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Mar 30 2024 Costas Siriopoulos and Dionisis Philippas
  Putting corona into hedge fund managers' head
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Jun 30 2023 Syed jawad hussain Shahzad , Elie Bouri and Román Ferrer
  Twitter sentiment and stock return volatility of US travel and leisure firms
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Jun 30 2022 Veronica Espaillat
  Offline events and online engagement: user reaction following mass shootings
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Feb 20 2022 Ngo Thai Hung
  The COVID-19 effects on cryptocurrency markets: robust evidence from time-frequency analysis
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Sep 17 2021 Juan G Brida , Bibiana Lanzilotta and Lucia I Rosich
  On the empirical relations between producers expectations and economic growth
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Sep 17 2021 Alexandre Garel and Benjamin Le pendeven
  Calendar effects and crowdfunded projects
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Aug 08 2020 Bruno Thiago Tomio
  Carry trade in developing and developed countries: A Granger causality analysis with the Toda-Yamamoto approach
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Jun 18 2020 Petar Sorić
  “Normal” growth of the Chinese economy: new metrics based on consumer confidence data
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Apr 29 2020 Cuiyuan Wang , Tao Wang and Changhe Yuan
  Does Applying Deep Learning in Financial Sentiment Analysis Lead to Better Classification Performance?
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Sep 07 2018 Harri Pönkä
  Sentiment and sign predictability of stock returns
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Dec 01 2017 Artem Meshcheryakov and Stoyu I Ivanov
  Investor's sentiment in predicting the Effective Federal Funds Rate
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Sep 03 2016 Orlando Gomes
  Exuberance and social contagion
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Mar 11 2015 Nicolas Vaillant and Véronique Flambard
  Economic conditions and confidence: Do changes in the consumption level affect the dynamics of confidence?
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Feb 21 2013 Francisca Beer , Fabrice Hervé and Mohamed Zouaoui
  Is Big Brother Watching Us? Google, Investor Sentiment and the Stock Market
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Jul 16 2012 Isamu Yamamoto and Kazuyasu Sakamoto
  What motivates volunteer work in an emergency? Evidence from the 2011 East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
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Apr 17 2012 Tomas Janotik
  Benedictine monasteries from the point of view of happiness economics
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Mar 25 2010 Luca Zanin
  The relationship between changes in the Economic Sentiment Indicator and real GDP growth: a time-varying coefficient approach
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Jan 11 2010 Samih A Azar
  Random risk aversion and the cost of eliminating the foreign exchange risk of the Euro
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Oct 14 2008 Gueorgui I. Kolev
  Forecasting aggregate stock returns using the number of initial public offerings as a predictor
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