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Jun 30 2024 Amparo Castello-Climent and Rafael Domenech
  Convergence in human capital and income
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Sep 30 2023 Harry A Patrinos and George Psacharopoulos
  Estimating returns to education: back to the short-cut
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Jun 30 2023 Zachary Knepper and Christopher Yencha
  Public skate-parks and community well-being: A spatial econometric study
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Nov 16 2022 Harry A Patrinos
  Returns to Education in Greece: Evidence from the 1977 Labor Market Survey using the Greek Civil War as an Instrument
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Jun 21 2018 Jannet Farida Jacob
  Human capital and higher education: rate of returns across disciplines
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Sep 13 2011 Marco Biagetti and Sergio Scicchitano
  Education and wage inequality in Europe
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Jan 04 2011 Marco Biagetti and Sergio Scicchitano
  Exploring the inter-industry wage premia in Portugal along the wage distribution: evidence from EU-SILC data
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Dec 05 2007 Terence Huw Edwards
  Returns to Education and the Mankiw-Romer-Weil result.
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Mar 07 2006 Patricia Stefani and Ciro Biderman
  Returns to Education and Wage Differentials in Brazil: A Quantile Approach
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