First Author:
Flavio V. Vieira |
Institute of Economics, Federal University of Uberlandia and CNPq Associate Researcher, Brazil |
flaviovieira@ufu.br |
Instituto de Economia, Instituto de Economia, Universidade Federal de Uberlandia |
Uberlandia, 38400902, Brasil |
+553432162585(Phone) |
+553432162585(Fax) |
http://www.ie.ufu.br |
Second Author:
Cleomar Gomes da silva |
Institute of Economics, Federal University of Uberlandia and CNPq Associate Researcher, Brazil |
cleomargomes@ufu.br |
Av Joao Naves de Avila 2121, Instituto de Economia, Universidade Federal de Uberlandia |
Uberlandia, 38400902, Brazil |
+553432394157(Phone) |
http://www.ie.ufu.br |