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Dec 30 2023 Amirah El-Haddad and Chahir Zaki
  Vulnerability and resilience: crisis transmission channels for GVCs in COVID times
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Oct 13 2019 Nora Aboushady and Chahir Zaki
  Investment climate and Trade Margins in Egypt: Which Factors Do Matter?
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Apr 15 2018 Khaled Khaled , Amel Belanes and Sandrine Kablan
  The regional pricing of risk: An empirical investigation of the MENA Region
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Nov 09 2016 Amélie Charles and Olivier Darné
  Stock market reactions to FIFA World Cup announcements: An event study
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Oct 16 2015 Ahmed Fayez Abdelgouad , Christian Pfeifer and John P Weche Gelübcke
  Ownership structure and firm performance in the Egyptian manufacturing sector
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Oct 03 2014 Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
  The Nexus between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty via wavelet approach: Some Lessons from Egyptian case
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Jun 24 2013 Elie I Bouri
  Correlation and Volatility of the MENA Equity Markets in Turbulent Periods, and Portfolio Implications
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Nov 09 2011 Chia Ricky Chee-Jiun and Lim Shiok Ye
  Stock Market Anomalies in South Africa and its Neighbouring Countries
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Apr 15 2011 Walid Chkili and Duc Khuong Nguyen
  Modeling the volatility of Mediterranean stock markets: a regime-switching approach
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Apr 07 2009 Cem Baslevent and Fatma El-hamidi
  Preferences for early retirement among older government employees in Egypt
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