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Economics Bulletin

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Notes, Comments, and Preliminary Results are peer-reviewed. Manuscripts must be in PDF format and comply with the following restrictions. Submissions that do not comply may receive bench rejected without further comment.
  • Be seven printed pages or fewer excluding tables, figures, and references.
  • Be in English.
  • Use 12pt Times Roman, CM (standard fonts for TeX and LaTeX) or other similar font.
  •  Be single spaced with one-inch margins.
  • Have Sections and Subsections numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals  (as in section 1. and subsection 1.2).  Section headings should be centered and in bold 14pt type.
  • Include figures, and tables should within the body manuscript in the correct place.
  • Does not have a title page or abstract included with the submitted PDF.
We use the JEL category you choose for your paper to identify appropriate referees and editors: Please think carefully about your choice! In particular: 

C1:Econometric and Statistical Methods: General

and the other "C" methodology JELs should only be used for papers that make a contribution to econometric theory, not for empirical papers in general.

A1:General Economics: General

is almost never informative as a JEL classification. Misclassified submissions may be declined without further review.

Do not include a title page with any submission: A standard title page will be generated from the metadata (your name, the abstract, the paper title, etc.) that you will be asked to provide through our submission interface. Thus, the first line of your PDF should be "1. introduction" or something similar.

Please check your metadata carefully: Report any errors you find to immediately.

No corrections are possible once a paper is published: Make sure everything is correct with both your manuscript and metadata as you submit a final draft. We cannot correct title pages, PDFs or metadata once a paper is published. A published paper is considered archival.

You may add additional coauthors to submitted and revised papers if appropriate. Once a paper is accepted, however, the set of authors if fixed. Coauthors cannot be added with a final draft.

Please do not request updates on the status of submitted papers for at least four months. We do our best to provide authors with decisions as quickly as possible, but finding referees willing to provide reports often require several attempts. We depend upon the voluntary, uncompensated efforts of referees to review papers, and the pace of editing is ultimately dependent on when they are able to find the time to give papers proper consideration.

Finally, please restrict yourself to no more than three submissions (including coauthored papers) per year. Submissions in excess of this will be declined without further review.

Formatting the Final Draft

  • Sections: Sections and subsections should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (as in Section 1. and Subsection 1.2). Section headings should be centered and in bold 16pt type.
  • Equations: Numbers for displayed equations should be placed in parentheses at the right margin. References to equations should use the form  “(3)”
  • Footnotes: Footnotes should be used sparingly and should be identified by superscripted Arabic numerals in order of their appearance. Do not use endnotes.
  • Figures: Figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Type sizes below 4 points should not be used.
  • Tables: Number tables consecutively with Roman numerals in order of appearance in the text. A short descriptive caption should be typed directly above each table.
  • References: Cite references in the text by author's surname and date of publication. The text citations can be given in the form “Tiebout (1956) claims that…”or “This casts doubt on the existence of equilibrium (see also Aivazian et al. 1987, and Harrison and McKee 1980).” References should be listed in alphabetical order and in descending order of date. Style and punctuate references according to the following examples.

Arrow, K. (1970) “The Organization of Economic Activity: Issues Pertinent to the Choice of Market Versus Non-market Allocations” in Public Expenditure and Policy Analysis by R.H. Havenman and J. Margolis, Eds., Markham: Chicago, 67-81

Benabou, Roland (1994) “Education, Income Distribution, and Growth: The Local Connection” NBER working paper number 4798

Berglas, E. (1976) “Distribution of tastes and skills and the provision of local public goods” Journal of Public Economics 6, 409-423.

Edgeworth, F.Y. (1881) Mathematical Psychics, Kegan Paul: London.

Mas-Colell, A and J. Silvestre (1991) “A Note on Cost-Share Equilibrium and Owner-Consumers” Journal of Economic Theory 54, 204-14.
  • For unpublished lectures or symposia, include the title of the paper, name of the sponsoring society in full and the date.
  • Note that it is permissible to include active hyperlinks in your manuscript if you choose.  Please use the formatting convention that hyperlinks be underlined but appear in black.
  • For other matters of style, authors should be guided by The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers 14th edition, 1993 University of Chicago Press.