efficiency and reorganization-The example of CDFAs of the NAN-TOU County in Taiwan
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Oct 29 2005 Jonas Andersson
  Testing for Granger causality in the presence of measurement errors
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Jul 17 2005 Luisa Rosti , Chikara Yamaguchi and Carolina Castagnetti
  Educational Performance as Signalling Device: Evidence from Italy
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May 01 2005 David Edgerton , Donald Dutkowsky , Thomas Elger and Barry Jones
  Toward a unified approach to testing for weak separability
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Nov 19 2004 Laurent Franckx , Isabelle Brose and Alessio DAmato
  Multitask Rank Order Tournaments
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Sep 14 2004 Roberto Serrano
  The Measurement of Intellectual Influence: the Views of a Sceptic
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Jun 17 2004 Valerie Mignon and Gilles Dufrenot
  Modeling the French Consumption Function Using SETAR Models
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Dec 06 2003 Quentin Wodon and Shlomo Yitzhaki
  Inequality and the accounting period
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Apr 14 2003 Juan Prieto-Rodríguez , Rafael Salas and Juan Gabriel Rodríguez
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Dec 17 2001 Quirino Paris and Michael R. Caputo
  Price-induced technical progress and comparative statics
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Oct 11 2001 Efthymios Tsionas and Dimitris Christopoulos
  Efficiency measurement with nonstationary variables: an application of panel cointegration techniques
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Aug 31 2001 Laurent Franckx
  Ambient environmental monitoring, sequential firm inspections and time-decreasing benefits of inspection
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Jul 05 2001 Christian Seidl
  Inequality measurement and the leaky-bucket paradox
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