First Author:
Anna Maria Ferragina |
University of Salerno |
aferragina@unisa.it |
Via di Ponte don Melillo, Via di Ponte don Melillo |
Fisciano, 84084, Italy |
Second Author:
Adalgiso Amendola |
University of Salerno |
adamendola@unisa.it |
, Via di POnte don Melillo, University of Salerno |
Rome, 84084, Italy |
http://www.unisa.it/docenti/ferragina/index |
Third Author:
Rosanna Pittiglio |
Second University of Naples |
rosanna.pittiglio@unina2.it |
http:// |
Fourth Author:
Filippo Reganati |
University of Rome Sapienza |
filippo.reganati@uniroma1.it |
http:// |