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Jun 30 2024 Mathurin Aimé Mekam Pouatcha , Marilena Giannetti and Elton Beqiraj
  The relationship between FDI and population health in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of per-capita income
  Abstract  Contact Information  Citation  Full Text  -  Preliminary Result
Sep 30 2023 Valentine Soumtang Bime and Itchoko Motande Mondjeli Mwa Ndjokou
  Does institutional quality matter in financial development and income inequality nexus? new evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
  Abstract  Contact Information  Citation  Full Text  -  Preliminary Result
Apr 29 2016 Andrew Phiri
  Did the global financial crisis alter equilibrium adjustment dynamics between the US federal fund fund rates and stock price volatility in the SSA region?
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