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Nov 21 2015 Dongryul Lee
  Group contests and technologies
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Oct 16 2015 Jean-pierre Amigues , Gilles Lafforgue and Michel Moreaux
  Optimal timing of carbon sequestration policies
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May 14 2015 Zheng Wang
  Delegation and Vertical Externalities
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Mar 19 2012 Luciano Fanti and Nicola Meccheri
  Labour decreasing returns, industry-wide union and Cournot-Bertrand profit ranking. A note
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Jan 09 2011 Luciano Fanti and Nicola Meccheri
  The Cournot-Bertrand profit differential in a differentiated duopoly with unions and labour decreasing returns
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Jan 04 2011 Juan David Prada
  A note on concavity, homogeneity and non-Increasing returns to scale
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Mar 11 2009 Aitor Ciarreta
  A Note on Strategic Delegation: The Role of Decreasing Returns to Scale
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